Jones Day‘s practice group is praised for its ’availability and subject knowledge’ and is equipped to handle the full range of compliance and data privacy mandates, among them the implementation of compliance programmes, internal investigations, AML and anti-corruption work, fraud prevention and consumer protection matters. The team regularly advises healthcare, energy and retail-sector clients on compliance with Mexico’s National Anticorruption System regulations, as well as the UK Bribery Act and other international statutes. A recent standout matter saw the group advise Grupo Proeza on the development of anti-corruption, AML, cybersecurity and personal data protection programmes applicable to its operations across Asia and the Americas. Practice head Guillermo E. Larrea, who was promoted to the partnership in January 2024, specialises in compliance, anti-corruption and AML and has notable experience carrying out employee training sessions. The key contact at associate level is Juan Carlos Quinzaños, who takes care of international investigations and matters relating to ethical sourcing, employee misconduct and privacy concerns. Since publication, Larrea has left the firm - with effect from January 2025.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘Knowledge of the applicable regulations to carry out audits in these sectors; ability to serve in a digital environment; availability to deal with clients from other countries, languages ​​and time zones.'

  • ‘Attention, language skills, availability, and subject knowledge.'

Key clients

  • Syndesis Health
  • Veriff OÜ
  • Daikin Industries
  • Grupo Proeza

Work highlights

  • Assisted a global health research and innovation company with its data protection, privacy and healthcare regulatory compliance obligations in Mexico and Latin America.
  • Advised Veriff OÜ, an automated identity verification software, on data protection laws in Brazil, Colombia and Mexico, data processing basis and consent collection, and KYC requirements in Mexico and Latin America.
  • Advised Daikin Industries on the update and revision of its compliance policies, including exposure to corruption, as well as direct and indirect sales to governmental institutions for its operations in Latin America.