avocado rechtsanwälte primarily advises transport, waste disposal and industrial companies as well as public sector players on issues relating to the waste management industry and waste law. The team's expertise includes recycling and circular economy matters, soil and groundwater contamination as well as contaminated site remediation projects; on the public sector side, the group also assists with legislation and the implementation of waste law sanctions. The practice is led by its four key contacts: Markus Figgen and Ralf Kaminski primarily advise clients on waste law compliance and also act in environmental criminal proceedings and disputes, Thomas Gerhold provides support for planning and adaptation projects, mainly in emissions and soil protection law, and Rebecca Schäffer is considered an expert for hygiene law, among other matters.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • 'We find the team to be very, very competent and committed to any kind of issue. Here we find the highest level of service and competence across all areas of advice and representation on legal issues.'

  • 'Markus Figgen and Rebecca Schäffer: Offer competence, the highest level of industry experience and knowledge and extensive expertise by considering a wide range of positions and perspectives.'

  • 'What is outstanding is that the team works in a solution-related manner. There are no problem discussions. The work is goal-oriented and the customer is engaged with his topic.'

  • 'In the area of ​​waste management, recycling and waste law, avocado law attorneys cover all specialist areas in a law firm, not only in factual and technical questions, but also with thought-provoking impulses and suggestions on how to deal with new situations. Everything in absolute depth, with consistently good cooperation between the individual specialist lawyers.'

  • 'Ralf Kaminski: Offers excellent knowledge and expertise and can also get to the heart of it linguistically.'

  • 'Markus Figgen: Offers excellent knowledge and expertise and is very subtle during a detailed execution.'

  • 'Strong positioning in the waste disposal industry. Deep industry knowledge. Perfectly connected, so always up-to-date.'

  • 'Ralf Kaminski: A valuable contact. The work is solution-oriented, but always pleasant and personal.'

Key clients

  • AWB Köln GmbH
  • Asphalt Ladenburg GmbH
  • BDE Bundesverband der Deutschen Entsorgungs-wirtschaft e.V.
  • Custos Consult
  • Engel Umwelttechnik GmbH
  • GMVA Gemeinschafts-Müll-Verbrennungsanlage Niederrhein GmbH
  • KMR-Marine Surveyors GmbH
  • MAV - Mineralstoff - Aufbereitung und - Verwertung GmbH
  • PRS premium Recycling GmbH
  • RCS GmbH
  • REMONDIS Konzern
  • Rheinkalk GmbH
  • Schönmackers Umweltdienste GmbH & Co. KG
  • Stadt Neustadt an der Weinstraße


Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Markus Figgen, Ralf Kaminski, Thomas Gerhold, Rebecca Schäffer

Other key lawyers

Matthias Peine, Michael Gayger