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Jonathan Evans

Jonathan Evans

4PB, London


Practises in the full range of private and public children's law. Family Law Act and financial remedy applications. Also experienced in applications for disclosure and regularly participates in seminars and training events. He regularly represents parents and 16(4) guardians in intractable contact and residence applications at all stages of proceedings. He is regularly instructed in both publicly and privately funded litigation and has experience ofrepresenting parents in both seeking and defending leave to remove applications. He has extensive experience in representing both applicants and respondents to non-molestation order and occupation order applications throughout proceedings. from ex-parte applications to final hearings. Represents local authorities, parents and guardians at all stages of care proceedings, including fact findings and final hearings. He has particular experience in representing parents with learning difticulties and personality disorders in contested applications. He also represents guardians and prospective special guardians in care proceedings and has experience of representing local authorities, parents and extended family members in contested secure accommodation proceedings. He regularly represents local authorities, parents and prospective adopters in adoption proceedings. He is experienced within applications for financial remedies and regularly act for both applicants and respondents at first appointments, FDRs and final hearings. He has experience of cases involving foreign property, redistribution of assets and freezing injunctions Also acts in disclosure applications, both disclosure into and out or family proceedings.


University College School, University of Nottingham BA Joint Hons, Ancient History and History, 2:1 [2008]; City Law School, Graduate Diploma in Law 2009, commendation; BPP, Bar Vocational Course, 2010, Very Competent.