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Lucy Fairclough

Lucy Fairclough


Lucy is an experienced advocate specialising in child law. Prior to specialising in family law, Lucy also practised at the criminal bar prosecuting and defending offences including serious sexual offences and domestic violence. This background has provided Lucy with invaluable experience, skills and knowledge that is particularly beneficial in cases involving and issues of sexual abuse, non-accidental injury, domestic violence and in cases requiring cross examination of a child. In the court room Lucy is a robust and tenacious advocate; with her clients Lucy is able to give firm and clear advice whilst remaining compassionate and sympathetic.

Specialist areas Adoption and Special Guardianship Care Proceedings Child Arrangements Domestic Violence


Call: 2005


Family Law Bar Association Grays Inn Midland Circuit Women in Family Law


Law School: Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University (2005)

University: University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne (2003)


Midland Circuit • Regional Bar

Family: children and domestic abuse

Leading junior2
Lucy Fairclough – Harcourt Chambers ‘Lucy is an incredible advocate. It is a skill that seems to come so naturally to her and her style is both effective and disarming. She is meticulous with her preparation and she fights fiercely for her clients and is able to build rapport with the most vulnerable clients incredibly quickly as she is both down to earth and sincere.'