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Rachel Chisholm

Rachel Chisholm

4PB, London


Rachel is a specialist family law barrister with a particular interest in the financial aspects of family breakdown and the arrangements for children after parental separation. She handles a broad caseload of financial remedy matters, including those brought under Schedule 1 of the Children Act 1989, and private law children. Rachel has wide-ranging experience of public law children matters. She has been led by Jane Probyn and Alison Grief in a number of lengthy fact finding hearings concerning fatalities or serious injuries caused to children. Rachel has also been led in the Supreme Court in the matter of A (Children) [2013] UKSC 60 by Baroness Scotland QC and Ruth Kirby on behalf of the Centre for Family Law and Practice. Rachel regularly represents clients in all levels of the family court and HighCourt. In 2014, Rachel was awarded a Pegasus Scholarship which enabled her to work with the legal charity ‘TRIAL: Tracking Impunity Always’ in Sarajevo, Bosnia for three months.


Bristol University 2005-2008: Classics 2.1 (Hons); City University Law School 2008-2009: Graduate Diploma in Law: Commendation; BPP Law School, 2009-2010: Bar Vocational Course: Very Competent.