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Caroline Haughey KC

Caroline Haughey KC

Work Department

Practice areas: Crime, regulatory, coroners inquests and public enquiries.


Appointed Queen’s Counsel in 2018 Caroline continues to be instructed in the most high profile and complex of Human Trafficking / Modern Slavery Cases. As author of the Firstly Modern Slavery Review - and joint legal adviser on the Second Modern Slavery Act review she advises and lectures on the implementation of her recommendations on a policing, practitioner, judicial and government level internationally and domestically.  She is also a contributor to 2nd edition “Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Law and Practice.

She successfully prosecuted the first child sex exploitation and the first child labour exploitation under the Act, the latter, was the subject of the BBC2 “Crown Prosecutors” series. She has successfully prosecuted the largest labour exploitation case in Europe “Operation Fort” with over 300 victims (BBC 1 Panorama Program “The Slave Kings”.)

She has particular skill in the prosecution of OCG’s with an international dimension and has significant experience in dealing with JITs’ and foreign evidence.

Caroline’s defence practice is focused on murder, serious violence and drugs alongside cases with disclosure issues at the fore. She has expertise in areas of complex forensic evidence: LCN DNA, entomology, causation etc. She appears before disciplinary panels and provides early intervention guidance to corporate bodies and private individuals on both criminal and regulatory matters.

She was awarded an OBE in 2019 for her public service in the field of modern slavery and human trafficking.


Called 1999;  former lecturer in Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act, Criminology and Advocacy at UEL; QC 2018.PUBLICATIONS:

Modern Slavery Act 2015 review: one year on – Second Modern Slavery Act review 2019 joint legal advisor. Co Author together with Professor Padfield and Riel Karmy – Jones QC Criminal Law Review editorial on Modern Slavery.  Contributing author of  4 chapters of CPAUK Modern Slavery E Handbook for Parliamentarians.

Editorial contributor to Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Law and Practice 2nd Edition.(Bloomsbury press)


Conversational French.


Middle Temple, CBA, member of the Northern Ireland Bar, retired member of the Bar Standards Professional Conduct Committee, retired Kalisher Trust Trustee, retired Concord Trust,  formally External Examiner in Criminal Law for the BSB,  Trustee Anti Slavery Collective, Trinity College,  Dublin. Provosts council member,  HUman Traffickng Council,  McCain Institute.


Wycombe Abbey. Trinity College, Dublin (LLB).


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