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Barnaby Jameson KC

Barnaby Jameson KC


Barnaby Jameson KC is a barrister with globally recognised expertise in terrorism and terrorist funding. He has appeared in many of the most serious terrorist trials this century from 21/7(conspiracy to bomb the London Underground) to more recent cases involving neo-Nazi terror groups concerned in political assassination. He has unique experience of both Islamic terrorism and neo-Nazi terrorism (‘White Jihad’).

In addition to his court practice, Barnaby lectures the United Nations, foreign governments and the UK Parole Board on terrorism law.


Call: 1993

Silk: 2018

Attorney-General’s Crime Panel Counsel (A Panel) (2006)

CPS Panel Advocate (Grade 4) (2012)


‘Terrorism’ chapter, Archbold Criminal Pleading, editor with Haddon-Cave LJ

‘Prevention of Terrorist Attacks on the Basis of Xenophobia, Racism or other Forms of Intolerance’ chapter, Manual of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, editor


French, Greek


Criminal Bar Association, Chatham House


Universities of:

Cambridge, London,

Aix-Marseille III,

City University,

Inns of Court School of Law.