Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
James Bowling
4 Pump Court
‘A very confident and accomplished advocate, with the maturity and presence of mind of a silk. James is very personable and easy to work with.'
Cyril Chern
4 New Square
‘Cyril’s strengths include his highly skilled knowledge of commercial needs both in terms of business and the lay client’s needs.  He is truly a pre-eminent advocate and possesses one of the finest combinations of style, legal knowledge, and cutting-edge cross-examination skills.’
Nicholas Collings
Atkin Chambers
‘Nicholas’ strength is his ability to clearly and concisely explain technical points of law to lay clients. Further, his written advocacy is extremely well-drafted, persuasive and effective.’
Richard Coplin
Keating Chambers
‘Richard's service levels are exceptional and always gives pragmatic, commercial advice. His ability to read a situation and deliver exactly what is needed is second to none.'
Robert Clay
Atkin Chambers
‘Robert is exceptionally bright and has the ability to quickly drill down into the key issues.  He has the ability to understand detailed engineering issues and calculations and explain them in clear and simple language. Robert is very approachable and clients like the safe pair of hands.'
Thomas Crangle
4 Pump Court
‘Thomas is very user-friendly. He is responsive and easy to use and get on with. He is pragmatic and exhumes confidence which the clients love. He is very good on his feet and judges listen to him.'
Simon Hale
4 Pump Court
‘A formidable advocate – his courtroom skills are second to none. He gets to the crux of complex issues quickly and provides practical, real world advice. He is a team player, ready to roll his sleeves up to get the best result for the client.’
Abdul Jinadu
Keating Chambers
‘Abdul remains a doyen of construction law. He is not only highly experienced and extremely knowledgeable, but commercially astute – his tactics are effective and decisive.'
Kate Livesey
4 Pump Court
‘Kate has excellent judgement, is forensic, and is determined. She is an excellent advocate – well-prepared, and with a real feel for the temperature of the court and the views of the judge.’
Rachael O’Hagan
Keating Chambers
‘Rachael is collaborative but also clear and directive; a flexible advocate who adapts her style as required for the circumstances. As an advocate, she builds rapport with the tribunal, the witnesses and even the other side.'
Luke Wygas
4 Pump Court
‘A sensible, reliable barrister who responds very quickly. He is a safe pair of hands, has sound judgement and a personable manner.  He is able to cut through the noise and get to the heart of the issues very quickly.'
Ebony Alleyne
Gatehouse Chambers
‘Ebony is simply phenomenal. A shining star at the construction Bar. Fiercely talented with forensic attention to detail, comprehensive and meticulously thorough in her analysis. Always well-prepared, she has a winning way with clients who can see that she speaks from experience and really knows her stuff. She’s the real deal.’
Alexandra Bodnar
Keating Chambers
‘Alex is a brilliant barrister who provides intelligent comments and sensible solutions throughout her involvement in any matter.  She is extremely efficient and reliable.  In addition, in court, Alex calmly and methodically sets out the position so it is clear to all and she does this in a manner which is engaging and lively.'
Tim Chelmick
4 New Square
‘Tim is a delight to work with.  He is thorough, confident and knowledgeable. Tim is an outstanding advocate and, in particular, cross-examination.’
Mathias Cheung
Atkin Chambers
‘Mathias is a real star for his level of call. He is extremely hardworking and he is able to turn around complex work in a short period of time. His drafting is forceful when it needs to be and very effective.'
Tom Coulson
Keating Chambers
‘Tom is one of Keating’s best juniors who punches well above his weight. He is unbelievably bright, a great strategist and can turn his hand to anything.'
Paul Cowan
4 New Square
‘Paul’s attention to detail is second-to-none. He finds every thread of a case and pulls on it. As an advocate, he is highly persuasive and thoroughly prepared. Paul remains a go-to for construction disputes.’
Omar Eljadi
Atkin Chambers
‘Omar demonstrates excellent drafting skills and an astute understanding and assimilation of complex technical information. Highly recommended.’
Jennie Gillies
4 Pump Court
‘Jennie is very quick to get to grips with technically complex claims. She is commercial in terms of her advice and assessment of prospects. She is excellent on her feet - calm and persuasive.'
Daniel Goodkin
4 Pump Court
‘Daniel is extremely clever and one to watch as a future silk. His legal analysis is second to none, and he is effective and efficient in cross-examination. He remains calm under pressure.'
Rónán Hanna
Atkin Chambers
‘A supremely able technician who never makes a badly formulated submission to the court. Able to see a problem from all directions, instilling confidence in both the court and client alike.’
Emma Healiss
Keating Chambers 
‘Emma is easy to work with, provides strong commercial and practical advice and is extremely proactive and gets the job done.’
David Johnson
Atkin Chambers
‘David is very responsive, detail-orientated, a team player and provides practical and timely advice. He is good with clients and understands their requirements.'
Zulfikar Khayum
Atkin Chambers
‘Zulf is very focused and gets to grips with the details quickly. He presents well and wins the confidence of the tribunal effectively. He has an impressive range – he can be robust when needed but can also be subtle and draw a witness out in cross-examination when that is the best approach.’
Thomas Lazur
Keating Chambers 
‘Tom's advocacy is excellent - he makes very difficult issues and submissions easy to understand for the judge to follow.'
Marc Lixenberg
Atkin Chambers
‘Marc is a silk in the wings. His advocacy and ability to tackle difficult situations on his feet is second-to-none. Marc’s drafting is on point. He is excellent with clients.’
Sarah McCann
Gatehouse Chambers
‘Sarah gives very clear and straightforward advice on matters which are often highly complex and nuanced. She is excellent at detail and working with technical experts to ensure often extremely complex technical issues and presented in the most effective way. A pleasure to work with.'
George McDonald
4 New Square
‘George is very bright. He is particularly good at cases where there is an element of data interpretation required, and at reviewing the evidence with experts. Clients and solicitors like him for his amiable charm.'
Katie Powell
Atkin Chambers
‘Katie is excellent. She has an incredible grasp of the technical areas of construction defects claims and produces high-quality product at incredible speed.'
Ben Sareen
Keating Chambers
‘Ben has the ability to cut through issues and get the heart of the matter quickly; an extremely able barrister, responsive, commercial and strategic in his thought process.'
Hugh Saunders
4 New Square
‘Hugh is outstanding. As an advocate, he is masterful on his feet. As an expert in the field of construction, his knowledge of the law and ability to master the technical issues in a case is second-to-none. He always goes the extra mile.’  
Melissa Shipley
39 Essex Chambers
‘An excellent junior, who is comfortable leading cases or working with KCs. Melissa’s detailed understanding of the technical and factual issues quickly earns her the respect and confidence of clients.'
James Thompson
Keating Chambers
‘James is a skilled and technically sound barrister who offers invaluable legal and commercial advice to clients in difficult situations. He is very easy to work with and is reliable, insightful and pragmatic in the way he approaches the litigation process.'
Matthew Thorne
4 Pump Court
‘Matthew is extremely intelligent and his legal research and analysis are absolutely superb. He is also a first-rate advocate, and can patiently explain the most complex points in a way which is both attractive and easy to follow. He easily operates at the level of a strong KC.’
Lauren Adams
Atkin Chambers
‘Even in the company of silks and city partners, Lauren will be the brightest person in the room. The speed with which she grasps the key issues of a matter is startling. Lauren’s written advocacy is lucid, persuasive and concise. She is confident on her feet and handles witnesses masterfully.’
Tom Asquith
4 New Square
‘Tom is an excellent barrister. He has in-depth technical knowledge and an understanding of the construction profession. Tom is a strong advocate who is able to present a case in a clear and persuasive manner. He is friendly, polite, approachable, positive but robust and able to elicit key information from clients even on more sensitive aspects of a case.'
Paul Bury
Keating Chambers
‘Paul is outstanding. He is calm, measured, intellectual and personable. Everyone who works with him is impressed. He is destined for Silk.'
Gaynor Chambers
Keating Chambers
‘Gaynor has an excellent grasp of construction technicalities. She is precise, diligent and extremely professional but has a knack for putting clients at ease.'
Daniel Churcher
4 Pump Court
‘Daniel is one of the London Bar’s most promising and talented construction juniors. He is 100% committed to his cases and clients and is extremely user-friendly. Intellectually dexterous and lightning quick on his feet.’
Helen Dennis
4 Pump Court
 'Helen has strong legal knowledge coupled with strong business acumen and understanding of practical implications and strategic considerations for the client.'
Felicity Dynes
Atkin Chambers
‘Razor-sharp, super bright and very thorough. Felicity is a model of excellence on her feet, in written work and in conferences. A ferocious advocate against the opposition, but a delight to have on your own team. A first-choice junior.’
Paul Fisher
4 New Square
 'Paul is incredibly responsive, commercial and pragmatic, easy to deal with and, most importantly, client-friendly. He fits in seamlessly as one of the team, drafts superbly, and can really probe in cross-examination.'
Benjamin Fowler
4 New Square
 ‘Benjamin is excellent at cutting to the core of an issue. First-class drafting skills. He is a confident, coherent and charismatic advocate.  He is adept on his feet and intuitively knows when to seek instruction.’
Dalton Hale
Atkin Chambers
‘Dalton is very bright, responsive and with strong drafting skills. His ability to think on his feet in a court room and present a focused and persuasive case to a judge is impressive.’
Vivek Kapoor
39 Essex Chambers
 'Vivek is an expert in law - his ability to find novel legal solutions to some of the most difficult situations is remarkable. He is an excellent advocate - his ability to make simple arguments explaining complex points in both law and facts is a case winner. His cross-examination is effective.'
Andrew Kearney
Gatehouse Chambers
 ‘Andrew is a gifted construction barrister. He is a very persuasive advocate, his strategic insights are invaluable and he has the ability to shape a case in the right way.’
Saleem Khalid
Deka Chambers
‘Saleem has real grit and steely determination. He is not intimidated by aggressive or confrontational litigation tactics from opponents. He holds his ground and gets the result for his client.'
Nicholas Maciolek
Atkin Chambers
‘Nicholas is extremely bright and personable. His knowledge is well beyond his years. Excellent drafting, advice and handling of clients.'
John McMillan
Keating Chambers
‘John is very detailed and thorough, has fantastic attention to detail and has been great with explaining in detail to the client. Incredibly good team player.'
Laurence Page
4 Pump Court
‘Laurence has a phenomenal work rate with an unparalleled ability to turn complexity into simplicity at speed. He gives a level of assurance beyond his years and is also great fun to work with. A real one-to-watch who is destined for big things at the Bar.’
Christopher Reid
Atkin Chambers
 ‘Christopher is excellent. A very intelligent, hard-working and commercially savvy junior. He is calm, measured and astute. He is also very personable and a pleasure to work with.'
Richard Sage
Crown Office Chambers
‘Rolls up his sleeves and gets on with things; very calm and great working knowledge of adjudication; great in hearings; strong drafter and knows and understands adjudication procedures and range of knowledge and experience is brilliant; one to watch.'
Robert Scrivener
4 Pump Court
'Robert is a star in the making. He has an encyclopedic knowledge of English law and is profoundly diligent. He approaches issues intelligently, is a good strategist, and is an excellent problem solver providing sound, practical views and advice. His written work is clear, precise and well-crafted.'
David Sheard
Keating Chambers
'David is a star. He is extremely intelligent, a superb draftsman, and he has a natural familiarity with procedural matters. His knowledge of the law is very strong. His advocacy is natural, calm and clear.'
Gideon Shirazi
4 Pump Court
‘Able to assimilate information quickly; a calm, persuasive advocate; easy to work with; good at developing a strategy.'
Alice Sims
Keating Chambers
 ‘Alice is incredibly user-friendly, pragmatic, and a pleasure to work with. She immediately grasped the client’s commercial objectives and put forward strategies to achieve them.’
Harry Smith
Keating Chambers
‘Extremely knowledgeable and very responsive from a solicitors perspective. Excellent on paper and on his feet. His calm and methodical advocacy is a great strength.'
Quentin Tannock
4 Pump Court
'Quentin provides a pragmatic approach to litigation. His understanding of documents and advice given is detailed and well-advanced. Quentin thinks on his feet and is very approachable. Quentin’s advocacy is persuasive and detailed. He has experience way beyond his call year which he puts to good use.'
Helena White
Gatehouse Chambers
'Helena is exceptionally bright, and gives very clear and robust advice. In court she is calm, quick on her feet, and strongly argues her case.'
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Harriet Di Francesco
Keating Chambers
 ‘Harriet is very bright, personable, and confident. She gets to grips with complicated issues quickly and leads you through the process with reassuring ease.’
James Frampton
Keating Chambers
‘Very bright, focuses on the key issues, always prepares comprehensively, very good advocate, great manner. He is a star junior.’
Arthur Graham-Dixon
Atkin Chambers
 'Arthur is very user-friendly and easy to work with and was a real value add to the team. He has an incredible ability to get to grips and understand highly scientific and technical material and analyse this from a legal perspective and then distil his thoughts into easy-to-follow written advice.'
Caroline Greenfield
Atkin Chambers
 ‘Caroline is an excellent junior. She has exceptional attention to detail and her work ethic is second to none. She very quickly grasps key issues and gets into the detail of the matter.’
Max Twivy
Atkin Chambers
‘Max is clearly very intelligent and knowledgeable. He has proven to be very effective in his advice. He is a very clear communicator.’