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Mathew Roper

Mathew Roper


Chancery barrister specialising in contentious and non-contentious trusts and estates, related professional negligence and the property and affairs jurisdiction of the Court of Protection. His cases include: Cotton v Earl of Cardigan (blessing application); Fielden v Christie-Miller (rectification of a deed of appointment and proprietary estoppel); RNLI v Headley [2016] 1948 (Ch) (claim for an account and disclosure of trust documents); Bullard v Bullard [2017] EWHC 3 (Ch) (rectification of a settlement); ADS v DSM [2017] EWCOP 8 (statutory will application); and Re AR [2018] EWCOP 8 (authority and remuneration of deputies); Almond v Goff (will construction) Brown v New Quadrant Trust Corporation Ltd [2021] EWHC 1731 (Ch) (injunction to restrain and a counter application for directions blessing a proposed sale of trust assets).


University of Birmingham (BA, First Class (Hons)); GDL Nottingham Law School (Commendation); BPTC City Law School (Outstanding). Middle Temple scholar.


London Bar

Court of Protection and community care

Mathew Roper – 5 Stone Buildings ‘Mathew can produce high-quality work under considerable time pressure and has good client care skills. He prepares well and presents the client's case calmly and effectively in court.’
London Bar

Private client: trusts and probate

Mathew Roper –5 Stone Buildings ‘Mathew can grapple with complex legal issues and his ability to present arguments clearly and attractively to the court.’