5 Stone Buildings’ ‘highly able and highly experienced barristers’ have ’considerable strength-in-depth’ in representing family members, health bodies, local authorities and protected parties in financial and welfare disputes before the Court of Protection. Tracey Angus KC has successfully represented a claimant in Gladstone v White, a claim to set aside gifts made to his attorney and attorney’s removal as a trustee of a heritage property valued at £10m. ‘Incredibly impressive barrister’ David Rees KC is acting for Gopichand Hinduja in Hinduja v Hinduja, a welfare and property and affairs case involving issues related to the validity of lasting powers of attorney and a care package provided to the claimant’s brother, S. P. Hinduja, as well as issues of open justice in the Court of Protection – the brothers having shared the top spot in the 2022 Sunday Times Rich List.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • 'Paul Jennings is always helpful and responsive with a 100% record over several years of matching the right barrister to the instructions.'
  • 'The clerks are experienced, helpful and organised. Paul Jennings and Dan Coote are highly experienced clerks, both professional and approachable.'
  • '5 Stone Buildings is the foremost set of chambers for Court of Protection work.'
  • '5 Stone Buildings offers a good and reliable service.'
  • '5 Stone Buildings is at the top of its game in the Court of Protection sphere. It delivers excellent quality counsel at all levels of qualification.'


Leading Silks
KCs at the very top of their field, with a long-established record of market-defining cases, and widespread endorsement from clients and peers. All silks appointed in the last two rounds are listed further below.
‘Tracey strikes fear into her opponents. She is calm, very well-organised, extremely clever and a great advocate. She is unflappable.’
‘David is an outstanding barrister and communicator, making complex issues easy to understand with a practical approach and seeking solutions that benefit the client.’
 'Sarah is knowledgeable and thorough. She is calm and unpretentious. She always gets her point across in court and is not afraid of doing so in a hostile judicial environment.'


Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
'Mark is a brilliant advocate. He consistently argues his case effectively against the most experienced of KCs. He is a go-to, particularly with complex and high-value matters. He combines technical excellence and responsiveness with high EQ and a wonderful manner.'
‘Ruth is a fount of knowledge and excellent at applying that knowledge to the facts of the case. She is a great team player and very good with clients. Her advocacy is good.’
‘William is exceedingly bright and provides clear strategic advice. He takes a calm approach but stands his ground and does not appear to be ruffled by others taking a more aggressive stance.’
‘Jordan's written and oral advocacy is excellent. He is confident, incisive and persuasive. He has excellent tactical sense as well as deep legal knowledge.’
‘Mathew can produce high-quality work under considerable time pressure and has good client care skills. He prepares well and presents the client's case calmly and effectively in court.’
‘Alexander is brilliant. He gets on top of the papers very quickly, is available at short notice and perfectly toes the line of being collaborative but robust with the other side. His advocacy is very good, also excellent at putting the clients at ease.’
'Eliza has a very strong grasp of this area of the law. She can think logically and creatively when dealing with unusual circumstances that arise in a dispute. She has a great rapport with the client and can bring a sense of calm to what can often be a very emotional and stressful time for the client.'
 ‘Hugh provides exceedingly prompt and helpful advice concerning an urgent court application. His advocacy is clear and confident.’
Leading Juniors
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
'Mark is a brilliant advocate. He consistently argues his case effectively against the most experienced of KCs. He is a go-to, particularly with complex and high-value matters. He combines technical excellence and responsiveness with high EQ and a wonderful manner.'
‘Ruth is a fount of knowledge and excellent at applying that knowledge to the facts of the case. She is a great team player and very good with clients. Her advocacy is good.’
‘William is exceedingly bright and provides clear strategic advice. He takes a calm approach but stands his ground and does not appear to be ruffled by others taking a more aggressive stance.’
‘Jordan's written and oral advocacy is excellent. He is confident, incisive and persuasive. He has excellent tactical sense as well as deep legal knowledge.’
‘Mathew can produce high-quality work under considerable time pressure and has good client care skills. He prepares well and presents the client's case calmly and effectively in court.’
‘Alexander is brilliant. He gets on top of the papers very quickly, is available at short notice and perfectly toes the line of being collaborative but robust with the other side. His advocacy is very good, also excellent at putting the clients at ease.’
'Eliza has a very strong grasp of this area of the law. She can think logically and creatively when dealing with unusual circumstances that arise in a dispute. She has a great rapport with the client and can bring a sense of calm to what can often be a very emotional and stressful time for the client.'
 ‘Hugh provides exceedingly prompt and helpful advice concerning an urgent court application. His advocacy is clear and confident.’