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The set: 6KBW College Hill holds a pre-eminent position in criminal and public law and has been at the forefront of the expansion of the criminal law into related areas of civil law. 6KBW is renowned for cases concerning financial crime, public law, extradition, proceeds of crime, asset forfeiture, inquests and public inquires. Members frequently appear in the Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court and the European Court of Human Rights in cases involving some of the most important and high-profile issues.

Work undertaken
Crime: 6KBW is universally acknowledged as one of the leading sets in the field. Historically, 6KBW’s work has included: the trial of the killers of Stephen Lawrence and the ensuing review which led to the undercover policing
inquiry, the 21/7 and airline bomb plots, the ‘phone hacking’ trials, Marine A, Rolf Harris, advisory work arising from the Hillsborough inquest, John Worboys and Carl Beech.

Corporate and financial crime: 6KBW’s strength in handling serious and complex financial crime is longstanding. Members have acted in all the landmark financial crime cases of the last 20 years: Barclays Bank, Rolls-
Royce, BAE Systems, Mabey & Johnson, Polly Peck, British Airways price fixing, Tchenguiz & Adoboli. Members have been instructed to defend and prosecute corporates and individuals in the SFO’s large, high-profile ‘blockbuster’
investigations including: Rolls-Royce, Barclays, GSK, Tesco, Alstom, Libor, Euribor, Soma Oil, Unaoil, ENRC, McKenzie v SFO, Tata Steel, Quindell Plc, G4S, Airbus, BAT & Amec Foster Wheeler.

Administrative and public law: 6KBW has a strong public law presence and leads the field in cases concerning national security; policing; prisons and prosecutorial decisions. Recent cases include: Ibrahim, Mohammed,
Omar & Abdurahman v UK (ECtHR: Article 6 challenge by the 21/7 bombers), Beghal v DPP (Supreme Court: challenge to police terrorism powers), Stott v Justice Secretary (Supreme Court: challenge to extended determinate sentences), S1 and Ors v Home Secretary (Court of Appeal: leading case on ECtHR extraterritoriality in nationality deprivation decisions), KBR v SFO (High Court: concerning the territorial scope of the SFO’s powers, pending appeal to the Supreme Court) and R (Soma Oil) v SFO (High Court: challenging prosecutorial decision making).

Extradition: 6KBW has an excellent reputation in extradition, frequently acting for requested persons and judicial authorities in the most high-profile cases. Members are regularly instructed in leading extradition cases in the Supreme Court and the European Court of Human Rights. Chambers has been instructed to act for individuals in a high number of complex Russian extradition cases, including the leading case of Shmatko v the Russian Federation, in which a businessman’s extradition was refused on appeal. Members’ first-class knowledge of both extradition and broader European criminal law is an asset to its clients.

International: Members often provide advice and representation to governments, corporates and individuals in numerous jurisdictions around the world. Chambers’ work has included: the trial of Donald Tsang, former Chief
Executive of Hong Kong, the trial of the Kwok Brothers (Hong Kong) and the trial of McKeeva Bush, former President of the Cayman Islands. Members are also frequently instructed in appeals to the Privy Council.

Inquests and Public Inquiries: Members have had a long association with high profile inquests, having acted in the Tunisia and Deepcut inquests, and have represented families at the inquests arising from the terror attacks at
London Bridge, Westminster Bridge and Manchester Arena. Chambers has a strong presence in Public Inquiry work, assisting in the Undercover Policing Inquiry, Al-Sweady, Leveson, Grenfell Tower, and the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.

POCA and asset forfeiture: 6KBW has acted in most of the Supreme Court cases of the last decade, including Ahmad, Eastenders, GH, Guraj, McCormick, and Gibson. Members currently act in multi-million-pound restraint and forfeiture applications, including requests from many foreign jurisdictions. Where judicial review involves a POCA element, 6KBW is the obvious choice where recent cases include Krager, Necip, Takkar v MOJ and E v HMP Hatfield; Emu. In addition, members of chambers have been involved in a number of leading cases on civil recovery, in particular Azam, O’Docherty, Hymans, Agidi, Surin and Abacha, and have appeared in the Business and Property Court in matters related to confiscation proceedings. Members of chambers also edit and contribute to Millington and Sutherland Williams on the Proceeds of Crime, the leading practitioner text in this area.


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