Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Rupert Allen
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Rupert has one of the best legal minds at the Bar; in addition, he has a commercial mindset and is extremely responsive and user friendly. He is a brilliant advocate, in both written and oral advocacy. He is very quick on his feet, and is an excellent drafter of advice and court documents.’
Leona Powell
Blackstone Chambers
'Leona is very bright, her advocacy is consistently well pitched with the court, and she is very responsive and approachable.'
Stuart Adair
XXIV Old Buildings
‘Good grasp of the commercial realities of a case and good empathy with clients. Stuart has a persuasive manner in court and is ready to deal with the unexpected as it arises.’
Simon Adamyk
New Square Chambers
‘One of the brightest barristers at the Bar. Highly intelligent, meticulous in his attention to detail but always ready to give a rougher steer if required, a good advocate, and extremely easy to deal with.’
Fraser Campbell
Blackstone Chambers
'Able to synthesise a very large volume of information and distill it down to straightforward and practical advice. He is an exceptionally gifted advocate, whose advocacy style is assured and measured.'
David Drake
Serle Court
‘David is probably one of the smartest people at the Bar. Clients go to him with the most difficult issues that require super brain power.’
Anton Dudnikov
Essex Court Chambers
'Anton is fiercely intelligent. His advocacy is very composed, measured and lucid. When faced with complex issues, it is obvious that judges take comfort from the clarity of Anton's submissions.'
Richard Hanke
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Richard is extremely incisive. His advocacy is excellent and his written work is of the highest quality. He is a silk in waiting.’
Christopher Harrison
4 Stone Buildings
‘Extremely thorough in his approach, and supportive with clients. Thinks ahead and anticipates future issues. Overall, extremely competent and a pleasure to work with.’
Edward Ho
Brick Court Chambers
'Everything a solicitor prays for in a barrister - next-level intelligence, but also pragmatic and down to earth. Destined for greatness.'
Susannah Jones
Twenty Essex
'Extremely able senior junior. She knows every detail of the case. Her pleadings are comprehensive but not long-winded. Brilliant at settlement agreements.'
Matthew Morrison
Serle Court
‘Matthew is an excellent written advocate with great litigation sense. He is well liked by clients and a great team member. A star of the future.’
Clare Reffin
One Essex Court
‘Always provides excellent value and her analysis is meticulous. She keeps instructing solicitors on their toes at all times, and is much better than many KCs.’
Can Yeginsu
3 Verulam Buildings
 ‘Can is a superb commercial senior junior who is a dream to instruct. He really comes into his own as an advocate against silks in the Commercial Court and is a great cross-examiner. Clients love him, opponents respect him, and judges listen to him. Absolutely top class.’
Paul Adams
Serle Court
‘Very bright, brilliant attention to detail, very accessible, and always happy to help - a real team player.’
Emily Betts
Gatehouse Chambers
'Emily is extremely articulate and knowledgeable, with a commercial instinct that results in excellent all-round advice for the client. Emily has become a go-to barrister for Chancery/commercial work.'
Michael D’Arcy
One Essex Court
‘Michael is highly intelligent and quickly gets to grips with complex legal and factual points. He is thorough and thoughtful in the advice he provides, and his written work is to a high standard.’
Tom Ford
Essex Court Chambers
'Tom has a lot of energy, is well spoken, and a good strategist. He's also a pleasure to work with - he has no weaknesses.'
Edward Harrison
Brick Court Chambers
'Edward is an outstanding junior who is a match for many KCs. He is an assured and persuasive advocate whose courtroom submissions deliver knock-out blows, and his mastery of the detail in complex cases is hugely impressive.'
Philip Hinks
3 Verulam Buildings
‘One of the best and most sought-after juniors in relation to commercial litigation disputes. He is always responsive and is adept at devising creative solutions for clients. His advocacy is measured and calm, which typically builds a good rapport with judges. He is always on top of the facts and works relentlessly to fight for the client.’
Timothy Killen
2 Temple Gardens
‘Timothy is on a meteoric rise at the commercial bar. He is super-smart, completely across the papers, and fantastic at leading a team.’
Tina Kyriakides
Radcliffe Chambers
‘Tina fights her client's corner like nobody else. She is a very gentle but assertive advocate, and very much a team player with her instructing solicitors, which contributes to a much more productive process.’
Lisa Lacob
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Lisa is highly intelligent, great with clients, and goes above and beyond for her clients - she is always contactable, offers quick advice when needed, and very commercial in her overall strategy. Her advocacy and written work are equally impressive, and she can do both to an exceptional standard.’
Anna Littler
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Anna is fantastic. She is tirelessly hardworking - nothing is too much trouble and her attention to detail is fantastic. She achieves this while remaining practical and client friendly, which is no mean feat. When Anna is on board clients know they will get a top-level service, for both advisory work and advocacy.’
Belinda McRae
Twenty Essex
'Belinda's written work is superb and her skeleton arguments are a work of art. She is extremely user friendly, responsive and hardworking. A well-prepared and persuasive advocate.'
William Moffett
Radcliffe Chambers
‘Very good with clients - makes them feel at ease and inspires confidence in them. Exceptionally thorough and always ready to deal with any query that may arise. His advocacy is quietly persuasive and probing, but he will not leave any issue unsaid.'
Adil Mohamedbhai
Serle Court
‘Adil is one of the best juniors at the Commercial and Chancery Bar, and plainly destined for great things. He is highly intelligent, has excellent legal knowledge and experience, and wonderful litigation instincts. He also works ferociously hard.'
Laurence Page
4 Pump Court
‘Laurence has a phenomenal work rate and an unparalleled ability to turn complexity into simplicity at speed. He gives a level of assurance beyond his years and is also great fun to work with. A real one to watch, who is destined for big things at the Bar.’
Watson Pringle
Maitland Chambers
‘Watson is an outstanding commercial barrister in every respect. He works extremely hard, is very clever, and has excellent judgement. As an advocate, he is unusually clear and confident for a junior - a silk in the making.’
Michael Ryan
7 King’s Bench Walk
‘Michael holds his own as an advocate against experienced silks, has depth of legal knowledge, and very good analytical skills.’
James Weale
Serle Court
‘James's advocacy is astute, carefully prepared, and always hits the mark. He is highly persuasive and effective at achieving the desired end result for the client. He is also extremely responsive and provides sound input on a strategic level. Certainly a KC in the making.’
Elizabeth Weaver
XXIV Old Buildings
‘An absolutely top, go-to counsel - very bright, persuasive and detailed, Has a broad range of skills, which she adapts ably to all manner of cases. Clients respect and like her a lot.’
Stuart Benzie
Stuart Benzie
Radcliffe Chambers
 ‘Stuart has unparalleled experience of obtaining urgent, interim relief, and he has true commercial awareness to bring to bear, which clients really appreciate.’
Bajul Shah
Bajul Shah
XXIV Old Buildings
Nicola Allsop
Quadrant Chambers
‘Superb communication skills, very clear advice, and a star of the future. A silk in all but name, she is exceptionally bright, engaged and delivers great written and oral advocacy.’
Sri Carmichael
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Very diligent and thorough. Sri always takes care to keep clients updated with the progress of her work. Clear and concise drafting skills, and good empathy with clients.’
Lucy Colter
4 New Square
‘Lucy is very responsive, incredibly hardworking, and a fantastic team player. She is a real pleasure to work alongside and to instruct.’
Daniel Edmonds
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Daniel is an excellent junior, who marries excellent technical skills with brilliant commercial judgement. He works extremely hard and has a fantastic ability to quickly get on top of the detail of a matter and provide incisive commercial advice.’
William Edwards
3 Verulam Buildings
 ‘William is extremely intelligent and able to advance sophisticated arguments in support of a client's position. He is tenacious in seeking out resolutions for clients, and willing to think outside the box to find workable solutions. His advocacy is impressive, and he is very able and quick on his feet when addressing complex and challenging questioning from appeal judges.‘
Thomas Elias
Serle Court
‘Thomas has a strikingly good eye for detail and his advocacy is perfectly judged - never overplaying a point but always pressing the point home until it lands. Thomas radiates calm, and many a crisis passes unnoticed thanks to his grip on the situation. He is the perfect foil for a silk, who prefers to concentrate on the big picture, but is strategically very capable himself.’
Patrick Harty
One Essex Court
‘Patrick is measured, well prepared, and gets to the heart of the case almost immediately, managing to simplify the most complex cases.’
Stuart Hornett
Selborne Chambers
‘Robust and thorough, good attention to detail, and effective in cross-examination. Always well prepared and commercial.’
Tamara Kagan
One Essex Court
‘A real team player, who pays great attention to detail. She asks very effective questions to make sure clients get the best evidence possible, and her drafting is excellent.
Nicole Langlois
XXIV Old Buildings
‘Technically very good and has a good strategic mind too, so Nicole is a valuable member of the team in terms of strategic issues.’
Gary Lidington
Radcliffe Chambers
‘Gary is very practical and understands the nuances in working with North American clients. He is fantastic in court and clients have a lot of confidence in him.'
Anna Lintner
39 Essex Chambers
'A real star who has outstanding technical ability and enviable advocacy skills that are a match for any opposing counsel.'
David Lowe
Blackstone Chambers
'David is an outstanding junior. He is extremely bright and delivers calm, considered and persuasive advocacy of KC-level quality. He is destined for the very top.'
Alexander MacDonald
7 King’s Bench Walk
‘Alex is an exceptional and standout barrister. He is incredibly bright and rolls up his sleeves to get into the weeds of the dispute, and he is able to master any topic.'
Marcus Mander
7 King’s Bench Walk
‘Probably one of the hardest working juniors at the Bar. Marcus is exceptional in his attention to detail, is a fantastic source of legal knowledge, and a calming presence as an advocate.'
Jennifer Meech
Serle Court
  ‘Jennifer is an excellent all-round barrister. Calm and very easy to deal with, her advice is always spot-on and she is great on her feet in court.'
Simon Mills
Radcliffe Chambers
 ‘Hands-on, approachable, excellent with clients, empathetic whilst professional, good on strategy and tactics, and thinks outside the box. Readily available, irrespective of time zones and will work around clients to include after-hour conferences – goes above and beyond.’
Tom Mountford
Blackstone Chambers
'Tom is incredibly bright and nimble, and has a keen eye for the commercial realities of the case at hand. He is naturally legally astute but, more importantly, appreciates the commercial nuances at play and how this might impact overall strategy.'
Kendrah Potts
4 New Square
‘She is hands on and understands how to support solicitors and be a real team player. She combines this with extremely strong written and oral advocacy, and a pragmatic and commercial approach.’
Charles Raffin
Gatehouse Chambers
'Charles is a highly intelligent and focused individual with an uncanny ability to identify and grasp the core issues in a case and distil them down to bite-size pieces. He is analytical and extremely thorough in his advice.'
Jason Robinson
7 King’s Bench Walk
 ‘He is very bright- a good communicator who listens well, and is very patient and clear with the client. His analysis of issues is excellent and his case strategy is clever.’ 
Alan Roxburgh
Brick Court Chambers
‘Alan’s great strength is his meticulous and careful reading of all the papers, and his ability to spot the very small but significant details. He is also completely unflappable and very reliable.‘
Adam Rushworth
One Essex Court
‘Adam is an intellectual powerhouse and tactically very astute. He is also a pleasure to deal with, and his written advocacy is first rate.’
Edward Sawyer
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Exceptionally able, and a very strong strategist and advocate. Not fazed by difficult legal/factual issues, and creative in working out how to use court processes to get the client where it needs to be.’
Max Schaefer
Brick Court Chambers
'Max is an exceptional barrister. Super-bright, incisive, and phenomenally productive, with beautiful written work. He is a complete team player and his advocacy at trial is excellent.'
Shane Sibbel
Blackstone Chambers
'Shane is technically excellent, really details-focused, and delivers advice in a client friendly and commercial manner. A real star.'
Derek Spitz
One Essex Court
‘Derek is very strategic and delivers his advice in a way that is easy for a client to understand.’
Joseph Sullivan
Quadrant Chambers
‘Ferociously intelligent and extremely hardworking. He always makes himself available to deal with queries and he is an instructing solicitor's dream. There is no doubt that he will make a fantastic KC in the future.’
Charlotte Tan
Brick Court Chambers
'Brilliant technician and very hardworking. Charlotte has a huge intellect and can quickly get on top of the most complex issues. A great person to have on the team in the demanding moments leading up to major deadlines.'
Rachel Tandy
Henderson Chambers
‘Rachel strikes the perfect balance between fiercely intelligent and imaginative in her approach to legal problems. A wordsmith and no detail is missed. Excellent on her feet – certainly one to watch.’
Niranjan Venkatesan
One Essex Court
'Niranjan is an exceptional lawyer. He is phenomenally bright and despite his tremendous ability, he is always humble and ready to help any member of the team.'
James Walmsley
Wilberforce Chambers
‘James understands cases quickly and is incisive in getting to the important issues at hand. He has very strong judgement and understands how judges approach cases and issues.���
Clara Benn
7 King’s Bench Walk
‘Clara is one of the cleverest barristers clients could hope to meet, but wears it lightly - she never makes clients feel they have asked a silly question and adds value to every question she is asked. She is also very good on paper.'
Ian Bergson
Fountain Court Chambers
‘One of the very best juniors at the commercial Bar. He is incredibly clever, hardworking and a pleasure to work with - a star of the future.’
Andrew Blake
Erskine Chambers
'Andrew is a pleasure to work with. He is very good with clients, gives clear and robust advice, and is good on strategy and great on commerciality.'
Joanne Box
Brick Court Chambers
'Joanne is a very effective barrister, with excellent instincts and a great ability to identify the heart of an issue quickly. She remains calm under pressure and is an asset to any team.'
Oliver Butler
One Essex Court
'Oliver is an excellent junior - he has a clear and incisive sense of the law and how it applies practically. His drafting style is concise, clear and persuasive, and he is extremely quick on the uptake and efficient.'
Chintan Chandrachud
Brick Court Chambers
'Chintan is highly intelligent and brings great intellectual clarity to his work. He is efficient, hardworking, responsive and a real pleasure to collaborate with. Chintan's written advocacy is of a very high standard.'
Stewart Chirnside
Quadrant Chambers
 ‘Stewart is incredibly responsive and quick, and has impressive attention to detail. He is technically excellent and his written advocacy work is exceptional. His calm and measured approach makes him easy to work with.'
Richard Clegg
Selborne Chambers
‘Superb courtroom performer with an easy manner, but very persuasive. Incredibly detailed and impeccable preparation.’
Carmine Conte
Blackstone Chambers
  ‘Carmine has an encyclopaedia knowledge of black letter law, with rigorous attention to detail. He is personable, responsive and engaging to deal with. Due to his background in academia and as a solicitor in Australia his experience and abilities exceed his years of call.‘
Adam Deacock
Radcliffe Chambers
 ‘Adam has a fantastic ability to recall details and information. He is robust on his feet and enjoyable to work with.’
Stephen Doherty
Outer Temple Chambers
'Stephen is phenomenally clever and can absorb huge quantities of information and documentation extremely quickly. He is very good tactically and his advocacy is impressive.'
Bobby Friedman
Wilberforce Chambers
 ‘Bobby has a great deal of knowledge about a range of legal issues, and is able to work on a wide variety of commercial cases while making them seem like his specialist areas. He commands a courtroom with strong and confident advocacy, and often tussles successfully with far more experienced advocates.’
Jonathan Gavaghan
Ten Old Square
‘Jonathan is a brilliant, technically-gifted barrister. His advocacy is persuasive, with a fantastic grasp of legal authorities and a compelling style. He shows good judgement and is great with clients.’
Sam Goodman
Twenty Essex
‘The consummate junior - paperwork is strong, turned around efficiently, and he doesn't sit on the fence with his advice. Very easy to deal with and instruct.’
Emma Hargreaves
Serle Court
‘Exceptionally intelligent, even in the context of the commercial Bar. Her emotional intelligence, and her ability to understand people and motivations is a rare attribute in a barrister with her legal acumen.'
Lara Hassell-Hart
4 Stone Buildings
'Unbelievable for her year of call. Her strategic analysis and ability to identity the points of attack in the other side is amazing. Lara's written work is also exceptional.'
Catherine Jung
Essex Court Chambers
 ‘Responsive, analytical, quality drafting, easy to work with, and takes initiative. Written advocacy is of the highest quality - persuasive and well researched.’
Lara Kuehl
Serle Court
‘Lara is a bright and hardworking junior, with a good grasp of company law and a zest for commercial litigation. Her pleadings are excellent and she is an assured performer in court.‘
Christopher Lloyd
Essex Court Chambers
  ‘Incredibly clever and has a great eye for detail. He is also incredibly hardworking and makes sure he knows a case inside out, and is across all aspects of it. He is a real team player and works seamlessly with instructing solicitors.’ 
Kristina Lukacova
Monckton Chambers
 ‘Popular with clients due to the firm and decisive nature of her advice. She identifies the risks inherent in adopting any course of action clearly, and makes sensible, commercially pragmatic recommendations that are easy for clients to understand.’
Simon Oakes
Quadrant Chambers
‘Confident, good with clients, works hard to find solutions, not afraid of a difficult case, and seeks to be creative with arguments - clear advice and drafting.’
Angharad Parry
Twenty Essex
'Truly exceptional, demonstrating an unparalleled level of skill and dedication. Her expertise in commercial litigation is unmatched, and her ability to navigate complex legal matters with precision and thoroughness is truly impressive. ’
Tom Pascoe
Brick Court Chambers
'Tom is a future star. His analytical skills are well beyond his years, his legal advice is measured, commercial, and generally spot on for what is required in any given situation.'
Gregory Pipe
Monckton Chambers
 ‘Very much the complete general commercial litigation barrister – he is very bright and with a deep knowledge of contract law, in addition to which he is an excellent court advocate, has a really good bedside manner with clients, and will also bear in mind the client’s commercial objectives.‘
Saaman Pourghadiri
4 New Square Chambers
'Saaman is totally on top of his brief, and combines an energetic, dynamic approach with technical excellence and creative, practical thinking. He is a real team player, whose performance in the courtroom suggests that he is far more experienced than he really is.'
Helen Pugh
Outer Temple Chambers
‘Helen is bright, meticulous and easy to work with. She is an excellent advocate, and can communicate difficult points in a relaxed manner.’
Samuel Rabinowitz
Fountain Court Chambers
'One of the cleverest and most able juniors around - searing intellect, delightfully modest about his incredible abilities, and puts 150% into every case. Faultless drafting and inspires confidence in all his clients.'
Alexander Riddiford
Essex Court Chambers
 ‘A highly intelligent, personable barrister, who is quick to get to the heart of the key issues, both legal and commercial, and who is able to provide succinct and astute advice within a tight timescale.’
Samuel Ritchie
Fountain Court Chambers
'One of the best commercial juniors in practice at the Bar. He is highly intelligent and motivated, always on top of the facts and the law, always fully prepared, and usually always right! He is excellent with clients and supremely easy to work with, being even-tempered, unflappable and helpful.'
Jack Rivett
Erskine Chambers
 ‘Jack is an absolute superstar. His knowledge of the law and ability to get to the heart of an issue are first-rate, and he often goes up against senior members of the Bar who have far more experience, yet comes up trumps.'
Andrew Rose
4 Stone Buildings
'Andrew is a top-notch junior capable of running with cases usually allocated to more senior juniors. He has excellent analytical skills, argues his case fiercely, and offers deep legal insight.'
Leonora Sagan
Fountain Court Chambers
 ‘A brilliant lawyer, with a crisp and elegant writing style, who will go very far in the profession. Great attention to detail, as well as a capacity for hard work.’ 
Emily Saunderson
Quadrant Chambers
 ‘Simply wonderful. Emily is extremely thorough with her preparation, and her drafting skills are up there with the best silks. Extremely calm and methodical in her advocacy, but knows when to be assertive for her client.’
Maximilian Schlote
One Essex Court
 ‘A go-to junior and he is exceptional. He quickly gets to grip with complex matters, and is extremely hardworking, practical and incredibly intelligent. His input is always well thought through and his drafting is very good indeed.'
Adam Sher
Fountain Court Chambers
 ‘Adam has a brilliant mind and quickly sees the strengths and weaknesses of any strategy or legal argument. He is calm under pressure and willing to fight the client's corner.'
Paul Strelitz
Gatehouse Chambers
'Paul has a fantastic intellect. His written work is top class, he has a clear thought process, and thinks tactically at all times.'
Carlo Taczalski
Crown Office Chambers
‘Carlo is an excellent advocate - a real fighter. He is very tenacious, not afraid to pursue difficult points, and is able to persuade courts very effectively. His written advocacy is also of a very high standard.’
Matthew Thorne
4 Pump Court
 ‘Matthew is extremely intelligent and his legal research and analysis is absolutely superb. He is also a first-rate advocate, and can patiently explain the most complex points in a way that is both attractive and easy to follow.’
Benedict Tompkins
Essex Court Chambers
 ‘Benedict has a brilliant and incredibly quick legal mind, good judgement, and communicates really well with team members. He is an outstanding barrister and very valuable team member.’
Emma Catia Walker
2 Temple Gardens
 ‘Emma contributes attention to detail, and the ability to pull together experiences from a number of areas and therefore approach cases with a fresh perspective.‘
Daniel Warents
XXIV Old Buildings
'Daniel is an exceptional barrister. He has excellent attention to detail and the quality of his written work is very high. He is able to explain things clearly to lay clients and is very personable. However, it is the quality of his advocacy that is particularly impressive.'
Jack Watson
Wilberforce Chambers
 ‘Jack is superb at grasping the relevant facts and works through papers quickly and efficiently. Clients are made to feel at ease whilst he deftly explains the issues and navigates them through any difficulties. In court, he is quietly persuasive and instils confidence through his understated, focused approach. ’
William Willson
South Square
 ‘William is a go-to senior junior. He has seen everything and cuts through the chaff like few others can. William is a master client-handler, giving surefooted advice even under the most challenging of circumstances.’
Ben Woolgar
Brick Court Chambers
'Ben is a very versatile barrister - he combines excellent written and oral advocacy skills with outstanding legal analysis. Absolutely one of the stars at the Bar, and will rise to the very top of the profession at this rate.'
Nik Yeo
Fountain Court Chambers
'Nik is one of the leading juniors in the crypto and digital assets space, where his knowledge - both of the products and the law - is matched by few.'
Christopher Howitt
Christopher Howitt
Three Stone
'Great attention to detail and the ability to get across a lot of information in a short space of time. He is also strong on an appreciation for wider strategy and great at client handling.'
Gabriella McNicholas
Gabriella McNicholas
Maitland Chambers
'She is a very tenacious advocate, always well prepared and clear and persuasive in her delivery.'
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
William Day
3 Verulam Buildings
‘As well as being a fantastic advocate and legal adviser, Will embodies team spirit. He absolutely gets it when it comes to pressure to deliver on time in challenging circumstances, and will do all he can to help the client achieve its objective.’
George Eyre
Gatehouse Chambers
‘George is a confident barrister and deservedly so. He has impressive knowledge but, more importantly, a real skill in manoeuvring his opponents. He is definitely a rising star and one to watch.‘
Daniel Fletcher
One Essex Court
'Daniel is commercially astute, incredibly smart, extremely rigorous in his analysis, and very hardworking. He is able to quickly and easily get on top of complex legal matters, and deals well with pressure.'
Ravi Jackson
3 Verulam Buildings
'A junior who is a star of the future. The work he does is far ahead of his years of call, showing enormous wisdom and judgement. He is a hardworking, highly intelligent lawyer, with superb drafting skills and excellent strategic nous.'
Katherine Ratcliffe
Essex Court Chambers
‘Katherine is an excellent junior barrister - her skills are far beyond her years of call. Her case analysis and drafting skills are of the highest standard, and she is, quite rightly, very highly in demand.’
Gayatri Sarathy
Blackstone Chambers
 ‘Gayatri is simply superb – unflappable, smart, hardworking and a great team player too. Her advocacy skills are also very impressive.’
Sophie Shaw
Brick Court Chambers
‘Sophie has a brilliant legal mind, stunning knack for finding the key facts and documents, and the most calm presence. She is truly a star of the Bar.’
Veena Srirangam
One Essex Court
‘Veena has excellent judgement and is a key junior barrister to whom firms regularly turn to instruct. She writes clearly and concisely, and is very quick to grasp key issues.‘
Andrew Trotter
Blackstone Chambers
 ‘A first-class lawyer – meticulous, thorough, and with an enviable breadth of legal knowledge. His written advocacy is also first-class – concise, crystal-clear and very powerful. He is also unflappable and pleasant to deal with.‘
Kajetan Wandowicz
4 Pump Court
‘Brilliant ability to absorb large amounts of material and quickly produce clear advice. He’s also an excellent advocate.‘
Frederick Wilmot-Smith
Brick Court Chambers
‘Fred is incredibly clever, even by London commercial Bar standards. He has an academic’s in-depth understanding of complex legal theories and concepts, but manages to be an extremely practical barrister nonetheless.‘
Tom Wood
Brick Court Chambers
'He is very perspicacious, rapidly grasping the essential elements in any dispute. Tom is highly responsive and has a global view of any legal dispute, assessing the commercial elements as well as the legal aspects.'
Usman Roohani
Usman Roohani
4 New Square Chambers
‘A thorough and commercially astute junior. Usman is exceptionally hardworking, bright and impressive, and his output is outstanding.‘