Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
James Bourke
Monckton Chambers
‘James is very intelligent and experienced beyond his year of call; perceptive at identifying issues before they come up.’
Nicholas Gibson
Matrix Chambers
‘Nicholas is incredibly hard working, energetic, creative and drafts very well. His advocacy is very persuasive and he is not afraid to get really stuck in to the detail and to test things thoroughly.’
Tristan Jones
Blackstone Chambers
 ‘A pleasure to work with and highly sought after, Tristan is astute when it comes to strategy, very good with clients and very good on his feet.’
Sarah Love
Brick Court Chambers
‘Sarah is extremely bright, responsive and good at delivering clear advice. She gets into the details of cases and ensures that she is able to provide really effective support.’
Jason Pobjoy
Blackstone Chambers
‘Jason is a superb and incredibly talented barrister who consistently delivers clear and practical advice to clients, often in relation to very complex issues. A go-to barrister for competition law disputes, he is an absolute delight to instruct and already a star of the competition Bar.’
Ben Rayment
Monckton Chambers
‘Ben is great. He is sensible, really hard working, thorough and thoughtful. He drafts clearly and his advocacy is persuasive and effective, which is evident from how judges trust him.’
Julian Gregory
Monckton Chambers
‘Julian has a brilliantly forensic approach to reviewing evidence and in using that evidence to bring his pleadings to life. He is appropriately forceful when challenging the client to get to the nub of issues and his drafting is measured and insightful.’
Laura Elizabeth John
Monckton Chambers
 ‘Laura is very impressive; calm, assured and knows the subject matter inside-out. Her strategic thinking is top tier and the clients have complete confidence in her.’
Julianne Kerr Morrison
Monckton Chambers
‘Julianne is adept at cutting through the noise to simplify complex issues into clear submissions. She is a huge asset to any large case, with an efficient, no-nonsense approach to litigation.’
Hugo Leith
Brick Court Chambers
‘Hugo is a superstar junior. He combines intellectual brilliance, crisp advocacy, strategic and technical awareness beyond his years of call, and ferocious work ethic.’
Gerard Rothschild
Brick Court Chambers
‘Gerard is a truly outstanding draftsman and a superb black letter lawyer. His written work is hard to improve upon: succinct, logical and beautifully written. An excellent competition lawyer, with particular expertise in the energy sector and in collective actions.’
Derek Spitz
One Essex Court
‘Cuts to the crux of an issue quickly and skilfully, both in advocacy and in advice to clients. Derek is very strategic, understands his clients’ objectives and is enjoyable to work with.’
Michael Armitage
Monckton Chambers
 ‘He is super-bright and amongst the best analytical juniors. Michael knows abuse of dominance issues inside-out, also having excellent tactical nous and exceptional drafting.’
Fiona Banks
Monckton Chambers
 ‘Fiona is incredibly organised and efficient. Not many junior counsel are as effective as her in terms of the speed and quality of output.’
Alison Berridge
Monckton Chambers
‘Alison is like Superman but immune to Kryptonite – she has no known weaknesses. She is an incredibly bright and innovative thinker, who is utterly committed to helping you and the client get the result you need, which she invariably delivers in spades.’
Tom Coates
Blackstone Chambers
‘A real rising star, Tom combines intellectual brilliance, crisp advocacy, and strategic and tactical awareness beyond his year of call. He has impeccable judgement in a way that is innate and manages to convey clear and short answers to the most difficult issues in the case.’
Owain Draper
One Essex Court
‘Owain is an excellent junior counsel. His written submissions are persuasive, well structured and impactful.’
Nikolaus Grubeck
Monckton Chambers
‘Steeped in competition law, Nik always provides clear and considered advice. He is equally able of seeing the commercial realities and risks for his clients. ’
Tim Johnston
Brick Court Chambers
‘Excellent, clear, crisp drafting combined with a broad and deep knowledge of competition and public law. Very user-friendly, always willing to pick up the phone to talk through issues.’
Matthew Kennedy
Brick Court Chambers
‘Matthew is incredibly hard working and responsive. He is a team player who is happy to roll up his sleeves. His advocacy style is excellent — confident and very easy to follow. Definitely one to watch.’
Ben Lewy
One Essex Court
‘Ben is very bright. He is good at analysis and putting a case together, forming a strong link with the counsel team.’
Emily MacKenzie
Brick Court Chambers
‘Emily is an all round excellent lawyer, a superb person to have on any team. She produces written work that is of the very highest standard and always on time, even under pressure.’
Jennifer MacLeod
Brick Court Chambers
'Jennifer has deep knowledge of competition law. She is a skilled communicator who provides insightful and well-reasoned advice to clients and persuasive arguments in court.'
Ciar McAndrew
Monckton Chambers
‘An excellent team player and willing to get involved in all aspects of the case, Ciar has a good eye for detail and is great to work with.’
Conor McCarthy
Monckton Chambers
‘Conor is forensic, highly knowledgeable and always helpful and approachable. He is the go-to senior junior for competition law matters.’
Emma Mockford
Brick Court Chambers
‘Emma is a fantastic junior. Extremely hard-working, practical and responsive, she worked seamlessly with the solicitors throughout.’
Tom Pascoe
Brick Court Chambers
‘Tom is very effective in drafting pleadings that are water-tight on the most complex issues of substance whilst remaining clear and easy to understand by readers unfamiliar with the law or the case.’
Jack Williams
Monckton Chambers
‘Very hard working and approachable, Jack adopts a sensible approach to cases. He has a calm, well-structured and unflappable style of advocacy; he is able to deal with heavyweight cases and more senior barristers without any problems at all.’
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Isabel Buchanan
Blackstone Chambers
‘Isabel is extremely bright and very responsive. She produces clear, thorough and well-written analysis and presents well. She is also adept at grasping the key issues on a large piece of competition litigation.’
David Gregory
Monckton Chambers
‘David is an absolutely brilliant junior: ferociously intelligent, technically flawless and with superb judgement, indefatigable, and a real team player.’