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Christopher Paxton KC

Christopher Paxton KC

Red Lion Chambers, South East


Chris is cited in both the Legal 500 and Chambers UK directories. He is a highly regarded criminal advocate who both defends and prosecutes. He provides leadership when leading large teams, brings strategic oversight to complex issues and is a highly persuasive advocate. His client care is excellent, and he has an approachable manner, instilling his clients with confidence in even the most challenging situations.

His work covers a broad range of disciplines. He has extensive experience in Murder & Manslaughter, Fraud, Serious & Organised crime, serious Sexual Offences, road transport and regulatory work, and has appeared in a wide range of courts and tribunals. Many of his cases have involved very young and vulnerable witnesses, and he has represented many young and vulnerable clients. He has experience of prosecuting cases for the CPS (including the Complex Case Unit), DVSA, GMC and local authorities.

Chris defends both private individuals and companies and has particular expertise in the road transport and regulatory field; he works throughout the England and Wales both in courts, tribunals and in an advisory capacity.  He has also advised in a broad range of cases including IPCC submissions as well as utilising his forensic skills to assist in civil litigation.


Year of call: 1991

Inn: Grays

Year made KC: 2019

Head of Red Lion Chambers' Chelmsford Annexe

CPS Grade 4 (highest grade) and RASSO panel


EDSM Retention Panel member

Criminal Bar Association

Essex Bar Mess

South Eastern Circuit

Gray’s Inn


Cardiff University LLB (Hons)


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