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Timothy Cray KC

Timothy Cray KC


With 33 years of trial experience, including seven years as Senior Treasury Counsel at the Central Criminal Court, Timothy is widely recognised as one of the leading silks at the criminal bar.

Timothy is instructed for individuals as well as corporates in all areas of criminal litigation, but with a particular emphasis on financial and business crime, as well as cases with parallel civil and regulatory proceedings.   His background of leading prosecutions at the highest level is often called upon in cases where sensitive engagement with domestic and international prosecuting authorities and departments of state becomes necessary.

Timothy has never sought inclusion in any legal journal and relies on the judgment of his peers and his reputation for delivering results.

White Collar Crime

Timothy has prosecuted notable cases on behalf of the SFO, OFT (now the CMA) and HMRC and secured the first convictions under the Bribery Act 2010 for the SFO (R v West and Whale [2016] EWCA Crim 742.

He has a substantial advisory practice which includes advising Magic Circle and leading US firms.  He was instructed as specialist counsel to advise corporates by Skadden Arps in a multi jurisdiction corruption litigation; Addleshaw Goddard to advise on an Insider dealing allegation; Freshfields for a complex HMRC banking investigation and Arnold and Porter to give strategic advice relevant to multi-national clients on compliance and anti-corruption issues.

Timothy also advises individuals cradle to grave in a range of asset protection matters including confiscation, asset security litigation, restraint orders and search and seizure.  He advises on novel points of law including LLP and sanctions.  Recent instructions include from Enyo Law in an Eastern Bloc asset protection and sanctions case and from Sonn Macmillan Walker in ongoing fraud based litigation.

Serious Sexual Offences

Regularly instructed in guideline and notable cases involving sensitive allegations where reputation management is required in addition to litigation, Timothy acted in a leading case on reasonable belief in consent (MAB v The Queen [2013] EWCA Crim 3), and the guideline case on arranging child sex offences (Privett and others [2020] EWCA Crim 557).

Timothy is currently instructed as lead prosecution counsel in the case of Benjamin Mendy (Manchester City and French International footballer) and another in relation to multi-complainant rape allegations.

High Profiles Cases

Over the last two decades, Timothy has appeared in many of the  most newsworthy cases including the conspiracy to steal £26million from the celebrities Tamara Ecclestone and Frank Lampard, (R v Maltese and others; (, the prosecution of a special forces soldier at first instance and on appeal (R v Danny Nightingale; ( and the first trial by judge alone in 400 years (R v Twomey and Others [2011] 1 Cr App R 29 CA (


During his time at Senior Treasury Counsel, Timothy directly advised the Attorney General, Solicitor General and DPP on homicide and serious crime issues of national importance, including deaths in custody, police killings, assisted suicide and medical negligence. He appeared and advised in 57 homicide trials and 84 appellate cases from 2014 to 2021. Representative examples of homicide cases are serial killing (‘Tony Montana’ murder –;), killings by medical professionals, nurse Ledesma,; Surgeon Khan,, killings involving police and armed forces: PC Brehmer ULS appeal,, [2021] EWCA Crim.390, Gang and Contract killings, Lee McKnight murder 2021


Called 1989 Senior Treasury Counsel 2014 -2020 Williams Review on Medical Manslaughter Steering Committee 2019


University of Durham, LLB (Hons) Law.