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Michael Gration KC

Michael Gration KC

4PB, London


Family law practitioner with a particular interest and developing specialism in cases with an international element, including international child abduction, forced marriage, stranded spouses and applications for leave to remove from the jurisdiction. Regularly appears both in the High Court and the Court of Appeal in cases of international child abduction both under the Hague Convention, including Brussels II Revised, and the Inherent Jurisdiction. Reported cases include: B v I (Forced Marriage) [2010]1 FLR 1721; A Chief Constable & AA v YK & ors [2011]1 FLR 1493; Aguilar QuiIa and Aguilar; Bibi and Mohammed v Secretary of State for the Home Department & ors [2011]1 FLR 1187; R (on the application of Quila & anor) and R (on the application of Bibi & anor v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2011] UKSC 45; AJ v JJ & ors [2011] EWCA Civ 1448. Regularly lectures on the international movement of children, including to the ALC Annual Conference and the Centre for Family Law and Practice. Has also lectured police forces, legal practitioners and the judiciary on forced marriage and the issues surrounding such applications.


Dane Court Grammar School; Brunel University (2005 LLB).


London Bar

Family: children and domestic abuse

Michael Gration KC –4PB ‘Michael is an exceptional barrister who marries natural talent with industry. He is highly respected by the judiciary as he knows his subject inside out. He is able to guide the court on the law. He is also extremely persuasive in the manner that he presents his cases. He very often makes the outcome that he is seeking appear to be the attractive, logical outcome.’