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Said Al-Shahry & Partners (SASLO) acts for banks and borrowers in project, acquisition and Islamic finance mandates. The firm is also active in the development and regulation of the Omani banking sector, and routinely works with the Capital Market Authority, which has recently established a comprehensive framework for regulating cryptocurrency assets. Capital markets specialist Thamer Al Shahry and corporate expert Jeremy Pooley jointly head up the practice. Special counsel Sherif Hampton is well versed in handling Islamic finance and private equity transactions.
Legal 500 Editorial commentary
Key clients
- Sohar International Bank SAOG
- Capital Market Authority
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Work highlights
- Advised Ahlibank SAOG in relation to its OMR 75 million private placement of perpetual subordinated bonds representing Additional Tier I (AT-1) Capital.
- Advising the Government of Oman, via its regulator the CMA, on the preparation of a comprehensive crypto-assets regulatory framework in Oman.
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