4PB is ‘a great set of public and private children law barristers’. The set’s members have expertise in all areas of private children’s law, public law proceedings and the international aspects of children’s law. Jo Delahunty KC, who is known for her ’empathetic, authoritative and persuasive advocacy’. With ‘a firm grasp on the complexities’ and ’exceptionally good on his feet’, Charles Hale KC handles the most complex and serious child abduction and relocation cases. Turning to the set’s juniors, Jacqueline Renton  is regarded as ‘articulate and persuasive in court’ and is experienced at handling both domestic and international children’s law cases. Simon Rowbotham joined the team in October 2023.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • 'Josh Patel is extremely helpful and capable of finding answers for clients.'
  • 'Michael Reeves runs a tight ship, and under his leadership, his clerk's team provides an excellent and efficient service. Each team member is also extremely personable. Paul Hennessey, Kenny Martin, Jamie Byrne, and Glenn Bennett deserve to be singled out amongst the best clerks.'
  • '4PB are an excellent set. The range of experience and skill it has at the Bar make it a go-to for children's law work.'
  • '4PB is excellent in family law area as a whole, and a depth of knowledge which is almost unrivalled for family law.'
  • '4PB is a go-to set for children's cases. The range, depth and quality of counsel are impressive.'


Leading Silks
KCs at the very top of their field, with a long-established record of market-defining cases, and widespread endorsement from clients and peers. All silks appointed in the last two rounds are listed further below.
‘Henry is superb at technically detailed cases and those with complex jurisdictional issues. His knowledge and depth of understanding of international family law are immense, and he is a go-to silk on international cases. He is a great tactician. His style, intellect and persuasiveness always impress.’
'Jo’s advocacy is empathetic, authoritative and persuasive. She has a firm grasp of the complexities and provides a simple view through the difficult issues.'
‘Piers is an excellent advocate and is known as one of the stand-out children’s law silks at the family Bar. He is a fair and friendly opponent.’
‘Alex is always very well-prepared and the clients love him. He has a great bedside manner and is able to explain relatively complex issues in a very easy-to-understand way.’
‘Charles is a powerful and persuasive advocate with considerable emotional intelligence and confidence. He is a go-to in complex children’s matters, particularly with cross-jurisdictional complexities. He is charming and knowledgeable with lawyers in other jurisdictions, leading with significant gravitas and a pearl of worldly wisdom.’
‘Chris is approachable and clearly communicates legal principles. He is quick on his feet and empathetic when dealing with clients in complicated situations. He is very client-focused and willing to go the extra mile to prepare thoroughly.’
‘Catherine is a brilliant advocate. She makes everything look effortless. She rolls her sleeves up, listens to the client and solicitors and then gets on with it. Judges listen to her too. She is not afraid of a fight but is so pragmatic.’
‘Cyrus’ advocacy skills are extremely good, and he goes above and beyond for his clients. He is friendly and approachable and always makes clients feel at ease.’
‘Alison’s advocacy is second to none. She advocates with clarity and authority, and her ability to think on her feet to respond to anything her opponent or the judge may say is simply first-rate. Her powers of persuasion in the courtroom are world-class.’
‘Sam stands out amongst her peers as a stellar advocate. Her oral advocacy is incisive and compelling. When she cross-examines lay witnesses, there is no escape when she has a particular point to make. When she cross-examines expert witnesses, it is clear that she has an excellent understanding of complex medical issues.’
 ‘Deirdre has an incredible capacity to tread a path through litigation that is both sensitive to the issues but strategically robust. She reads the situation and has incisive judgement. A hands-on silk who has the respect of all her peers.’
‘Kate is an exceptional barrister. Her strength lies in her encyclopedic knowledge of the law and medicine, with her empathetic approach to her clients. She is excellent at mastering the most difficult cases and has every page of her papers at her fingertips. Her advocacy is a masterclass in cross-examination.’
‘Barbara is extraordinarily insightful and has an unmatched ability to identify the real issues in a case and address them head-on. Her written and oral advocacy is forceful and persuasive, and she always has the respect and ear of any tribunal.’
‘Cleo has an incredible depth of knowledge which she deploys with razor-sharp precision. Her advocacy is commanding and considered.’
‘Ruth is a force of nature. She quickly grasps the most complex matters – absorbing the paperwork like a sponge. She goes the extra mile in court to pursue points for her clients, and her advocacy is slick, persuasive and, when needed, fiery.’
2022 Silks
KCs at the very top of their field, with a long-established record of market-defining cases, and widespread endorsement from clients and peers. All silks appointed in the last two rounds are listed further below.
‘Joy is a superlative advocate who can take a case by the scruff of the neck and turn it around. She is empathetic, user-friendly and the total package.’
‘Michael is an exceptional barrister who marries natural talent with industry. He is highly respected by the judiciary as he knows his subject inside out. He is able to guide the court on the law. He is also extremely persuasive in the manner that he presents his cases. He very often makes the outcome that he is seeking appear to be the attractive, logical outcome.’
2023 Silks
KCs at the very top of their field, with a long-established record of market-defining cases, and widespread endorsement from clients and peers. All silks appointed in the last two rounds are listed further below.
‘Dorothea is always loved and trusted by clients. Her down-to-earth manner is refreshing and puts clients at ease. She is excellent in court. She is tenacious and will fight her client's corner to the bitter end.’
‘Mark is straightforward to deal with, gives thoughtful and considered advice that has been strategically very sound and is an excellent advocate. He does not shy away from addressing difficult issues but can present them to the court in a way that makes it clear the solution he puts forward is the obvious route for the judge to follow. He has an excellent legal brain and an exceptional knowledge of international matters. His preparation and organisation are meticulous.’
‘Judith's advocacy is on top of a long list of impressive attributes. She reads the court impeccably and is truly incredible in cross-examination. She is a top choice for complex children cases.’


Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
‘Justine is always incredibly well-prepared and clear and direct in her advice. She knows the law and procedure inside out and strives to achieve the best possible outcome for all her clients.’
‘Jacqueline is a phenomenal and extraordinary barrister. She is hugely supportive of clients and strives to achieve the best outcomes for them. She has excellent judgement, and invariably her call on the case is where it lands.’
‘Sally has excellent forensic analysis of the evidence and the relevant law. She is hard-working and thoughtful, with great communication skills. She has the ear of the judge and is eloquent but down-to-earth, sensible yet creative, and judges respond to her very well.’
‘Michael is an astonishing tactician. He is measured and thoughtful, thorough and knowledgeable. He does not need to be aggressive because he is always one step ahead of the other side. He is kind, sensible and straight talking. Clients and judges love him.’
‘Rebecca is a master tactician. She is robust - she always stands up for the client in court and helps clients to be realistic. Her advocacy is clever, strategic and insightful.’
‘Samantha has amazing insight into a case very quickly. She has the ear of the court and makes meaningful submissions which land will with tribunals. She is very empathetic with clients and gives difficult advice in a way in which they feel hugely supported and able to make decisions. She is focused on the settlement but not at all costs. She has huge attention to detail and is a wonderful advocate.’
‘Chris is academically sharp, thoughtful and insightful with his cases. He relishes the law and is committed to making sure it progresses to reflect society. He is excellent to work with as part of a team - pleasant yet oozing confidence.’
‘Paul is an exceptional barrister who is very adept in his field. He delivers his statements and submissions confidently and comprehensively. His examination in chief and cross-examination skills are excellent. He provides impressive verbal and written advice, which adds invaluable insight into a case.’
‘Brian is a calm and pragmatic approach. He is knowledgeable and well-prepared. He has excellent advocacy skills and a safe pair of hands.’
'An expert on surrogacy and the modern family. Andrew's preparation is stellar - his notes show a mastery of the law and facts. Judges hang on his advocacy, which balances persuasion with an empathy for the cases he deals with.'
‘Charlotte is a tenacious and formidable advocate while possessing the skills to understand and empathise with her clients. She has a phenomenal knowledge of the law. Her advice and input into a case are always invaluable. As an advocate, she is fearless. She is always well-prepared and strategic in her approach, her cross-examination is meticulous, and she leaves no stone unturned.’
‘Francesca is a very strong advocate. She is tenacious and strongly makes her client’s case. She is incredibly personable, and clients love her because she installs great confidence in them.’
‘Ceri is a logical advocate. She is concise and pulls out the finite details to enhance the client's position methodically and how the court will balance the client's evidence whilst adopting a sympathetic yet robust manner.’
 ‘Chris is an exceptional advocate and always has the ear of the court. His submissions are informed, well-researched, and his ability to get to the heart of the issues in cross-examination is always impressive.’
‘Baljinder is a fearless advocate who fights for her client's best interests. She is able to see to the heart of complex matters quickly and easily providing practical and helpful advice. He is a meticulous advocate with a detailed knowledge of the law.’
‘Miriam is meticulous in her preparation and skilled in dealing with complex children's matters, including serious allegations of domestic violence. She approaches every case with empathy. She is very thorough in her preparation of cases and an excellent advocate.’
‘Rhiannon is incredibly capable. She has an excellent ability to think on her feet, and she instils immediate confidence in clients facing very challenging issues. She robustly fights clients' corners, and her preparation is superb.’
‘Julia is extremely smart, tactically very astute and always knows the papers inside out. She has an excellent eye for detail and is an excellent negotiator. Her client care is impeccable, and her advocacy is focused and laser-sharp, which judges appreciate.’
‘Kate is an extremely tenacious advocate. She argues her client's position robustly and forcefully in court. She is well-prepared and good with clients.’
‘Katie is a persuasive advocate. Her preparation and written work are second to none, and her eye for detail is outstanding. She is always the first-choice barrister.’
'Mani is very committed and passionate about assisting clients. He is always willing to go the extra mile to ensure that the client receives the best possible advice and service. He is reliable and extremely knowledgeable in respect of private children's cases. He has excellent advocacy skills, particularly in cross-examination.'
'Greg is a fantastic advocate. He has meticulous attention to detail, particularly in cases where there is complex medical evidence. He has a commanding presence in the courtroom, and judges listen carefully to his submissions. He develops an excellent rapport with lay clients.'
'Harry is an excellent barrister. His preparation and written work are of an extremely high quality. He has superb client management skills and is a skilled and canny advocate.’
 ‘Simon is very caring over his clients and cases. His attention to detail is second to none. His written work is very strong and detailed. He is a very strong advocate.’ 
 ‘Charlotte is extremely capable, focused on detail, excellent client manner-realistic advice whilst being on side and confidence building. Her advocacy is also exceptional under pressure.’ 
Leading Juniors
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
‘Justine is always incredibly well-prepared and clear and direct in her advice. She knows the law and procedure inside out and strives to achieve the best possible outcome for all her clients.’
‘Jacqueline is a phenomenal and extraordinary barrister. She is hugely supportive of clients and strives to achieve the best outcomes for them. She has excellent judgement, and invariably her call on the case is where it lands.’
‘Sally has excellent forensic analysis of the evidence and the relevant law. She is hard-working and thoughtful, with great communication skills. She has the ear of the judge and is eloquent but down-to-earth, sensible yet creative, and judges respond to her very well.’
‘Michael is an astonishing tactician. He is measured and thoughtful, thorough and knowledgeable. He does not need to be aggressive because he is always one step ahead of the other side. He is kind, sensible and straight talking. Clients and judges love him.’
‘Rebecca is a master tactician. She is robust - she always stands up for the client in court and helps clients to be realistic. Her advocacy is clever, strategic and insightful.’
‘Samantha has amazing insight into a case very quickly. She has the ear of the court and makes meaningful submissions which land will with tribunals. She is very empathetic with clients and gives difficult advice in a way in which they feel hugely supported and able to make decisions. She is focused on the settlement but not at all costs. She has huge attention to detail and is a wonderful advocate.’
‘Chris is academically sharp, thoughtful and insightful with his cases. He relishes the law and is committed to making sure it progresses to reflect society. He is excellent to work with as part of a team - pleasant yet oozing confidence.’
‘Paul is an exceptional barrister who is very adept in his field. He delivers his statements and submissions confidently and comprehensively. His examination in chief and cross-examination skills are excellent. He provides impressive verbal and written advice, which adds invaluable insight into a case.’
‘Brian is a calm and pragmatic approach. He is knowledgeable and well-prepared. He has excellent advocacy skills and a safe pair of hands.’
'An expert on surrogacy and the modern family. Andrew's preparation is stellar - his notes show a mastery of the law and facts. Judges hang on his advocacy, which balances persuasion with an empathy for the cases he deals with.'
‘Charlotte is a tenacious and formidable advocate while possessing the skills to understand and empathise with her clients. She has a phenomenal knowledge of the law. Her advice and input into a case are always invaluable. As an advocate, she is fearless. She is always well-prepared and strategic in her approach, her cross-examination is meticulous, and she leaves no stone unturned.’
‘Francesca is a very strong advocate. She is tenacious and strongly makes her client’s case. She is incredibly personable, and clients love her because she installs great confidence in them.’
‘Ceri is a logical advocate. She is concise and pulls out the finite details to enhance the client's position methodically and how the court will balance the client's evidence whilst adopting a sympathetic yet robust manner.’
 ‘Chris is an exceptional advocate and always has the ear of the court. His submissions are informed, well-researched, and his ability to get to the heart of the issues in cross-examination is always impressive.’
‘Baljinder is a fearless advocate who fights for her client's best interests. She is able to see to the heart of complex matters quickly and easily providing practical and helpful advice. He is a meticulous advocate with a detailed knowledge of the law.’
‘Miriam is meticulous in her preparation and skilled in dealing with complex children's matters, including serious allegations of domestic violence. She approaches every case with empathy. She is very thorough in her preparation of cases and an excellent advocate.’
‘Rhiannon is incredibly capable. She has an excellent ability to think on her feet, and she instils immediate confidence in clients facing very challenging issues. She robustly fights clients' corners, and her preparation is superb.’
‘Julia is extremely smart, tactically very astute and always knows the papers inside out. She has an excellent eye for detail and is an excellent negotiator. Her client care is impeccable, and her advocacy is focused and laser-sharp, which judges appreciate.’
‘Kate is an extremely tenacious advocate. She argues her client's position robustly and forcefully in court. She is well-prepared and good with clients.’
‘Katie is a persuasive advocate. Her preparation and written work are second to none, and her eye for detail is outstanding. She is always the first-choice barrister.’
'Mani is very committed and passionate about assisting clients. He is always willing to go the extra mile to ensure that the client receives the best possible advice and service. He is reliable and extremely knowledgeable in respect of private children's cases. He has excellent advocacy skills, particularly in cross-examination.'
'Greg is a fantastic advocate. He has meticulous attention to detail, particularly in cases where there is complex medical evidence. He has a commanding presence in the courtroom, and judges listen carefully to his submissions. He develops an excellent rapport with lay clients.'
'Harry is an excellent barrister. His preparation and written work are of an extremely high quality. He has superb client management skills and is a skilled and canny advocate.’
 ‘Simon is very caring over his clients and cases. His attention to detail is second to none. His written work is very strong and detailed. He is a very strong advocate.’ 
 ‘Charlotte is extremely capable, focused on detail, excellent client manner-realistic advice whilst being on side and confidence building. Her advocacy is also exceptional under pressure.’