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Members of chambers act in relation to every aspect of the enforcement and licensing of all intellectual property rights including:

  • Patents, technology transfers, plant variety rights, pharmaceutical and environmental regulatory compliance.
  • Trade marks and passing off, unfair competition, trade libel, domain names, sports and character merchandising, franchising, and corporate sponsorship.
  • Copyright, registered and unregistered designs, copyright tribunals, database rights, trade secrets, counterfeiting and criminal remedies.

Our members have consistently appeared in the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (IPEC) more than any other chambers throughout the last decade. Our barristers regularly appear before the High Court, the Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court, the United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO), the European Patent Office and on a transitional basis, the CJEU.

Hogarth Chambers are well known for providing an illuminating roster of seminars and conferences, covering a wide spectrum of Intellectual Property matters. For more detail, click EVENTS

A huge number of the leading texts in the IP field are edited or contributed to by our members, including:

  • Copinger & Skone James on Copyright
  • Tritton on Intellectual Property in Europe
  • CIPA Guide to the Patents Act (the ‘Black Book’)
  • Gurry on Breach of Confidence
  • A User’s Guide to Trade Marks and Passing Off
  • A Practical Guide to Trade Mark Law
  • The Modern Law of Trade Marks (6th Edition, sub nom Morcom on Trade Marks)