4 King's Bench Walk
4KBW was established by a group of seven barristers in 1972, and has now grown to become a set of 52 members offering excellence in advocacy and advisory services at all levels of seniority. We are a dedicated common law set offering expertise in a range of practice areas including Chancery (including private client, trusts and probate), crime, defamation and media, employment, Family, Housing, Immigration, Personal Injury and Regulatory law. A number of our barristers are specialists in one of these areas, whilst others offer a breadth of experience across the common law. The range of expertise of our members ensures that we can effectively advise and advocate in each case to achieve the best outcome for our clients.
- Gavin Holme (1999) (Head of Chambers)
- Richard Atkins KC (1989; 2011)
- Clare Evans (1995)
- Nadia Chbat (1996)
- Olive Lycourgou (1997)
- Piers Martin (1997)
- Janick Fielding (1997)
- Romana Canneti (1997)
- John Upton (1998)
- Kirsten Allan (1998)
- Isaac Maka (1998) (Head of Immigration)
- Lee Harris (1999)
- Edward Raw (1963)
- Robert Salis (1999)
- Justyn Turner (2001)
- Jerome Silva (2001)
- Chris Bryden (2003) (Joint Deputy Head of Chambers; Head of Family; Head of Property)
- Michaella Jacobs (2003)
- Naomi Carpenter (2004)
- Richard Moss (2005) (Head of Crime)
- Edward Culver (2005)
- Keith Webster (2006)
- Sophie Chaplin (2007)
- Naomi Perry (1974)
- Charles Sinclair (2007)
- Phillipe Bonavero (2008)
- Katherine Illsley (2010) (Joint Deputy Head of Chambers)
- Kate Jones (2013)
- Adam Williams (2013)
- Lucy Limbrey (2013)
- Philip Anderson (2014)
- Ben Haseldine (2014)
- Rhian Wood (2015)
- Nilay Shastry (2015)
- Peter Fortune (1978)
- Jyoti Wood (2016)
- Kirsty Day (2016)
- Tori Adams (2016)
- Daniel Wand (2016)
- Alex Maunders (2017)
- Jennifer Lanigan (2018)
- Adele Pullarp (2018)
- Josh Stamp-Simon (2018)
- Karen Staunton (2020)
- Ciara Moran (2021)
- Gwynn Price-Rowlands (1985)
- Tabitha Everett 2021)
- Brian Lett KC (1971; 2008) (Door Tenant)
- Nicholas Doherty (1983) (Door Tenant)
- Anne-Marie Critchley (1999) (Door Tenant)
- Justine Davidge (2001) (Door Tenant)
- Zeena Begum (2009) (Door Tenant)
- Georgia Whiting (2011) (Door Tenant)
- James Batten (2013) (Door Tenant)
- Surinder Bhakar (1986)
- Andrew Granville Stafford (1987) (Head of Civil)
- Kim Preston (1991)
- Suzanne Palmer (1995) (Head of Employment)