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Alex Verdan
Hall of fame4PB
Specialist practice areas include adoption; care proceedings; Children Act proceedings; medical treatment (children and patients); publicity, media and children; wardship/inherent jurisdiction; public inquiries. Specialises in complex and serious children cases, in particular those involving child fatalities and significant injuries and serious abuse with disputed medical evidence and often with linked criminal proceedings; allegations of sexual abuse, including false allegations; factitious illness; intractable contact disputes; leave to remove from the jurisdiction. Also has extensive experience in inquires, both public and Part 8, for example representing one of the local authorities in the Climbie Inquiry, being counsel to the Isle of Man Commission of Inquiry into the care of young people and currently advising a number of local authorities in Part 8s and was instructed by two of the local authorities in the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.. Regularly advises local authorities on policy issues, and also advises the media in relation to various aspects of family law. In practice over 30 years; over that time has built up extensive experience in all types of children cases. Regularly lectures at family law conferences and seminars, and provides training for judges, solicitors psychiatrists and social workers. Qualified collaborative lawyer, family mediator and early neutral evaluator. Writes for various publications including ‘Family Law Week’, ‘Solicitors Journal’ and ‘New Law Journal’.
Alison Grief
Hall of fame4PB
Specialist Private and Public law children practitioner: Alison is a highly experienced children practitioner with a mixed practice in which her forensic and cross examination skills so essential in her public law work are used to maximum effect in the private law cases she is particularly known for ie high conflict cases, including allegations of parental alienation and sexual, emotional and physical abuse, domestic abuse, coercive and controlling behaviour and drug and alcohol issues in which complex cross examination of experts and parties is required and in which detailed knowledge of child protection procedures and investigations into allegations made by children and parents is required for the devising of the case strategy, including disclosure issues and the selection of experts as well as the conduct of contested fact findings and final hearings. Alison’s recent cases include the leading authority now on the exercise of parental responsibility by local authority’s pursuant to Section 33(3) Children Act 1989 Re H (A Child) (Parental Responsibility: Vaccination) [2020] EWCA Civ 664, which disapproved Re SL (Permission to Vaccinate) [2017] EWHC 125 and gives guidance which has already had an influence in private law cases and which is of wider application than merely vaccines. She was also instructed on behalf of the child in AB v CD 2021 EWHC 741 (Fam), the leading test case on the exercise of parental responsibility in the context of the administration of puberty blocking hormone treatment for gender dysphoria following the decision of the Divisional Court in Bell v Tavistock 2020 EWHC 3274 (Admin) In public law work, Alison is renowned for her highly specialist work involving allegations of non-accidental injuries particularly deaths from catastrophic head injuries, other non-accidental injuries including vitamin D deficiency and other metabolic disorders and fabricated and induced illness (‘FII’). She has shared seminar platforms with the leading experts in the field and is renowned for her cross examination of medical experts and case strategizing in these most complex cases. She is regularly instructed in lengthy and voluminous cases with concurrent criminal proceedings in lengthy and voluminous cases including complex cases involving allegations of sexual abuse both current and historical including paedophile rings and inter-generational and inter-sibling abuse. The nature of her cases often involve complex disclosure applications/issues and the need for reporting restriction injunctions. She advises upon and regularly appears in contested adoption and Special Guardianship cases together with issues relating to local authority duties towards children including Judicial Review. A full list of reported cases can be found here:
Alistair G Perkins
Alistair has now amassed over 30 years experience of court work involving children and vulnerable adults. Nearly all of his work is now in the High Court and a significant proportion involves complex issues with international elements. He has considerable experience in relation to child abduction involving countries that are and are not signatures to the 1980 or 1996 Hague Conventions. He regularly appears in cases involving issues arising from Brussels IIa or the 1996 Hague convention. Several cases that he has been involved in have featured in the national media. Reported cases: JK (A Child), Re (Domestic Abuse: Finding of Fact Hearing) [2021] EWHC 1367 (Fam) (21 May 2021); Re G (Abduction: Consent/Discretion) [2021] EWCA Civ 139; AH v CD & Ors (2018) [2018] EWHC 2322 (Fam); W v L (Forum Conveniens) (2019) [2019] EWHC 1995 (Fam); R v P (No. 2) (2019) [2019] EWHC 2175 (Fam); Re X (A Child) (Female Genital Mutilation Protection Order) (2018) [2018] EWCA Civ 1825; Egeneonu v Egeneonu & Anor (2018) [2018] EWHC 1392 (Fam); Egeneonu v Egeneonu & Anor (2018) [2018] EWHC 1392 (Fam); Re X (A Child) (Female Genital Mutilation Protection Order) (Restrictions on Travel) (2017) [2017] EWHC 2898 (Fam); S (A Child) (Article 16 and 18 BIIa and Article 19 EU Service Regulation) (2017) [2017] EWHC 3768 (Fam); FE v MR & Ors (2017) [2017] EWHC 2298 (Fam); Re B (A Child by her Guardian) (2017) [2017] EWHC 488 (Fam); R v P (2017) [2017] EWHC 1804 (Fam); Re X (A Child) (2017) [2017] EWHC 158 (Fam); Egeneonu v Egeneonu (2017) [2017] EWHC 43 (Fam); Re W (Minors) [2016] [2016] EWHC 2226 (Fam); Re S (Child Abduction: Joinder of Siblings: Child’s Objections (2016) [2016] EWHC 1227 (Fam); FK v (1) ML (2) A (A Minor through his Solicitor Guardian) (2016) [2016] EWHC 517 (Fam); In the matter of B (A child) [2016] [2016] UKSC 4; QS v RS (2015) [2015] EWHC 4050 (Fam); Re B (A Child) (Habitual Residence: Inherent Jurisdiction) (2015); NA (Applicant) v (1) ZA (First Respondent) (2) A (3) K (4) Q (5) H (By their Children’s Guardian) (Respondents) & Croydon London Borough Council (Intervener) (2015) [2015] EWHC 2188 (Fam); Harrow London Borough Council v (1) Zainab Rasul (2) Mohammed Afzal (3) Farah Afzal (Through Her Childrens Guardian) (4) Nazma Rasul (5) Ali Rasul (2014) [2014] EWHC 3837 (Fam); Re B (A Child) (2014) [2014] EWCA Civ 843; Re LRP (A Child) (Care Proceedings – Placement Order) [2013] [2013] EWHC 3974 (Fam); A v A [2013] [2013] EWHC 3554 (Fam) (Judgment in respect of four children whom the father had been ordered to return to the jurisdiction from Pakistan. Interim care order made; In the matter of A (Children) (2013) [2013] UKSC 60 Supreme Court (Jurisdiction – habitual residence – child never physically present in England and Wales – whether the English court had jurisdiction by virtue of habitual residence – whether the English court had jurisdiction by virtue of Art 14 of BIIR); Re H (A Child: Summary Return: Child’s Objections) Abduction – mother abducted child from USA and moved to Wales – Art 13 defence of child’s objections – whether the child’s objections ought to be taken into account – whether the court should exercise its discretion to order a return; Re H, R and E (Children) [2013] [2013] EWHC 3857 (Fam) Application by father under the Hague Convention for the summary return of three children to the Netherlands. Arts 13a and 13b of the Convention argued by mother. Return order made; Joyce v Joyce [2013] [2013] EWHC 1353 (Fam) Finding of contempt of court for father in breach of orders to return children to Ireland. Sentenced to six months imprisonment; Re C (Adoption Proceedings: Change of Circumstances) [2013] EWCA Civ 431 Court of Appeal Adoption – paternity – father refused permission to oppose adoption order after discovering he was biological father of child – delay in obtaining transcript – adoption order granted – whether the father, who had never met the child, should be permitted to oppose the order; ZA & PA v NA (2012) [2012] EWCA Civ 1396 Court of Appeal – Abduction – habitual residence – four children detained in Pakistan against mother’s wishes – three children born in UK, youngest born in Pakistan – whether youngest child was habitually resident in the UK despite never being resident there; Doncaster MBC v Watson and Haigh [2012] 1 FLR 599 Doncaster MBC v Haigh, Tune and X (by the Children’s Guardian) [2012] 1 FLR 577 (contempt – sentencing – care proceedings – breach of reporting restriction order – disclosure – mother made false allegations of sexual abuse against father – widely circulated on the internet – application to place findings of no sexual abuse in the public domain); Re FH [2008] EWCA Civ 249 (dispensing with factfinding hearing), [2009] 1 FLR 349 Court of Appeal (factfinding hearing – abandoned as no longer necessary – relevant factors – need for clear findings); A Local Authority v K [2007] 2 FLR 914, Family Division (care proceedings findings of serious assaults by mother on her daughter – mother engaged in caring for vulnerable people – procedure for disclosure of information to employer and responsible local authority); Westminster CC v RA, B & S [2005] 2 FLR 1309, Family Division (procedure to be adopted when party claims substantial breach of convention right by local authority acting ultra vires – need to file care plan); Re C (Care: consultation with parent not in child’s best interests) [2006] 2 FLR 787, Family Division (declaration under inherent jurisdiction absolving local authority from statutory duty to consult/inform father of child in their care under s31 order); Re K (replacement of guardian ad litem) [2001] 1 FLR 663, Family Division (criteria for appointment of guardian ad litem – in private law proceedings); Re D (Jurisdiction: programme of assessment or therapy) [1999] 2 FLR 632, Court of Appeal (care proceedings assessment of mother under s38(6) CA 1989 correct test – whether therapy or assessment); Re K (Removal from Jurisdiction: practice) [1999] 2 FLR 1084, Court of Appeal (removal from jurisdiction to non-Hague Convention country for purposes of a holiday – practice to be adopted).
Andrew Powell
Specialises in all aspects of family law related to children, with a specialist practice in the law related to surrogacy and modern families.
Barbara Mills
Hall of fame4PB
Specialist family practitioner with an emphasis in complex children’s cases in the higher courts. Extensive experience advising and acting for parties in private law proceedings, often with an international element, in the High Court. Family mediator and collaborative counsel.Represented Women’s groups in H v N and Others (Children) (Domestic abuse : finding of fact hearings) [2021] EWCA Civ 448
Brian Jubb
Barrister whose specialist practice includes adoption, care proceedings and private law proceedings, including international proceedings relating to abduction and adoption, proceedings under the human fertilisation and embryology legislation and also gender related cases. In addition instructed in judicial review proceedings in relation to social services activities. Instructed on behalf of local authorities, parents and guardians.
Catherine Wood
Hall of fame4PB
Barrister dealing with all aspects of family law relating to children. Arbitrator (children).
Ceri White
Specialist family practitioner covering all areas of family law, including complex public and private children work and financial remedies. Previously junior counsel to the Isle of Man Inquiry into the Care of Young People and retains a particular interest in public inquiry work. Collaborative counsel.
Charles Hale
Hall of fame4PB
Barrister, specialist family practitioner with expertise in all aspects of matrimonial finance and Schedule 1, private law children, including international family disputes, leave to remove, child abduction, also civil cases arising out of family matters, such as trusts of land. Recognised in the market as one of the few advocates able to undertake both children work and ancillary relief at the highest level, making him particularly sought after by those professional and lay clients who do not want to instruct two counsel for their family disputes. As a recognised leading junior in both matrimonial finance and children work, Charles is often instructed to represent clients in all issues arising out of their separation. Regularly acting for parents and divorcing spouses, he has also been instructed on behalf of Cafcass Legal for specialist advice and advocacy and has acted in vulnerable adult and medical cases. Registered to receive instruction directly from professionals, foreign lawyers and individuals under the public access scheme. Regularly lectures to practitioners, Resolution, Legal Network Television; writes articles in leading journals.
Charlotte Georges
Charlotte  is a specialist family law barrister, specialising in children proceedings acting in both complex public and private law matters; regularly appearing in the High Court. Charlotte regularly undertakes cases involving child abduction with experience in both hague and non-hague removals, international children cases involving applications for leave to remove (internal and external)  and wardship proceedings. Charlotte brings empathy to her cases, is always extremely well prepared and quickly earns the trust of her clients. Notable Cases: Re SL (Permission to Vaccinate) [2017] EWHC 125 (Fam) - Leading case on vaccination of a child, led by Hannah Markham QC. X and Y (Children : Final judgment) [2017] EWFC B118 (11 November 2016) - Instructed by the LA in matter in which the Mother was found to have fabricated illness in both children.
Chris Barnes
Chris specialises in proceedings relating to children whether public, private or international. He is regularly instructed by local authorities, parents, guardians and other interested parties at all levels including the Family Court, High Court and Court of Appeal. Chris is particularly well regarded for his work in public law care proceedings and has experience of cases involving sexual abuse and serious inflicted injury acting in his own right and as a led junior.
Christopher Hames
Hall of fame4PB
Barrister practices in family law, specialising in both financial remedies and international movement of children. Most recently reported cases include: Re, C (A Child) (Abduction) [2021] EWCA Civ 1354; JC v PC [2021] EWHC 2305 (Fam); Re A (Children) (Abduction: Article 13(b)) [2021] EWCA Civ 939; Re H-N and Others (Children) (Domestic Abuse: Finding of fact hearings) [2021] EWCA Civ 448; A (A Child) (1980 Hague Convention: Set Aside) [2021] EWCA Civ 194; Re G (Abduction: Consent/Discretion) [2021] EWCA Civ 139; B (A Child) (Abduction: Habitual Residence); B (A Child) (Abduction: Habitual Residence); R v G, H v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2019] EWHC 3147 (Fam); Re NY (A Child) [2019] UKSC 49; Read v Panzone & Anor [2019] EWCA Civ 1662; Re X (Female Genital Mutilation Protection Order) (No 2) [2019] EWHC 1990 (Fam); AH v CD & Ors (2018) [2018] EWHC 2322 (Fam); RE H (Abduction: retention in non-contracting state) (2019) [2019] EWCA Civ 672; Re G-E (Children) (Hague Convention 1980: Repudiatory Retention & Habitual Residence) (2019) [2019] EWCA Civ 283; Re W (Children) (Abduction: Implementatioon of Return Order) (2019) [2019] EWHC 357 (Fam); Re E (Abduction Article 13B Deferred Return Order) (2019) [2019] EWHC 256 (Fam); UD v XB C-393/18 PPU; Re X (A Child) (Female Genital Mutilation Protection Order) (2018) [2018] EWCA Civ 1825; Re W (2018) Christopher Hames QC [2018] EWCA Civ 664; Re I (Children) [2018] EWCA Civ 580; In the matter of C (Children) (2018) [2018] UKSC 8; Re DO and BO (2017) [2017] EWHC 858 (Fam); C v D (2017) [2017] EWHC 807 (Fam) Egeneonu v Egeneonu [2017] EWHC 43 (Fam)
Clarissa Wigoder
Family law: public, private and international children disputes and financial remedy proceedings.
Cleo Perry
Hall of fame4PB
Cleo is a specialist children’s law barrister and public law barrister, who represents parents and children in all levels of court.  She is widely recognised for her expert handling of difficult cases involving complex evidence and allegations of violence or abuse.  Her sensitive manner with clients combined with her robust advocacy, enable her to support her clients successfully through domestic and international litigation.  Cleo is also in demand within public law, particularly in cases where the local authority is involved, including those with complex factual backgrounds and significant allegations of harm.  Cleo also has a significant public inquiry practice, representing parties in long-running and complex public inquiries.
Cliona Papazian
Cliona Papazian specialises in all aspects of law concerning children- particularly with an international element. Clients like her ‘robust’ and ‘creative’ approach and note her ‘attention to detail’ and commend her ‘thoroughness’. Cliona regularly appears the High Court as a significant amount of her work is concerned with child abduction (Hague Convention and non Convention); Wardship and where there are issues in respect of the Court���s jurisdiction. She has extensive experience of the enforcement of foreign contact orders and other aspects of law arising from international conventions. She is often instructed in public law cases where there is an international element and continues to act for Local Authorities, parents and children in both public and private law cases. She is a trained mediator and collaborative lawyer. Her recent cases include: Re M (A Child) [2014] EWCA Civ 1519; FB v IB [2014]EWHC 759 (Fam); Re A (Children) (2013) AC9101290; Joyce v Joyce [2013] EWHC 1353 (Fam); Re L (A Child) [2012) EWCA Civ 1157; Re LSDC (A Child) [2012] EWHC 983 (Fam); Re AR (A Child: Relocation) [2010] 2 FLR 1577 : [2010]3 FCR 131: [2010] Fam Law 932: 1346.
Cyrus Larizadeh
Hall of fame4PB
Cyrus’ main areas of expertise are (i) complex private law children cases where robust but sensitive client handling and dynamic advocacy is key (ii) complex and high-profile care proceedings involving sexual abuse and non-accidental injury. He is recognised nationally for his expertise in s.38 (6) applications and his articles are repeatedly referred to. His lecture notes have been used for JSB training.
David Bedingfield
Barrister whose specialist practice areas include adoption; care proceedings; Children Act proceedings; international movement of children; judicial review; medical treatment (children and adult patients); publicity, media and children; and wardship/inherent jurisdiction. Has developed a speciality in cases involving children. Published extensively, both in the UK and the US, and his book ‘The Child In Need: Children, the State and the Law’ was described by reviewers in the legal press as ‘invaluable to teachers of child care law,’ and ‘an essential purchase for all children law specialists’. His book ‘Advocacy in Family Proceedings’ (Family Law 2005) was ‘highly recommended’ by the ‘New Law Journal’. Practice now includes representation of local authorities, parents or guardians in complex public law cases, and representation of parents and local authorities in cases involving international issues. Also often advises in matters involving media coverage of children, including children involved in public law cases. Often appears in judicial review applications in cases where local authority duties to children are at issue. Also lectures regularly on advocacy techniques and the international movement of children.
Dorothea Gartland KC
Dorothea specialises in the law in relation to children. In private law work her practice covers international and internal relocation of children and all areas of legal parenthood involving adoption, surrogacy and the legal recognition of parental status. In public law proceedings she is instructed most often on behalf of children through their Children’s Guardian in the most serious types of care proceedings. She also sits as a part time judge in the family court hearing cases in both private and public law concerning children.
Francesca Dowse
Francesca undertakes all matrimonial finance, Inheritance Act and Schedule I (financial remedies) and private law children work. Having spent six years at the Bar of the Cayman Islands, she has a high level infrastructure practice handling complex offshore matters including trusts, partnerships, prenuptial agreements and the international movement of children. Recent case: Re S (A Child) (Abduction: Hearing the Child) [2014] EWCA Civ 1557.
Harry Gates
Barrister specialising in all areas of family law, including ancilliary relief, Children Act 1989 proceedings in both public and private law, domestic violence and trusts of land.
Established practice in international children/vulnerable adult cases. In particular he advises and appeals in court in respect of cases of: international parental child abduction; Brussels II Revised Regulation; wardship and inherent jurisdiction; vulnerable adults; forced marriage; stranded spouses; relocation; care proceedings (with international element); inter-country adoption; international surrogacy.
Henry Clayton
Henry’s practice focuses on the financial consequences of divorce and the breakdown of cohabiting relationships, as well as financial disputes relating to children or incapacitated adults involving the Court of Protection.  He is a tenacious advocate with a keen eye for detail and a thorough understanding of business and finance. In addition to matrimonial and civil partnership financial cases, Henry advises and represents unmarried couples and parents in relation to financial disputes. He also has considerable experience in more unusual financial matters such as child maintenance appeals, insolvency, varying foreign court orders and costs cases.
Jacqueline Renton
Family law practitioner who has a specialist interest and experience in the field of international children law. Appeared in 13 reported cases in England, including two Supreme Court cases and has filed an amicus curiae brief in two US Supreme Court cases.
James Copley
Barrister specialising in civil procedure; company and commercial; child abduction; employment; Children Act proceedings; professional negligence; civil partnerships; real property and landlord and tenant; divorce; inheritance and family provision; matrimonial finance; and rights of cohabitees (family law). Busy family practice covering all aspects of family law, with an emphasis on ancillary relief, Inheritance Act claims, and cohabitees’ property disputes. A good deal of James’s ancillary relief work involves complex property/trust issues and personal insolvency. Regularly acts on behalf of intervenors including trustees of family trusts, mortgagees and trustees in bankruptcy. Undertakes a variety of real property work, encompassing mortgages, trusts, conveyancing, adverse possession and boundary disputes. Wide experience of commercial and residential landlord and tenant matters, including business tenancy renewals and dilapidation claims. In the employment field James is instructed by employers and employees, dealing with redundancy, unfair dismissal, sex, race and disability discrimination, equal pay claims and employer’s liability claims. Particular interest in TUPE and redundancy issues consequent on business reorganisation. Has frequently acted for clients in mediations and other forms of alternative dispute resolution. Professionally qualified as a family mediator with Family Mediators Association, one of the co-founders of the UK College of Family Mediators and an association with over 15 years’ experience in family mediation.
Barrister specialising in adoption; care proceedings; care standards tribunal; child abduction; Children Act proceedings; civil partnerships; divorce; inheritance and family provision; injunctions; international movement of children; matrimonial finance; medical treatment (children and patients); publicity, media and children; rights of cohabitees (family law); wardship/inherent jurisdiction. Practice encompasses all areas of family law including: children (private and public law), ancillary relief, Inheritance Act claims and disputes between cohabitees. In relation to children, he acts for parents, local authorities and children. Has appeared in many cases involving complex issues of medical evidence involving allegations of non-accidental injury and sexual abuse. Such cases often involve complicated linked criminal proceedings. Equally familiar with cases involving psychiatric and psychological issues, as well as international and immigration aspects. Majority of practice centred at either the Principal Registry or the High Court, but appears at all levels of court. Has presented seminars and provided articles for the ‘New Law Journal’ on family law matters.
Jane Rayson
Family law – L v Bexley [1996]; Southwark v D [1998]; M v M [1999] (parental responsibility); R v R [2003] (lump sum repayment); S v S [2008] EWHC 519 (Fam); Re S (Wardship: Peremptory Return) [2010] EWCA Civ 465; R v A Local Authority and others [2011] EWCA Civ 1451; HH v BLW (Appeal: Costs: Proportionality) [2012] EWHC 2199. Publications include ‘Civil Partnership Act 2004: A Practical Guide’ (Cambridge University Press); ‘Blackstone’s Guide to Family Law Act 1996: How to Make Applications in the Family Proceedings Court’.
Jo Delahunty
Hall of fame4PB
Children Act proceedings (public and private). Public law: Specialises in contentious and complex family cases including the death of/catastrophic injuries to a child (TRIAD, NAHI, Shake); sex abuse (including inter-sibling, intergenerational abuse and internet exploitation); ritualised abuse, radicalism, disability issues, benign medical causes mimicking abuse (ALTE, EDS, Vitamin D/Rickets). Acted for the successful appellant in Re T, one of the 4 test cases on Domestic Abuse and Coercive control, Re HN and Others [2021] EWCA Civ 448, the first time the CA had convened to issue guidance on DA in over 20 years. Jo  acted for the child victim of torture in A Local Authority v AG  [2021] EWHC 1253 (Fam), [2020]EWCH1346 & [2020] EWFC 18 (the first time the Divisional Court had been convened to hear a family case in a decade). Jo acted for 77 families in the Hillsborough Inquests charged with uncovering the inadequacy of the medical response to the disaster. Private Law: High net worth private law proceedings involving domestic abuse, controlling/coercive behaviour, parental alienation, contact and transfer of residence. Partner/parental abuse including physical, sexual and emotional harm. Professorship: Jo was Gresham Professor of Law 2016-2020: she became Emeritus Professor of Law and a Fellow of Gresham in 2021. Her lectures are publicly available Awards:  Winner inaugural Chambers UK Bar Award 2021 for ‘Outstanding Contribution to Diversity & Inclusion’ Winner Lexis Nexis case of the Year 2021 for Re HN Finalist Lexis Nexis ‘Legal Personality of the Year Award’ 2020, Finalist Lexis Nexis Family Silk 2020 Finalist First 100 Years ‘Inspirational Women In Law Award’ 2019 Finalist  Lexis Nexis  Family Law QC of the Year 2018  Finalist Legal 500 Family Silk 2018  Winner Group Recipient Modern Law Claims Award 'Outstanding Achievement 2017’  Winner Group Recipient of LALY  ‘Outstanding Achievement of the Year Award 2016’ Winner Group Recipient Modern Law Award 2016 for ‘Outstanding Achievement’ Winner Lexis Nexis Family Silk 2013 Directories  Chambers and Partners ‘Top ranked Silk’ (Band 1)  ‘Jo Delahunty is a legend. She is immensely knowledgeable and very able when it comes to complex child injury cases’ , ‘A Master Strategist who gains the trust of client, & knows exactly what to get out of witnesses’ ( 2021) . Legal 500 (Top Tier) ‘Is as captivating on her feet as she is persuasive in negotiation. She is extraordinary tenacious, kind and brave at work and looks for all-encompassing and human solutions for children taking properly into account the wider implications for each family member dynamic’ (2021) ‘A phenomenal cross-examiner who gets unbelievable results’  ‘She has an extraordinary grasp of medical evidence‘ (2020) . ‘A trailblazer, a passionate advocate for the publicly funded Bar’ Other: Alongside her silk practice, Professorship and sitting (Recorder: Family) Jo is a public speaker via Harvey ThorneyCroft Ltd, speaking to the corporate world nationally and internationally. She delivers training to the judiciary and professionals on domestic abuse, ccb and vulnerable parties.  Jo is regularly asked to deliver talks for the likes of Resolution, Justice, Butterworths, Lexis Nexis, Bar Council, FLBA, YLAY and other legal platforms nationally and internationally. Jo has been interviewed by NewsNight and Radio 4 on issues in family law and at the Bar. Jo has written multiple articles for specialist publications such as Family Law, Counsel. The Law Gazette and The Barrister. Jo has been a judge for the Lexis Nexis Family Awards for the past two years (2021/2022) Door Tenancies: Jo Delahunty KC is a door tenant at Parklane Plowden Leeds
Joanne Brown
Children, including care proceedings, residence and contact disputes.
John Tughan
QC whose specialist practice area relates to children. That practice includes the arrangements for children following separation or otherwise, including relocation; care proceedings; adoption; publicity and media management; wardship and inherent jurisdiction; judicial review. Experienced in the most complex of cases including complex medical evidence relating to abuse, injury, death, factitious illness, sexual abuse, false allegations and the challenging of expert evidence within those fields. Experience includes all levels of the family proceedings system. Experienced in some of the most high-profile cases in recent years including Baby P and the Little Teds Nursery scandal. Represents all parties in proceedings. Undertakes direct access work.
Jonathan Evans
Practises in the full range of private and public children's law. Family Law Act and financial remedy applications. Also experienced in applications for disclosure and regularly participates in seminars and training events. He regularly represents parents and 16(4) guardians in intractable contact and residence applications at all stages of proceedings. He is regularly instructed in both publicly and privately funded litigation and has experience ofrepresenting parents in both seeking and defending leave to remove applications. He has extensive experience in representing both applicants and respondents to non-molestation order and occupation order applications throughout proceedings. from ex-parte applications to final hearings. Represents local authorities, parents and guardians at all stages of care proceedings, including fact findings and final hearings. He has particular experience in representing parents with learning difticulties and personality disorders in contested applications. He also represents guardians and prospective special guardians in care proceedings and has experience of representing local authorities, parents and extended family members in contested secure accommodation proceedings. He regularly represents local authorities, parents and prospective adopters in adoption proceedings. He is experienced within applications for financial remedies and regularly act for both applicants and respondents at first appointments, FDRs and final hearings. He has experience of cases involving foreign property, redistribution of assets and freezing injunctions Also acts in disclosure applications, both disclosure into and out or family proceedings.
Joy Brereton KC
Specialist family practitioner whose work is predominantly in the High Court. Particular expertise in complex children matters encompassing both private and public law proceedings. Regularly involved in cases concerning non-accidental injury, sexual abuse, physical and emotional abuse. In addition she has extensive experience in private law matters where there are protracted and highly contentious disputes. She also specialises in relocation cases. Other specialist practice areas include international movement of children: publicity, media and children and issues of disclosure.Winner of the Junior Barrister Family and Children 2019Winner of the junior Barrister Family and Children 2020“Hugely reassuring and sensitive to clients, she is an incisive and powerful advocate.” “Clients can rest assured that she has thoroughly prepared their cases and has completely understood them.” “Joy inspires confidence and is unbelievably committed to what she does. She is a pleasure to work with and fearless in court.”Chambers & Partners, 2021Band 1
Julia Townend
Julia practises in all areas of family law, with an emphasis on divorce, the financial consequences of relationship breakdown and private law children disputes. She also has experience in Court of Protection work with a family element. Julia provides practical legal advice and excellent advocacy at all court levels, with maturity and expertise beyond her level of Call. She is approachable yet professional, and is respected by those in the field. She obtained tenancy after successful completion of her pupillage at 4 Paper Buildings, during which she won the Inner Temple Pupillage Advocacy prize in 2012. Last year Julia was shortlisted as Jordan's Young Family Law Barrister of the Year.  As well as her own very extensive court experience, Julia has worked as part of the legal teams in two Supreme Court cases – she assisted Alex Verdan QC in Re B (A Child) [2013] UKSC 33 and worked as part of the team representing the child (TM) in the matter of LC (Children) [2013] UKSC 221. Julia was a junior in a previously reported high value cross-jurisdictional financial remedy case in which an application was made for the variation of a lump sum by instalments. She has been led in the High Court by Jonathan Cohen QC in proceedings where there were serious allegations of fabricated and induced illness, and by Sally Bradley in a lengthy fact-finding hearing involving sexual abuse and vulnerable individuals with learning disabilities. Julia was junior counsel in Re AD and AM (fact-finding hearing) (Application for re-hearing) [2016] EWHC 326 (Fam) which clarified the law applicable when findings of a court are reopened and subsequently in Re AD and AM (fact-finding hearing) [2016] EWHC 2912 (Fam). Julia co-authored the chapter dealing with orders pursuant to section 8 of the Children Act 1989 in the latest edition of Rayden and Jackson on Divorce. She is a regular contributor to other law journals and family law publications. 
Justin Ageros
Barrister specialising in adoption; care proceedings; child abduction; Children Act proceedings; international movement of children; publicity, media and children. Specialist family practitioner with an emphasis in child care work. Regularly instructed by local authorities, parents and guardians in public law and adoption proceedings. In addition, he has extensive experience advising and acting for parties in complex private law proceedings.
Justine Johnston
Barrister specialising in family law, particularly complex private Children Act proceedings, often with an international aspect, and matrimonial finance.
Kate Branigan
Hall of fame4PB
Specialist areas of law include adoption, care proceedings, Children Act proceedings, divorce, matrimonial finance, medical treatment (children and patients), and wardship/inherent jurisdiction. For 18 years was based on the Western Circuit practising in all areas of family law, in particular specialising in public law work for local authorities, parents and guardians and private law children work, but also undertaking serious domestic and violent crime for both prosecution and defence. Since her move to 4 Paper Buildings in 2002, she has maintained her practice in all aspects of family law whilst developing a particular interest in children. Continues to represent all parties in public law proceedings, specialising in non-accidental injury (including infant death) cases, neglect and factitious illness behaviour together with cases with considerable foreign, religious and public interest immunity elements. Also has a significant practice in private law proceedings, having undertaken a number of important specific issue cases and applications to remove from the jurisdiction, and continues her ancillary relief practice both in London and on the Western Circuit. Kate has a long-standing relationship with the EC Roberts Centre in Portsmouth providing staff and venues for both short and long-term supported and supervised contact and is a voluntary speaker for the Children’s Society.
Katherine Van Rol
All aspects of family law including: financial remedies and divorce; Children Act 1989 proceedings; Family Law Act 1996 proceedings; property disputes between co-habitees.
Katie Wood
Katie is ranked as a leading junior barrister in the Legal 500 directory. Her established practice covers all aspects of private family law and she is regularly instructed in both the financial and children aspects arising from a relationship breakdown. Katie has considerable experience in both Schedule 1 applications and high net worth financial remedy cases involving nuptial agreements, off-shore assets, third party claims, pensions and complex business structures. Alongside her busy practice, she is regularly led by silks and has been praised for her meticulous preparation and command of the detail. She is repeatedly instructed in difficult children matters, often involving serious allegations of sexual abuse, violence and parental alienation, as well as cases with a long history of intractable or repeat litigation. Katie is known for her exceptional client care skills, “spot on judgement” and sensible, tactical advice. Her advocacy is both persuasive and robust and her focus from the outset is to achieve the best possible outcome for her client.
Laura Morley
Laura specialises in private law children cases, representing parents and guardians in disputes both domestically and internationally. She also has a thriving practice dealing with complex financial disputes arising from divorce and relationship breakdowns. In both fields she is widely recognised for her technical expertise, advocacy skills and crucially her ability to steer a path through complicated and contentious disputes.Laura has a growing reputation for her work in complex international children law cases, and cross-jurisdictional issues. She appeared in the High Court in the high profile wrongful retention case of Cambra v Jones [2014] EWHC 2264 (Fam), and has represented parents in many relocation cases. She is also sought out for her skilful handling of cases concerning arrangements for children in England and Wales.Laura has a thriving financial practice, representing married, civil partnered and unmarried parties in divorce, dissolution and separation cases, as well as disputes concerning financial provision for the children of unmarried parents.Clients frequently praise Laura’s refreshingly calm, approachable, reassuring and down-to-earth manner, particularly her empathy at difficult times where she supports clients through a difficult process. Her attention to detail and fearless advocacy contribute to successful outcomes for her clients.Laura is also trained in collaborative law and is committed to making non-court based dispute resolution work where the circumstances are appropriate.
Lucy Cheetham
Barrister specialising in care and adoption proceedings. Lucy is frequently instructed to represent local authorities, parents and children’s guardians in complex cases involving allegations of serious inflicted injuries, sexual abuse as well as emotional abuse and neglect.Cases:1. Re D (Paternity) [2007] 2 FLR 26 (20 October 2006)2. A (Fact Finding) [2014] EWFC B182 (02 January 2014) (View without highlighting) [7%] ([2014] EWFC B182; From England and Wales Family Court Decisions (other Judges); 41 KB)3. A (A Child), Re [2014] EWFC B228 (02 January 2014) (View without highlighting) [7%] ([2014] EWFC B228; From England and Wales Family Court Decisions (other Judges); 41 KB)4. Re B (Children (2017) [2017] EWCA Civ 10515. TAN (a child)(welfare decision) [2020] EWFC B3 (31 January 2020) (View without highlighting) [7%] ([2020] EWFC B3; From England and Wales Family Court Decisions (other Judges); 60 KB)6. Y (disclosure to MPS) [2021] EWFC B33 (11 February 2021) (View without highlighting) [6%] ([2021] EWFC B33; From England and Wales Family Court Decisions (other Judges); 87 KB)7. A Local Authority v The Mother & Ors [2020] EWHC 1233 (Fam) (15 May 2020) (View without highlighting) [5%] ([2020] EWHC 1233 (Fam); From England and Wales High Court (Family Division) Decisions; 94 KB)8. K (Threshold - Cocaine Ingestion - Failure to give evidence) [2020] EWHC 2502 (Fam) (29 September 2020) (View without highlighting) [2%] ([2020] EWHC 2502 (Fam); From England and Wales High Court (Family Division) Decisions; 763 KB)
Mani Singh Basi
Mani specialises in all areas of family law disputes. He is often instructed in matters in the High Court concerning applications for summary return under the Hague Convention 1980, applications concerning wardship, the inherent jurisdiction and applications for the recognition and enforcement. He appears in cases in where there are issues of jurisdiction and cases involving the movement of children. Mani has expertise in cases relating to surrogacy where there are issues in respect of parental orders and private law disputes arising out of surrogacy agreements. Mani acts in all areas of public law and adoption proceedings. He is particularly instructed in cases involving medical evidence where there are allegations of non-accidental injury, FII, sexual abuse, radicalisation, FGM and death. Mani has appeared in lengthy fact-finding hearings against leading counsel in his own right as well as with leading counsel. Mani has appeared in a number of published cases such as: F and S (Special Guardianship Order with Supervision Order) [2021] EWFC B19 (21 April 2021) London Borough of Southwark v A Family [2020] EWHC 3117 (Fam) A City Council v A Mother & Ors (Care Proceedings Radicalisation) [2019] EWHC 3076 (Fam) Mani acts in all areas of private law disputes concerning children which involve applications for child arrangement orders and enforcement proceedings. He is frequently instructed in cases considering contentious residence and contact disputes where the issues involve allegations of domestic abuse, psychological harm, parental alienation and he has also appears cases involving internal and international relocation. Mani has extensive experience relating to applications under the Family Law Act 1996 for to non-molestation and occupation orders. Mani advises and appears in all areas and during all stages of financial remedy proceedings including applications for interim relief, variation and enforcement. He has particular experience in applications under Schedule 1 of the Children Act 1989 and cases where there are jurisdictional disputes, issues in respect of overseas assets, business assets and contested issues regarding non-matrimonial property (pre/post matrimonial accrual), conduct and material non-disclosure.  Mani is often instructed to draft opinions and documents relating to all areas of family finance.
Mark Johnstone
Practice is predominantly matrimonial financial provision, although he has significant experience in Schedule one Children Act provision, Inheritance Act provision and professional negligence arising out of matrimonial financial provision. As a consequence of his ancillary relief practice, Mark has developed expertise in the areas of valuation of companies and businesses.
Mark Jarman KC
Specialist barrister in international children cases, including abduction, relocation and issues as to jurisdiction. Mark routinely appears in the High Court dealing with all aspects of international child law. Recent cases include: Re H-K (habitual residence) [2011] EWCA Civ 1100, [2012] 1 FLR 436; Re J (abduction: children’s objections) [2011] EWCA Civ 1448 [2012] 1 FLR 457; Re M (abduction: paternity: DNA testing) [2013] EWCA Civ 1131; Button v Salama [2013] EWHC 4152 (Fam); Re KP (ABDUCTION: child’s objections) [2014] EWCA Civ 554; Re B (Hague Convention Proceedings) [2014] EWCA Civ 375; MB UGIC (ABDUCTION: contempt) [2014] EWHC 1122 Fam.
Matthew Persson
Specialises in family law, particularly Children Act proceedings; care proceedings; adoption; child abduction; divorce; injunctions; international movement of children; rights of cohabitees (family law); and wardship/inherent jurisdiction.
Barrister dealing with all aspects of family and family-related law particularly all aspects of matrimonial finance and financial remedy and forum disputes, Children Act application, wardship, disputes between unmarried persons, Inheritance Act claims, applications to remove children from jurisdiction and child law with specific reference to sexual abuse and contested adoption; matrimonial finance work includes investigation of overseas trusts and companies; important cases include: Re B (adoption by one natural parent to exclusion of other) [2001] 1 FLR 589 and 2001 UKHL 70 [2002] 1 FLR 196; I v UK ECHR (successful complaint against UK government) [2002] 2FLR 518; Re AMR (foreign adoption) [1999] 2 FLR; Re M (petition to ECHR) [1997] 1 FLR 755; Sv S [1997] 1 WLR 1621 (disclosure of AR case papers to Inland Revenue); Re F (paternity test) [1993] 3 WLR 369 CA; leading counsel in I v UK [2002] 2FLR 518 concerning rights of post-operative transsexuals; see also Re AGN (foreign adoption) [2000] 2 FLR 431; Re M (child’s upbringing) [1996] 2 FLR 244; Re M (sexual abuse allegations: interviewing techniques) [1999] 2 FLR 92 and Field v Field [2003] 1 FLR 376 (appointment of receiver to compel judgment debtor to take pension lump sum). Plus a myriad of unreported high worth financial remedy cases, including R v R (2012 unreported, assets over £100m). Contributory author to both editions of ‘Pensions and Marriage Breakdowns’, published by David Davidson, Law Society (2005) FRSA 2007.
Michael Gration KC
Family law practitioner with a particular interest and developing specialism in cases with an international element, including international child abduction, forced marriage, stranded spouses and applications for leave to remove from the jurisdiction. Regularly appears both in the High Court and the Court of Appeal in cases of international child abduction both under the Hague Convention, including Brussels II Revised, and the Inherent Jurisdiction. Reported cases include: B v I (Forced Marriage) [2010]1 FLR 1721; A Chief Constable & AA v YK & ors [2011]1 FLR 1493; Aguilar QuiIa and Aguilar; Bibi and Mohammed v Secretary of State for the Home Department & ors [2011]1 FLR 1187; R (on the application of Quila & anor) and R (on the application of Bibi & anor v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2011] UKSC 45; AJ v JJ & ors [2011] EWCA Civ 1448. Regularly lectures on the international movement of children, including to the ALC Annual Conference and the Centre for Family Law and Practice. Has also lectured police forces, legal practitioners and the judiciary on forced marriage and the issues surrounding such applications.
Miriam Best
Year of Call: 2015 Miriam has a busy practice in all areas of family law. She joined chambers after successful completion of her pupillage under the supervision of Henry Clayton, Jacqueline Renton and Cleo Perry QC. She has experience in complex public, private and international children cases and financial matters. See: PG v PR [2018] EWFC 85; SZ v DG & PG v LG [2020] EWHC 881 (Fam); Re H-N and Others (Children) (Domestic Abuse: Finding of fact hearings) [2021] EWCA Civ 448; Re JK (A Child) (Domestic Abuse: Finding of Fact Hearing) [2021] EWHC 1367 (Fam); Re E (A Child: Questioning of Vulnerable Witness) [2019] EWHC 3808. Areas of Practice:• Financial Remedies• International Children Law• Private Children Law• Public Children Law
Nicholas Fairbank
Matrimonial finance; Schedule One Children Act; ‘tolata’/cohabitation disputes; inheritance act claims; private law children disputes.
Paul Hepher
All aspects of family law, including private and public law Children Act proceedings, child abduction and international and domestic relocation, and court of protection work.
Piers Pressdee
Hall of fame4PB
Piers practises exclusively in the field of children law, with a predominantly private law practice, principally focusing on child arrangements and relocation disputes. He still regularly appears in public law cases entailing allegations of very serious physical, sexual or emotional abuse and is frequently instructed in appeals on important points of law and practice. His practice also includes cross-border abduction and jurisdictional disputes. Piers has appeared in numerous reported cases at first instance and appellate level. His recent clients have included leading figures from the worlds of business, sport and entertainment.
Rachel Chisholm
Rachel is a specialist family law barrister with a particular interest in the financial aspects of family breakdown and the arrangements for children after parental separation. She handles a broad caseload of financial remedy matters, including those brought under Schedule 1 of the Children Act 1989, and private law children. Rachel has wide-ranging experience of public law children matters. She has been led by Jane Probyn and Alison Grief in a number of lengthy fact finding hearings concerning fatalities or serious injuries caused to children. Rachel has also been led in the Supreme Court in the matter of A (Children) [2013] UKSC 60 by Baroness Scotland QC and Ruth Kirby on behalf of the Centre for Family Law and Practice. Rachel regularly represents clients in all levels of the family court and HighCourt. In 2014, Rachel was awarded a Pegasus Scholarship which enabled her to work with the legal charity ‘TRIAL: Tracking Impunity Always’ in Sarajevo, Bosnia for three months.
Rebecca Foulkes
Barrister specialising in children-related matters, including public law care proceedings, private law disputes, international child cases, and family injunction work including committals.
Rex Howling
Rex enjoys a broad family practice. He has most recently gained a strong following and reputation as a care practitioner but this has not detracted from his core skills as both an ancillary relief and private law children specialist. He particularly enjoys cases with either an international element, such as relocation cases, or legally or factually complicated ones which require an eye for detail and careful analysis. Rex also practices in civil work, particularly those areas which can loosely be considered to have a family or financial element to them, such as trusts, wills and probate. Rex prides himself on being hardworking and thorough with a keen awareness for the need for careful strategic and tactical planning. His catchphrase is ‘careful planning prevents a poor performance’. He is well liked by solicitors and respected for his strong people skills. He believes that a robust sense of humour and re-assuring manner are vital tools in any family case. In the recent case of Young v Young, Rex recieved praise from J Moor: ‘92. I also wish to pay tribute to Mr Howling QC and Miss Johal who have appeared on behalf of the wife, ably supported by their instructing solicitors. This case has been as complex as any this division has ever encountered. They took on the case at the last minute yet have managed to become completely conversant with the huge volume of paperwork. The case was presented to me with great ability. Nothing more could have been said or done on their client’s behalf’.
Rhiannon Lloyd
Barrister specialising in matrimonial finance, private law children, claims between cohabitees and domestic violence applications. Collaboratively trained.
Ruth Kirby
Hall of fame4PB
Family law specialist. All areas of family law including private law, international movement of children, abduction, human rights, publicity, care proceedings and adoption, domestic and international adoption and divorce. She is also instructed in Court of Protection work. She has a budding practice in sports law including disciplinary proceedings. High profile cases include Wilkinson v Kitzinger & AG, Lord Chancellor Intervening No 1 and No 2 [2006] 2 FLR 397 and [2007] 1 FLR 295; (20060 HRLR 36; Times August 21 2006 (same sex marriage; protective costs orders instructed by Liberty); one part of the 'Baby P' litigation; and the Alfie Patten youngest father in Britain litigation (reported as Re Stedmen [2009] EWHC 935 (Fam); [2009] 2 FLR 852. Her reported cases include Re A (Children) AC9101290 in the Supreme Court; and recently in the Court of Appeal, Re M (Republic of Ireland) (Child's Objections) (Joinder of Children as Parties to Appeal) [2015] EWCA Civ 26; Times 3 March 2015 (abduction). Other cases include: SK v HD, SD, UD, MD and FD [2013] EWHC 796 (Fam); [2014] Fam Law 22; J v J (Relinquishment of Jurisdiction) [2012] 1 FLR 1259; [2012] Fam Law 399; [2011] EWHC 3255 (Fam); C (Care: Contact) [2012] 2 FCR 325; [2011] EWCA Civ 1774; A v P (Habitual Residence) [2012] 1 FLR 124; [2011] EWHC 1530 (Fam); Re C (Children) [2009] EWCA Civ 959; [2010] 1 FLR 895; Re H (Abduction) [2009] 2 FLR 1513; [2009] EWHC 1735 (Fam); Re U (Care Proceedings: Criminal Conviction: Refusal to give Evidence) [2006] EWHC 372 (Fam); (2007) 1 FLR 399; Re K sub nom A Local Authority v N and Others [2005] EWHC 2956 (Fam); [2007] 1 FLR 399; and Re S (Children) [2004] EWCA Civ 1397; [2005] 1 FLR 469. Lectures (five years at University of London; advocacy trainer for Middle Temple).
Sally Bradley
Barrister whose specialist practice areas include care proceedings; private law Children Act proceedings; Court of Protection applications; and medical cases involving the treatment of children and adults. She is regularly instructed to represent local authorities, parents and guardians in complex care cases in which there are difficult medical and/or psychiatric issues (including those involving disputed allegations of serious injury, fatality or sexual abuse).
Sam King
Hall of fame4PB
Barrister specialising in adoption; care proceedings; medical treatment (children and patients); and wardship/inherent jurisdiction. Practising in the field of family law since called in 1990. Experience lies in all areas of child law. Instructed in complex private law and care proceedings on a regular basis, representing all parties. Often instructed in cases involving allegations of sexual abuse and non-accidental injuries. Also instructed in cases involving vulnerable adults. Has an interest in the law relating to surrogacy and reproductive technologies and co-parenting arrangements.
Samantha Woodham
Barrister specialising in financial remedy and private law children proceedings. Samantha is also the co-founder with Harry Gates, a fellow member of chambers, of The Divorce Surgery, a unique service which allows couples to obtain joint, impartial legal advice at any stage of the divorce process:
Stephen Lyon
Barrister whose specialist practice areas are inheritance and family provision; and matrimonial finance. Wide range of expertise in all areas of family law, from leading child care cases to complex ancillary relief disputes. Although family law is Stephen’s specialist area of practice, his background includes extensive experience in both civil law and criminal law, which gives him highly developed skills as an advocate. Principal specialism is ancillary relief, in which he has built up a successful practice built upon a reputation for incisive analysis and, where appropriate, robust advocacy. Civil expertise lends itself well to big money cases, in which he is able to demonstrate a rigorous and structured approach to complex financial issues. In great demand by leading family solicitors both in London and the regions and as a consequence enjoys a nationwide reputation as a leading family lawyer. Places great importance on an open and friendly relationship with both solicitors and lay clients, and is a firm believer in providing a service which is practical, realistic, and tailored to meet the needs of individual clients. Active participant in the continuing education of solicitors, by way of lectures and seminars.
Teertha Gupta
Hall of fame4PB
International children cases: child abduction, relocation and recovery. Forced marriage: children and adults. Recent Supreme Court cases: Re D [2006] UKHC 51; Re M [2007] UKHL 55; (Em) Lebanon [2008] UKHC 64; Re E (children) [2011] UKSC 27; Re I (a child) (Contact Application Jurisdiction) [2009] UKSC 10.