
Drummond Miller is committed to providing pro bono legal advice to those most in need, regardless of their situation.

Our immigration department has a long history of running surgeries in collaboration with community groups where people can seek much-needed legal advice, such as at the Pakistan Society of Edinburgh and the Fife Arabic Society. Each month we also provide a free legal surgery at Shakti Women’s Aid, where we advise black minority ethnic women on their immigration status in cases where there has been relationship breakdown due to domestic abuse.

In the run up to Brexit, our immigration team has travelled across Scotland – from the Central Belt to the Highlands and Islands – speaking at seminars on the rights of EEA nationals and their family members to remain in the UK. These events have been delivered as part of the EU Citizens’ Rights Project Scotland.

Our family law team runs a free drop in service from our Dalkeith office every fortnight. This legal clinic receives referrals from third party organisations, such as the Citizens Advice Bureau and advises individuals on matters such as separation, divorce and contact.

Throughout the year our firm also supports charitable causes with partners and staff raising money through events such as the Macmillan Coffee Morning.

This work is at the heart of what we do – we believe no one should be deprived of legal advice or assistance, no matter the position they are in.

Content supplied by Drummond Miller LLP