Veirano Advogados' Brasília office boasts notable regulatory expertise, representing both domestic and foreign clients in public law-related dispute prevention and resolution. Regulated sectors such as energy, infrastructure and natural resources provide the bulk of the team’s work. Practice head Marcelo Reinecken is often engaged by telecoms, manufacturing and mining clients in proceedings before the superior courts. The addition of Elinor Cotait from Mundie e Advogados in January 2023 as the national public law and regulation lead reinforced the firm’s capabilities in regulated sectors.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary

Key clients

  • Autotrac Comércio e Telecomunicações
  • Philip Morris
  • SAMA Minerações Associadas (em recuperação judicial)
  • SENCINET Brasil Serviços de Telecomunicações
  • ANEAA (National Association of Airport Administrators)
  • Harsco Metals
  • Paranapanema
  • APROBIO – Associação Dos Produtores De Biocombustíveis Do Brasil
  • CropLife Brasil
  • Associação Brasileira de Defensivos Pós-Patente (AENDA)
  • IDB Intermediação e Agenciamento de Serviços em Sites (InDrive)
  • International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)

Work highlights

  • Represented the World Bank in a civil action filed by the state of Piauí before the Supreme Court demanding the immediate application of a compensation mechanism for losses of tax revenue by the states following a decision by the federal government to reduce taxes on fuel due to the Ukraine War.
  • Acted for ABRAFIX and ACEL in bringing a direct constitutional challenge before the Supreme Court, seeking the declaration of unconstitutionality of a statute of the state of Rio de Janeiro.
  • Acted for CropfLife Brasil, SINDIVEG and AENDA in filing an amicus brief in a constitutional complaint filed before the Supreme Court by the Workers’ Party and the Socialism and Freedom Party.


Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Marcelo Reinecken, Elinor Cotait