Kirkland & Ellis is a market leader in private equity and funds arbitration, active across all aspects from advisory work at the deal stage to pre-arbitration dispute resolution and conducting the arbitrations themselves. Vastly experienced across HKIAC, ICSID, ICC, SIAC and many other major institution rules, the practice also handles a steady stream of international commerce and investor-state arbitrations across key economic sectors including energy, infrastructure, defence and technology. Fergus Saurin heads the practice and commands a strong reputation for multi-jurisdictional arbitration disputes, especially regarding capital markets, M&A and shareholder disputes. Kelly Naphtali is also a key contact for cross-border work, covering numerous jurisdictions including China, Japan, Singapore, Korea and Australia.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Fergus Saurin

Other key lawyers

Kelly Naphtali