Harcourt Chambers is widely regarded as ‘a brilliant chambers with an extraordinary variety of talented barristers’ based in London and Oxford and operating on the Midlands circuit in the field of family and children law. Head of chambers Nick Goodwin KC is ’an exceptional barrister’ whose children work involves both public and private law proceedings, including adoption and placement decisions. He has recently handled several medically complex cases concerning the death of or serious injuries sustained by children. ‘Tenacious advocate’ Aidan Vine KC is regularly instructed in relation to child abduction and care cases, including those involving brain injuries and fatalities. Lucy Fairclough is widely praised for her advocacy style which is ’both effective and disarming’ as well as for building ‘rapport with the most vulnerable clients incredibly quickly’. Natasha Miller has appeared at all levels of the family courts, up to and including the Court of Appeal, while Paige Campbell is a notable name at junior-junior level.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • 'Matt Molloy is helpful and quick to respond to requests.'
  • 'The clerks are extremely helpful and are always available to assist.  They are always willing to assist and be flexible when required.  Matt Molloy in particular is extremely helpful. '
  • 'Harcourt Chambers' clerks are always available and extremely helpful. They are a go-to set of chambers as the standard of counsel is extremely high.'
  • 'This set of chambers has very good strength in depth especially in the public law area . Counsel are consistently of a high quality and interchangeable when required with no loss of expertise and competence.'
  • 'This chambers has a great strength in terms of quality in the area of family law and there is always a suitable and appropriate advocate to cover a case if your preferred advocate is not available. They have a specialism in family law and high quality from juniors to KCs.'
  • 'Harcourt Chambers is a brilliant chambers with an extraordinary variety of talented barristers who specialise in a variety of different areas of law.'
  • 'Harcourt is, without doubt, one of the best sets in the country. At every level of seniority its barristers bring true expertise and commitment to their cases.'


Leading Silks
KCs at the very top of their field, with a long-established record of market-defining cases, and widespread endorsement from clients and peers. All silks appointed in the last two rounds are listed further below.
Aidan Vine KC
Harcourt Chambers
‘Aidan is a tenacious advocate; his written documents are always detailed and well-researched and in oral advocacy he will pursue his argument as far as he can.'
John Vater KC
Harcourt Chambers
‘John is a strong and skillful barrister and a master tactician. He is someone that you want on your side. He has excellent client care skills but, equally, is a strong and forceful advocate. His cross-examination skills are second to none, particularly with expert witness in complicated medical legal cases. A first-choice counsel.'
Nick Goodwin KC
Harcourt Chambers
‘Nick is exceptionally clever and a quick thinker. He understands what judges need and judges look to him to distill complex issues during a hearing. Nick is highly knowledgeable and is often the best lawyer in the room. He is also really personable and approachable and clients really like working with him.’


Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Matthew Brookes-Baker
Harcourt Chambers
'Matthew is one of the most effective and committed advocates around. He is clear and focused with every line he takes - a real force to be reckoned with.'
Harcourt Chambers
 ‘Hannah is a fantastically skilled and knowledgeable advocate. Her advocacy is first class and she puts forward arguments clearly, effectively and politely. Hannah is always polite, courteous, available to have conferences, proactive, and efficient.'
Daniel Sheridan
Harcourt Chambers
‘Daniel is fantastic at analysing vast amounts of evidence and focusing on the overarching issues without losing the importance of the finer details. He has great client care and is sensitive and thoughtful of the client's situation.'
Margaret Styles
Harcourt Chambers
 ‘Margaret has great attention to detail, is a great negotiator, goes the extra mile, is brilliant at drafting and great on her feet. She is also a strong and brilliant advocate.'
Lucy Fairclough
Harcourt Chambers
‘Lucy is an incredible advocate. It is a skill that seems to come so naturally to her and her style is both effective and disarming. She is meticulous with her preparation and she fights fiercely for her clients and is able to build rapport with the most vulnerable clients incredibly quickly as she is both down to earth and sincere.'
Martha Gray
Harcourt Chambers
Simon Miller
Harcourt Chambers
‘Simon is a very safe pair of hands for even the most complex of care cases. He is always well prepared, his paperwork is exceptional, and he is compelling on his feet.'
Oliver Powell
Harcourt Chambers
‘Oliver is laser focused and takes a meticulous approach. He is always well prepared and often explains complex facts and legal principles clearly and effectively. He is calm which is always well received and is truly a safe pair of hands.'
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Natasha Miller
Harcourt Chambers
‘Natasha is an exceptional advocate; she is compelling and persuasive with laser-like focus on the key issues.’
Paige Campbell
Harcourt Chambers
‘Paige is an exceptional barrister. She is professional and diligent. Her position statements are a work of art and her preparation is superb. There are only a few barristers at the Bar like Paige, she is at the top of the game. She is already a leading specialist in the field at such young age.’