Furnival Chambers > London, England > Set Profile

Chambers of Sally O’Neill and Michael Holland KC
Furnival Chambers
16 Took’s Court

London Bar > Crime Tier 2

Furnival Chambers is increasingly recognised as an ‘excellent set with a large number of highly-rated barristers from pupils to silks‘. Oliver Blunt KC acted for the defendant in a high-profile murder trial concerning the killing by a young man of an off-duty PCSO whilst she walked her dog in the woods. In one of her first murder trials after having taken silk, Rhiannon Crimmins KC acted for one defendant who was acquitted of murder charges in a case concerning joint enterprise shooting, this defendant claimed to have acted as ‘spotter’ without knowledge of the imminent shooting and in a subordinate role within the offending OCG. Nicola Shannon KC took silk in March 2023. Alexia Power was appointed a Circuit Judge in November 2023.

Leading Silks

Philippa McAtasney KC – Furnival Chambers  ‘Pippa is a top quality silk at the top of her game. She is a great jury advocate, robust and able to stand her ground when necessary. She is also an excellent speech-maker and juries absolutely love her. One of the best silks at the Bar.’ 
Ranked: Tier 1
Caroline Haughey KC – Furnival Chambers ‘Caroline is effervescent, enthusiastic and utterly charming – juries and judges take to her immediately. She is also a very effective advocate and a tough negotiator.’ 
Ranked: Tier 1
Caroline Carberry KC – Furnival Chambers 'Caroline has a calm and authoritative advocacy style which works well before judges and juries alike.' 
Ranked: Tier 2
Stephen Moses KCFurnival Chambers  ‘Stephen has an undeniable presence in the court room. He is appealing and immensely personable with juries while simultaneously authoritative when making submissions. He is meticulous in his preparation and always one step ahead tactically.' 
Ranked: Tier 2
Julia Smart KC – Furnival Chambers ‘Julia has an unswerving commitment to her cases and to her clients. She has a remarkable memory which means she can retain and recall salient facts in the course of litigation.' 
Ranked: Tier 3
Charlie Sherrard KC – Furnival Chambers ‘Charlie is a diligent silk who is easily contactable, meticulous in his case preparation, never leaves a stone unturned and a pleasure to work with. His advocacy style is measured and clever.' 
Ranked: Tier 3
Giles Cockings KC – Furnival Chambers 'Giles is a class act who works very hard. He takes on the stress and is a real team player. He is one of the best silks of his call and juries take to his wit and intelligence. He is fierce when he needs to be and invested in cases from the minute he is instructed. Giles is truly stunning counsel.' 
Ranked: Tier 3
Oliver Blunt KC – Furnival ChambersOliver does not have any weaknesses. He is fantastic at sifting through evidence and finding the relevant issues. He is also superb with clients. He is at the top of his game.’ 
Ranked: Tier 3
Sally O’Neill KC – Furnival Chambers ‘Sally’s cut-glass accent and impeccable court room manners conceal a shrewd and tactically astute advocate with supreme cross-examination skills. She presents her cases with charm and finesse, makes powerful and persuasive legal submissions and her authoritative manner easily gains her the confidence of the court.
Ranked: Tier 4

2022 Silks

Rhiannon Crimmins KC – Furnival Chambers 'Rhiannon is breathtakingly intelligent and beautifully eloquent. She is completely fearless in court, a great cross-examiner and a class act. She is also a calming influence who instils confidence and controls every situation she finds herself in.' 

2023 Silks

2024 Silks

Joel Smith KC – Furnival Chambers ‘Joel is a silk in waiting - he deals with evidence with an assured mastery of every nuance and inspires complete confidence in the jury with his every question. He has a firm grounding in the law and his advocacy sparkles.'

Leading Juniors

Ben Gordon – Furnival Chambers 'Ben is an absolute star. He always goes the extra mile and is wonderful to work with. He is hard-working and determined and his advocacy is intelligent and well-thought-through.' 
Ranked: Tier 3
Lucy Tapper – Furnival Chambers ‘Lucy is a deeply committed advocate. Clients are attracted to her ability to communicate complex ideas easily and succinctly in a manner that is easily digestible. She is always fully prepared for any conference or hearing and always has a comprehensive grasp of the case. Her advocacy is fluent and accomplished.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Adam Morgan – Furnival Chambers ‘Adam is a tenacious advocate who commands the confidence of the court. His judgement is excellent and clients are confident in his capabilities. Within the realms of the court room, he is a formidable force.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Shannon Revel – Furnival ChambersShannon is a fine advocate - she is persuasive, tenacious, hard-working and unflappable.' 
Ranked: Tier 4
Soraya BauwensFurnival Chambers ‘Soraya is an exceptional lawyer. She is strategic, diligent and is able to highlight the technical challenges in investigations.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Jon Swain – Furnival Chambers ‘Jon is undoubtedly top of his class both as a courtroom advocate and a lawyer. He is exceptionally gifted in his ability to cut through the chaos and confusion often found in paper-heavy cases and explain the key issues in a simple-to-understand formula. Jon is excellent with clients and is a well liked advocate with a pleasant but robust courtroom manner.' 
Ranked: Tier 4
Ranked: Tier 4


‘Steve Ball is a top clerk.’

‘Steve Ball is an absolute star.’

‘Chris Baptiste is excellent.’

‘The clerks are always extremely helpful and Steve is brilliant. He always manages to move things around to ensure consistency for clients.’

‘Furnival Chambers is known for quality advocates up and down the board.’

‘Furnival has enjoyed a period of growth as a set – attracting counsel of superb quality. Recent silk appointments attest to this, but also bright and astute juniors able to operate above their call. A thorough and testing advocacy training scheme sets pupils up well to jump in and make an impression from the outset. Advocates are well-liked and well-respected.’

‘Furnival has a number of exceptional advocates.’

Work highlights

London Bar > International crime and extradition Tier 3

Furnival Chambers‘ members continue to receive instructions in a range of high-profile extradition cases, with many instructions coming from the CPS. Leading Nicholas Hearn, Joel Smith KC is representing the CPS in USA v Tahilramani, extradition proceedings concerning a person known to be ‘Hollywood Con Queen’, involving allegations of defrauding aspiring actors and film workers by pretending to be high-profile figures in the entertainment industry and luring them to Indonesia, where they would pay inflated fees to a driver. Julia Farrant acted for a Polish judicial authority in an extradition matter related to a multi-handed conspiracy to traffic people from Poland to the UK. In a test of the new post-Brexit legislative framework, Hannah Burton was instructed in Badea v Romania a case considering if Article 597 of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement mandates a specific proportionality assessment when considering whether extradition is compatible with Article 8 of the ECHR under s.21 of the Extradition Act 2003.

2024 Silks

Joel Smith KCFurnival Chambers ‘Joel is an exceptional junior, whose knowledge of the law is first-rate, whose advocacy is flawless and whom everyone expects to be instructed in any extradition case of substance and difficulty.’   

Leading Juniors

Nicholas HearnFurnival Chambers ‘Nicholas is diligent in understanding the material of a case so that he can deploy it effectively before the court.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Julia FarrantFurnival Chambers ‘A superb barrister - clever, thoughtful and fluent. Paperwork of outstanding quality.‘  
Ranked: Tier 2
Hannah Burton – Furnival Chambers ‘She prosecutes robustly and fairly, and she has significant experience acting for issuing judicial authorities in complex extradition appeals before the High Court.’
Ranked: Tier 3


‘I have a lot of respect for the extradition team at Furnival.’

‘Excellent clerks, courteous and efficient.’

Work highlights

London Bar > Fraud: crime

Leading Silks

Giles Cockings KC – Furnival Chambers ‘Giles is an exceptional silk. He is an outstanding and charismatic advocate who is polished, sophisticated and charming. He is very skilled, highly intelligent, extremely articulate and is one of the best speech makers in the business. He is a master tactician with a finely tuned strategic brain and has a great insight as to how juries respond and they love him for it.' 
Ranked: Tier 3
Charles Sherrard KC – Furnival Chambers ‘Charlie is a sought-after advocate who has a jury-friendly manner. He is able to bring to life the sometimes drier aspects of a fraud trial.’ 
Ranked: Tier 4

London Bar > Proceeds of crime (POCA) and asset forfeiture

London Bar > Sport

Leading Juniors

Craig HarrisFurnival Chambers ‘He's a brilliant tactician, always has all angles of a negotiation or dispute covered. A brilliant lateral thinker who shows superb judgement at all times.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Photo Name Position Profile
Lisa Bald photo Lisa Bald Lisa’s practice covers the full spectrum of serious crime – allegations of…
Charlotte Bellamy photo Charlotte Bellamy Called 2017
Richard Bendall photo Richard Bendall Specialist practice areas: serious crime, criminal/civil fraud, serious sexual offences, asset forfeiture,…
Oliver Blunt photo Oliver Blunt Entirely defence-based practice specialising in murder, terrorism, fraud and drugs cases. Murder…
Iwona Boesche photo Iwona Boesche Called 2015
Terence Boulter photo Terence Boulter Called 1986
David Brock photo David Brock Called 1984
Hannah Burton photo Hannah Burton Barrister
Caroline Carberry photo Caroline Carberry Caroline has a high profile practice and is particularly known for her…
Darryl Cherrett photo Darryl Cherrett Called 2004
Giles Cockings photo Giles Cockings Giles Cockings QC is a well-respected Silk in Fraud and Serious Crime.…
Rhiannon Crimmins photo Rhiannon Crimmins Called 1999
Tim Devlin photo Tim Devlin Tim Devlin is regularly instructed by the Crown on his own or…
Oliver Doherty photo Oliver Doherty Well-regarded advocate with a quickly developing criminal and regulatory practice. Accepts instructions…
Sadaf Etemadi photo Sadaf Etemadi Called 2014
Kemi Fapohunda photo Kemi Fapohunda Exclusively criminal practice in both defence and prosecution, though mainly defence work.…
Julia Farrant photo Julia Farrant Called 2010
Sahara Fergus-Simms photo Sahara Fergus-Simms Called 2015
Chloe Fordham photo Chloe Fordham Instructed in the Crown Court and Magistrates’ Court for both prosecution and…
Timothy Forster photo Timothy Forster Priority interests: drugs importation, serious fraud, firearms, sexual offences (including those involving…
Lisa Freeman photo Lisa Freeman Acts for prosecution authorities (SFO, FCA, CPS, UKBA), companies, court appointed receivers,…
Ben Gordon photo Ben Gordon Since joining Furnival chambers as a first-six pupil in 2006, Ben has…
Keith Hadrill photo Keith Hadrill Keith’s practice encompasses serious and complex fraud, substantial drug importation and supply…
Craig Harris photo Craig Harris Call: 2006 Direct Access Qualified Ranked as a leading junior by The Legal…
Caroline Haughey photo Caroline Haughey Appointed Queen’s Counsel in 2018 Caroline continues to be instructed in the…
Roy Headlam photo Roy Headlam Priority interests: cases of fraud with numerous defendants, firearms, violent crime, drugs…
Nicholas Hearn photo Nicholas Hearn Nicholas is a criminal barrister who enjoys complementary practices in extradition and…
Richard Hearnden photo Richard Hearnden Specialist practice areas: serious crime, criminal/civil fraud, serious sexual offences, regulation/compliance, health…
Tulay Hodge photo Tulay Hodge Called 2014
Michael Holland photo Michael Holland Called 1984 / Silk 2006
Frida Hussain photo Frida Hussain Instructed as a leading junior as well as being led by Queens…
Andrew Jordan photo Andrew Jordan Specialist practice areas: serious crime, criminal/civil fraud, regulation/compliance, asset forfeiture, immigration.
John Kearney photo John Kearney Criminal practitioner with specialist knowledge of police operations and procedures. Particularly experienced…
Mandisa Knights photo Mandisa Knights Called 2013
Michael Latham photo Michael Latham Michael Latham has a particular interest in fraud and financial crime. Has…
Laban Leake photo Laban Leake Priority interests are drugs and confiscation, white-collar fraud and money laundering, and…
Harry  MacDonald  photo Harry MacDonald Call:2010
Parveen Mansoor photo Parveen Mansoor Called 1996
Nicholas Mather photo Nicholas Mather Acts alone and as a junior for both prosecution and defence in…
Nigel May photo Nigel May Exclusively criminal practice for over 20 years. Defence comprises the majority of…
Philippa McAtasney photo Philippa McAtasney Called 1985 / Silk 2006
Ronan McCann photo Ronan McCann Called 2010
Chris Meredith photo Chris Meredith Specialist practice areas: serious crime, criminal/civil fraud, asset forfeiture, inquests and public…
Adam Morgan photo Adam Morgan Called 1996
Stephen Moses photo Stephen Moses All areas of criminal defence work undertaken. Stephen has led a number…
Charlotte O'Connor photo Charlotte O'Connor Called 1999
Sally O'Neill photo Sally O'Neill Sally O’Neill QC has been consistently ranked as a leading Silk in crime…
Rishy Panesar photo Rishy Panesar Called 2004
Alexia Power photo Alexia Power Alexia is a leading junior and known as an exceptional jury advocate…
Shannon Revel photo Ms Shannon Revel Called 2014
Nicola Shannon KC photo Nicola Shannon KC Nicola Shannon has a successful Leading Junior practice in Crime, both prosecuting…
Neerja Sharma photo Neerja Sharma Called 1998
Sophie Sharpe photo Sophie Sharpe called 2014
Kane Sharpe photo Kane Sharpe Called 2017
Charles Sherrard photo Charles Sherrard Recognised and ranked in Crime & Financial Crime, Charlie’s practice & name…
Lefi Siatta photo Lefi Siatta Called 1992
Trevor Siddle photo Trevor Siddle Called 1991
Julia Smart photo Julia Smart Called 1993 / Silk 2019
Emma Smith photo Emma Smith Specialist practice areas: serious crime, criminal/civil fraud, serious sexual offences. Emma Smith…
Joel Smith KC photo Joel Smith KC Practises in crime and extradition, both defending and prosecuting. Criminal practice involves…
Yusuf Solley photo Yusuf Solley Called 2009
Joanna Staples photo Joanna Staples Call: 2003
Jon Swain photo Jon Swain Specialises in criminal law, especially large scale drugs cases, white-collar fraud and…
Lucy Tapper photo Lucy Tapper Barrister called 2002
Andrew Taylor photo Andrew Taylor Called 2015
Christopher Waymont photo Christopher Waymont Called 2014
Julian Winship photo Julian Winship In the last three years, Julian has been engaged in seven murder…

Last year chambers joined the “Bridging the Bar” initiative with the aim of improving access to the Bar and raising awareness of the profession by providing mini-pupillages to those from backgrounds which have historically been under represented at the Bar.

We are committed to providing at least 5 mini-pupillages per year through the scheme and in June this year two mini-pupillages were successfully completed.

Chambers has also committed to the 10,000 Black Interns Scheme, due to commence in the Autumn. The aim of this being to allow interns to experience life at the Criminal Bar over a longer period than typically provided by a mini-pupillage and funding the internship so that those taking part are not disadvantaged by taking part.

Chambers has also implemented a mentoring scheme, designed to support junior members in their first years of practice, with the aim of decreasing the attrition rate of young members of the Bar. Junior members are paired with senior members of chambers who then act as their mentor, providing guidance and assistance to the junior member which otherwise may not have been available or that they felt able to seek.