Region Area


Apex is one of Wales’ leading sets, providing specialist expertise in criminal, regulatory and disciplinary law.

Apex was set up in 2007 to re-imagine what a provincial chambers could be, with an emphasis on specialisation. It brought together established advocates from Wales and England with a shared commitment to employing the highest level of expertise, the finest advocacy and the greatest determination in client care and service.

Chambers provides advice and assistance across the UK and throughout the criminal process; members regularly advise on the conduct of cases prior to charge and at appellate level. Many members sit as recorders and recently chambers’ success has been rewarded with a silk appointment and two judicial appointments to the circuit bench.

Types of work undertaken: Members prosecute and defend in all types of serious crime, including serious fraud and large-scale regulatory conspiracies throughout England and Wales. Members of chambers are regularly instructed by the CPS complex crime unit to prosecute the highest profile cases on the Wales circuit. Chambers regularly undertakes criminal and disciplinary work on behalf of police officers, including extensive experience in the Police Appeals Tribunal. Members also act for doctors and sportspeople in tribunals, and some barristers have developed an associated specialism in employment law.

Chambers has traditionally had strong ties representing and advising local authorities throughout Wales. In recent years, chambers has built upon this foundation and strengthened links with authorities throughout England. Chambers provides a comprehensive service to local authorities, including extensive and highly regarded training for officers and lawyers enforcing regulatory law. Members of chambers have also advised upon legislation in the National Assembly on behalf of consumer organisations such as Consumer Focus (Wales).

Members of chambers are on the HSE list of approved prosecutors, and are panel members appointed to provide specialist legal advocacy and advisory work for the Welsh government.

Members of chambers also prosecute on behalf of the illegal money lending unit and Natural Resources Wales. Many such cases also involve confiscation proceedings for very significant sums under the Proceeds of Crime Act.

Members of chambers are able to conduct public access work in their areas of specalism.

Chambers prides itself on a flexible approach to working arrangements to suit the client, and is gearing up for the changes set to affect the legal market place.

Please contact the clerks to discuss tailored packages for all public access work, including cradle-to-grave prosecutions or defence work.