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Francesca Kirby

Francesca Kirby


Francesca has a busy Crime practice defending and prosecuting a broad range of offences in the Crown Court and Magistrates Court. This has included appearing in cases involving Serious Violence, Sexual Offences, Drugs Offences and Restraint, Civil Recovery & Confiscation proceedings.

She has experience in representing vulnerable clients, including youths and those with mental health issues. She has dealt with cases involving fitness to plead issues and cases requiring intermediaries.

Francesca is a member of the Dobbs Review Team considering whether the issues relating to HBOS Reading were investigated and appropriately reported to authorities at the time by LBG, following its acquisition of HBOS.

During the course of her pupillage at Red Lion Chambers, Francesca developed an interest in Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking offences. She assisted Kate Bex KC and Paul Evans on Operation Piberia, a county lines trafficking trial, and Riel Karmy Jones KC in researching and editing four sections of the 2019 edition of Archbold (Chapter 19 Offences Against the Person), including the section on Modern Slavery.

Francesca also has experience of Inquests & Inquiries, having been instructed to assist Adam Wiseman KC in his role as Counsel to the inquest touching the death of Ellie Butler.

Prior to joining chambers Francesca worked at the Free Representation Unit as the Assistant Legal Officer representing pro bono clients in employment and social security matters. This included representing clients at tribunals and the Employment Appeal Tribunal.


Year of Call: 2016

Inner Temple, Profumo Scholarship and Major Exhibition Award.


Archbold, 2019, Chapter 19 – Assisted Riel Karmy Jones KC in the updating and editing sections of Chapter 19 Offences against the person Archbold 2019


BPTC City Law School: Outstanding

LLB University of Kent: First Class Honours