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Laura Morley

Laura Morley

4PB, London


Laura specialises in private law children cases, representing parents and guardians in disputes both domestically and internationally. She also has a thriving practice dealing with complex financial disputes arising from divorce and relationship breakdowns. In both fields she is widely recognised for her technical expertise, advocacy skills and crucially her ability to steer a path through complicated and contentious disputes.

Laura has a growing reputation for her work in complex international children law cases, and cross-jurisdictional issues. She appeared in the High Court in the high profile wrongful retention case of Cambra v Jones [2014] EWHC 2264 (Fam), and has represented parents in many relocation cases. She is also sought out for her skilful handling of cases concerning arrangements for children in England and Wales.

Laura has a thriving financial practice, representing married, civil partnered and unmarried parties in divorce, dissolution and separation cases, as well as disputes concerning financial provision for the children of unmarried parents.

Clients frequently praise Laura’s refreshingly calm, approachable, reassuring and down-to-earth manner, particularly her empathy at difficult times where she supports clients through a difficult process. Her attention to detail and fearless advocacy contribute to successful outcomes for her clients.

Laura is also trained in collaborative law and is committed to making non-court based dispute resolution work where the circumstances are appropriate.


BSc Psychology, Leicester UniversityGraduate Diploma in Law, BBP Law SchoolBar Vocational Course, BBP Law SchoolJoseph Jackson Award (Middle Temple) 2005Qualified Collaborative Lawyer