London Bar
Family: children and domestic abuse
Leading silk3Barbara Mills KC –4PB ‘Barbara combines a wealth of experience with emotional intelligence. She is a fantastic advocate, insightful and eloquent.’
Specialist family practitioner with an emphasis in complex children’s cases in the higher courts. Extensive experience advising and acting for parties in private law proceedings, often with an international element, in the High Court. Family mediator and collaborative counsel.
Represented Women’s groups in H v N and Others (Children) (Domestic abuse : finding of fact hearings) [2021] EWCA Civ 448
Called 1990, Silk 2020; Recorder 2012.ArbitratorMediator Co chair of the Bar Council’s Race Working GroupCo editor of the International Family Law Journal Governing Bencher Inner Temple
Family Law Bar Association; South Eastern Circuit; Resolution (Association of women barristers; Fellow of IAFL; ALC).
University of Hull (LLB).