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Mani Singh Basi

Mani Singh Basi

4PB, London


Mani specialises in all areas of family law disputes. He is often instructed in matters in the High Court concerning applications for summary return under the Hague Convention 1980, applications concerning wardship, the inherent jurisdiction and applications for the recognition and enforcement. He appears in cases in where there are issues of jurisdiction and cases involving the movement of children. Mani has expertise in cases relating to surrogacy where there are issues in respect of parental orders and private law disputes arising out of surrogacy agreements.

Mani acts in all areas of public law and adoption proceedings. He is particularly instructed in cases involving medical evidence where there are allegations of non-accidental injury, FII, sexual abuse, radicalisation, FGM and death. Mani has appeared in lengthy fact-finding hearings against leading counsel in his own right as well as with leading counsel.

Mani has appeared in a number of published cases such as:

F and S (Special Guardianship Order with Supervision Order) [2021] EWFC B19 (21 April 2021) London Borough of Southwark v A Family [2020] EWHC 3117 (Fam) A City Council v A Mother & Ors (Care Proceedings Radicalisation) [2019] EWHC 3076 (Fam)

Mani acts in all areas of private law disputes concerning children which involve applications for child arrangement orders and enforcement proceedings. He is frequently instructed in cases considering contentious residence and contact disputes where the issues involve allegations of domestic abuse, psychological harm, parental alienation and he has also appears cases involving internal and international relocation. Mani has extensive experience relating to applications under the Family Law Act 1996 for to non-molestation and occupation orders.

Mani advises and appears in all areas and during all stages of financial remedy proceedings including applications for interim relief, variation and enforcement. He has particular experience in applications under Schedule 1 of the Children Act 1989 and cases where there are jurisdictional disputes, issues in respect of overseas assets, business assets and contested issues regarding non-matrimonial property (pre/post matrimonial accrual), conduct and material non-disclosure.  Mani is often instructed to draft opinions and documents relating to all areas of family finance.


London Bar

Family: children and domestic abuse

Mani Singh Basi – 4PB 'Mani is very committed and passionate about assisting clients. He is always willing to go the extra mile to ensure that the client receives the best possible advice and service. He is reliable and extremely knowledgeable in respect of private children's cases. He has excellent advocacy skills, particularly in cross-examination.'