Best known for its credentials in dispute resolution, boutique Ferro, Castro Neves, Daltro & Gomide Advogados is sought out by creditors, debtors, investors and judicial trustees, who rely on the team for advice on ‘complex matters that require a dedicated and highly technical action’. In a recent highlight, the firm has advised the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors in the LATAM restructuring. Thiago Peixoto Alves has a ‘a solid academic background’ and extensive experience in major restructuring and insolvency proceedings. Daltro Borges and Marcos Pitanga are other key contacts in the team.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘FCDG is a firm that we rely on for complex matters that require a dedicated and highly technical action. The day-to-day involvement of members makes them stand out from their competitors. Furthermore, the content of FCDG's work is often nothing short of exceptional.’

  • ‘Felipe Basto is an extremely dedicated, available and friendly lawyer. In addition to being one of the most hands-on lawyers I work with, he is also very sophisticated when it comes to presenting non-ordinary solutions to complex matters.

  • 'FCDG has a very experienced team in all fields of civil and business litigation. In restructuring, the fact that the team acts for all ends of the process (debtor, creditor, AJ and investor) is noteworthy, so that it knows exactly how the agents will act in the process. It is an firm where we are always assisted by a senior partner, with a multidisciplinary and business-oriented vision. They are always available and usually have out-of-the-box ideas.'

  • 'I particularly highlight the senior partner Thiago Peixoto Alves, who leads the restructuring team and serves several financial institutions (banks and domestic and international funds) and debtors. He is very available, has a solid academic background and a lot of forensic experience.He also enjoys great prestige in the judiciary.'

Key clients

  • Enseada Indústria Naval
  • Odebrecht Óleo & Gás
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • Unitec Semicondutores
  • Pérola Distribuição e Logística
  • 1 SAT
  • Novero Investimentos
  • The Ad hoc group of noteholders from Samarco Mineração
  • Cimento Tupi
  • Banco Pan
  • BRZ Investimentos
  • Banco BTG
  • Banco BBM
  • RK Partners
  • Construtora Rossi
  • Canvas Capital
  • Enforce Postalis Official
  • Committee of Unsecured Creditors
  • The fiduciary appointed to protect the interests of LATAM Airlines’ unsecured creditors
  • Consavel Administradora de Consórcios
  • Lojas le biscuit

Work highlights

  • Advising Odebrecht Óleo & Gás (OOG) as a debtor on its extrajudicial restructuring.
  • Advising PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) as a judicial trustee in the Grupo PDG judicial reorganisation.
  • Advising Cimento Tupi as a debtor in its judicial reorganisation.


Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Daltro Borges