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Charlotte  Georges

Charlotte Georges

4PB, London

Work Department

36 Family


Charlotte  is a specialist family law barrister, specialising in children proceedings acting in both complex public and private law matters; regularly appearing in the High Court.

Charlotte regularly undertakes cases involving child abduction with experience in both hague and non-hague removals, international children cases involving applications for leave to remove (internal and external)  and wardship proceedings.

Charlotte brings empathy to her cases, is always extremely well prepared and quickly earns the trust of her clients.

Notable Cases:

Re SL (Permission to Vaccinate) [2017] EWHC 125 (Fam) - Leading case on vaccination of a child, led by Hannah Markham QC.

X and Y (Children : Final judgment) [2017] EWFC B118 (11 November 2016) - Instructed by the LA in matter in which the Mother was found to have fabricated illness in both children.


Call 2007




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