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Tom Storey KC

Tom Storey KC

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Tom Storey KC is regularly recommended as a leading individual for criminal law in legal directories.

He both prosecutes and defends, and is regularly instructed in cases involving homicide, terrorism, fraud and serious organised crime, including cases arising from the NCA investigation into the use of encrypted Encrochat mobile phones (Operation Venetic); he also has much experience of cases involving allegations of historic sexual abuse, and has been instructed in cases involving issues relating to national security.  Tom also has considerable experience of Appeal Court advocacy.

Homicide & Serious Violence

Latoszewski & Kalinowska (Leeds Crown Court). High-publicity murder of 15-year-old boy by his mother and her partner, who together repeatedly beat the child causing multiple internal injuries which ultimately led to massive infection and his death. Much of the violence was captured on CCTV cameras installed within the family home. Mohammed Shabaz (Sheffield Crown Court). Attempted murder of man who had previously been acquitted of the murder of defendant’s cousin (targeted revenge attack). Defendant travelled from Oldham to Sheffield to lie in wait for victim; stabbed repeatedly in attack Defendant then attempted to set fire to the vehicle he had travelled in. TM & RC (Leeds Crown Court). Causing or allowing a child to suffer serious physical harm. Two-month-old infant son of the defendants found to have 13 separate fractures to his body, caused over period of time. Extensive expert medical evidence.


DL (Leeds Crown Court). Possessing & collecting documents likely to have been of use to a terrorist. Defendant in possession of multiple copies of The Anarchist’s Cookbook and a prohibited weapon. Much digital and other evidence of extreme rightwing ideology. Defendant had previously been referred to Prevent programme.

Serious Organised Crime

Miah & others (Bradford Crown Court). Four defendants charged with offences relating to the receipt in West Yorkshire of 15kg of import-strength cocaine which had been collected from London, and associated possession of a prohibited firearm and ammunition. Operation Callaway (Preston Crown Court). Manchester-based gang of Albanian nationals had set up cannabis “farms” in houses in Burnley. When one such property was attacked by Burnley-based gang, those in Manchester travelled up to defend their investment. Serious disorder in residential streets, involving two men being shot, one struck with a machete and multiple vehicles damaged; one vehicle abandoned and subsequently set on fire. Khalid (Sheffield Crown Court). Defendant charged with conspiracies to supply controlled drugs and to sell prohibited firearms, and possession of prohibited firearms and ammunition. Evidence of conspiracies derived entirely from content of Encrochat mobile phone messages between “handle” attributed to defendant and others involved in the wholesale drugs trade.

Serious Sexual Offences

John Hewitt (Hull Crown Court). Multiple allegations of non-recent (1970s and 1980s) sexual abuse of young girls by former houseparent at children’s home in East Yorkshire. Three separate complainants, with limited knowledge of each other. Defendant kept one of them hidden at his flat for several months, where he repeatedly abused her, when she was subject of a missing person enquiry by Humberside Police. Unsuccessful attempt by Defendant – now acting in person – to appeal his conviction and sentence. Paul Lamb (Hull Crown Court). Multiple allegations of non-recent (1970s and 1980s) sexual abuse of multiple young girls at children’s homes in both London and East Yorkshire, where defendant’s wife and he had worked. A total of eight complainants gave evidence of abuse by Defendant; one of them the Defendant had continued to have a sexual relationship with once she was an adult. Peter Turner (Gregory Carroll) (York Crown Court). Non-recent (1980s) sexual abuse of former pupils at Ampleforth College public school by former monk and teacher at school; offences also committed upon altar boys in parish in Cumbria to which defendant had been sent by the school when abuse first complained of. He had previously been prosecuted for abuse on other former pupils in 2005; consideration of autrefois convict doctrine in relation to the way this case was presented.

Driving-related Fatalities & Serious Injury

Coyles (Leeds Crown Court). Causing death of two people by dangerous driving and causing serious injury by dangerous driving to two more. Serious collision in which defendant driving at excessive speed on road leading out of village into open countryside, lost control and caused head-on collision with taxi, killing two passengers in taxi and causing life-changing injuries to his own passenger and taxi driver. AJ (York Crown Court). Allegation of causing death by dangerous driving, in which defendant was “towing” deceased’s motorcycle; manoeuvre involved deceased holding onto rear grab bar on defendant’s motorcycle with one hand, steering his own motorcycle with the other; deceased lost control, and fell to the road, suffering fatal head injuries. AB-C (Leeds Crown Court). Allegation of causing death by careless driving. Defendant driving her vehicle out of space in supermarket car park, said to have collided with elderly man crossing the lane to her right; he fell to ground, suffering internal head injuries from which he later died. Issues relating to causation, given pre-existing medical condition and fall earlier that day at home.

Fraud & Financial Crime

Mujikwa & others (Leeds Crown Court). Seven defendants charged with offences relating to large-scale intercept fraud and associated money-laundering offences. Email communications of various international businesses (including the BBC) were intercepted, resulting in millions of pounds being paid into and then laundered through accounts which had been set up for the purpose, some in fabricated names and others having been acquired from co-accused. Tuner & others (Sheffield Crown Court). Offence of fraud committed by carer upon vulnerable supported residents of care home in Sheffield; over £900,000 obtained and then laundered through accounts held in names of defendant’s brothers. Protracted confiscation proceedings followed conviction. Blamire & another (Leeds Crown Court). Conspiracy to commit fraud by abuse of position, relating to operation of procurement process conducted by West Yorkshire Police for vehicle-recovery contracts. Subsequent confiscation proceedings involved issues relating to corporate vs personal involvement.


CPS Counter Terrorism Panel (Level 4) CPS General Prosecution Panel (Level 4) CPS Serious Organised Crime Panel (Level 4) CPS Rape Panel Tom is an accredited advocacy trainer for the North Eastern Circuit, and an experienced pupil supervisor.