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Red Lion Chambers

Region Area


Red Lion Chambers [“RLC”] can demonstrate its commitment to equality of opportunity and in some areas, we significantly outperform the Bar statistics.

Gender: In the 100th year of women at the Bar, 35% of QCs in Chambers are female against the Bar statistics of 15.8%. This year, 75% of our pupils are female as against the Bar average of 50%.

Non-traditional: Almost half of our members (46%) were the first in their family to go to University and just under half (47%) coming from a UK state school background compared to 39% of members who were educated privately.

We reflect the Bar statistics in that:

  • 58% of tenants are male and 38% female.
  • 78% of members define themselves as British White. 13% identify as from ‘Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds meeting the representation at the Bar and
  • 6% identify as having a disability.

Corporate social responsibility

  • Over half of our members (51%) work in roles supporting a range of charitable institutions or community organisations often from Board level down and across a wide range of entities, including schools, housing, legal, BME, female and sports. 34% have worked with the organisations for over 5 years demonstrating a long-standing commitment.
  •  This year RLC set up projects with ELBA [East London Business Alliance] and UEL Open Doors which aim to provide mentoring and training, opening access to the legal profession and motivating the recipients to achieve their potential.
Content supplied by Red Lion Chambers