Leading Silks
Rachel Ansell KC
4 Pump Court
‘Rachel remains one of the hardest working, sharpest minds at the Bar and is absolutely at the top of her game. Her work ethic knows no bounds.’
Sean Brannigan KC
4 Pump Court
‘Sean is strategically and tactically savvy. A strong litigator. Good under pressure and an impressive advocate.’
Anneliese Day KC
Fountain Court Chambers
'Anneliese is very knowledgeable, commercial and super easy to deal with. She has the ability to let the opposing party keep talking and bides her time until the appropriate moment and then calmly and precisely takes apart what her opponent has just said. Incredibly effective and gets results.'
Chantal-Aimée Doerries KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Chantal brings a huge amount of gravitas and experience in international construction disputes. She is a trusted source of advice - be it in legal and technical issues or matters of strategy. She is able to distil complex problems into key issues and deal with them in a concise manner.'
Simon Hughes KC
Keating Chambers
‘Simon is authoritative, diligent, and hugely commercially savvy.  His instincts are second to none, and he is guaranteed to be a safe pair of hands on any complex construction and engineering dispute.  A smart advocate, he responds well to changing circumstances, with an uncanny ability to read the room and fine-tune his advocacy as required.  Simply put, instructing Simon is a no-brainer for anyone wanting the best in the business.’
Simon Lofthouse KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Simon is very thorough and detailed in his preparation. You can be assured that he has read every document and considered every point. He is very good on even the most technical and specialist points. His cross-examination is always effective, no matter the witness.'
Manus McMullan KC
Atkin Chambers
 ‘Manus is very experienced and knows the facts of a case inside out. He is super smart, quick thinking, with a great sense of humour and excellent communication skills vis-à-vis the client and the co-counsel, making everybody feel at ease. He engages with everybody and makes collaboration very pleasant.’
Alexander Nissen KC
Keating Chambers
 ‘Alexander is a genius in everything he does. He has an amazing breadth of experience, and there is nothing he hasn’t seen or done in the past or is able to advise upon in an authoritative but user-friendly manner.’
Paul Reed KC
Gatehouse Chambers
‘Paul is very thorough and extremely responsive. He does not sit on the fence and his sense of how complex issues will play out before a tribunal is second-to-none.’
Andrew Rigney KC
Crown Office Chambers
‘Andrew’s intellectual strength goes without saying. But in addition, Andrew is a superb advocate with his quiet understated style belying a razor-sharp cross-examiner. He has turned a judge 180 degrees to his way of thinking on a number of occasions with persuasive but straightforward and very well-constructed arguments. Lastly, he is without any doubt the most client and solicitor-friendly KC at the construction Bar.’
David Thomas KC
Keating Chambers
‘David is excellent at determining a strategy, getting the team to deliver and persuading the decision makers. All round, he is very successful at winning.'
Andrew White KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Andrew is a silk at the top of his game. Very detail-driven and really rolls his sleeves up and gets stuck into the detail. Excellent strategist.'
Stephanie Barwise KC
Stephanie Barwise KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Stephanie knows the sector inside out. Her command of the detail, and ability to weave a narrative to put her clients in the best possible position, is exceptional.’
Stephen Dennison KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Stephen is an outstanding advocate. His ability to dissect the issues in a matter and articulate them is second-to-none. He is excellent with client communication.’
Riaz Hussain KC
Atkin Chambers
 ‘Riaz is extremely attentive to key strategic issues. His advocacy is sharp and powerful, hitting on the key issues underpinning the case.'
Jeremy Nicholson KC
4 Pump Court
‘Superb all-rounder. Fantastic advocate: calm under pressure and has the ear of the court, because he has the ability to pick out from a mass of detail only the key important points and present them in simple terms to the judge. Lovely drafting too.'
Fiona Parkin KC
Atkin Chambers
  ‘Fiona insists on being on top of all the detail such that her advocacy can be well-structured, targeted and concise. Fiona is happy to take on board challenges and work as part of a team. She will work extremely hard to try and get the best possible result.’
Benjamin Pilling KC
4 Pump Court
‘Benjamin is skilled on paper, drafting clearly and precisely, and with surprising speed. He has an impressive ability to cut through large swaths of material to the heart of complex issues, and to provide solutions, including innovative solutions when required. His knowledge of English law is impressive, as is his ability to pick up and understand points of foreign law, and his ability to understand complex construction issues.'
Dominique Rawley KC
Atkin Chambers
 ‘Dominique gives clear and practical advice. She is able to assimilate large amounts of information and distil the points which are most relevant and important to the case. She has an excellent understanding of PFI and PPP projects and what makes those projects, and the parties, tick.'
Marion Smith KC
39 Essex Chambers
‘Marion is an excellent advocate, with a profound grasp of how to simplify complicated scenarios and obtain an effective outcome for clients.'
Steven Walker KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Steven is an excellent adviser and advocate. His written advocacy is superb: he presents even the most complex legal issues in a clear and understandable way. His knowledge of PFI and PPP projects is unsurpassed.  On top of all that, he is also a joy to work with.'
Jonathan Acton Davis KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Jonathan is a very good advocate. He has a calm and understated manner and is able to guide tribunals through complex matters. He is a highly skilled cross-examiner, who can lay subtle traps for both fact witnesses and experts. He has an urbane and charming manner that comes across well with tribunals. He is calm and composed and fills clients with confidence.'
Martin Bowdery KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Martin provides unbelievably robust advice, which clients love. Not afraid to go into battle for seemingly lost causes, and comes out on top. He is the most imaginative barrister and his advocacy is feisty and mischievous.’
Veronique Buehrlen KC
Keating Chambers
‘Veronique's ability to untangle convoluted technical, delay and quantum issues and present them in a clear and unambiguous style is genuinely impressive.'
Karim Ghaly KC
39 Essex Chambers
‘Karim is a wonderful advocate, with a particularly methodical and devastating cross-examination. His ability to learn a complex case, break it down into the key issues on which the matters actually turn and devise effective strategy is also particularly impressive.'
Andrew Goddard KC
Atkin Chambers
 ‘Andrew is good at analysing complicated legal, technical and factual issues. His advocacy is smooth and well-structured. He is able to explain complicated matters in a logical and easy-to-understand manner. He is also responsive and understands the need of solicitors.'
Simon Hargreaves KC
Keating Chambers
‘Simon is immensely knowledgeable, enthusiastic and hands-on. Great at getting stuck in and brings a calm authority. He is also terrific fun to work with.'
Alexander Hickey KC
4 Pump Court
‘Alex is excellent to work with, very low maintenance and user-friendly. An excellent cross-examiner and advocate with an innate sense of what will resonate with a tribunal.’
Vincent Moran KC
Keating Chambers
‘Vincent is a very good KC. He demonstrates an ability to manage very difficult and complex high-value litigation. He has a good tactical insight.’
Jonathan Selby KC
Keating Chambers
‘Jonathan is a brilliant advocate - in a trial, there cannot be many better. He has fantastic attention to detail, a probing and inquiring mind and is therefore devastating on technical and factual cross examination. His written and advisory work is excellent - commercial and authoritative.'
Piers Stansfield KC
Keating Chambers
 ‘Piers has a razor-sharp intellect and is able to distil the complex into the easy and understandable. Advice is always presented with the client reader in mind. Clients trust him and will ask for him again. Piers very much works as part of the team which makes working with him easy and enjoyable. Basically, he’s first-class.’
Sean Wilken KC
Keating Chambers
‘Sean is very bright, has a detailed understanding of the law, can get to grips with technical issues and is a very able advocate who can compete with the best in the business.’
Nicholas Dennys KC
Nicholas Dennys KC
Atkin Chambers
 ‘Nicholas is calm, smooth, and confident. He exudes all that a KC should and more; super knowledgeable but great at client delivery; strong oral arguments; patient and diligent mediator; massive brain; great to have on your side and as a mediator you are immediately confident in his ability to get the matter resolved.'
David Brynmor Thomas KC
Newmans Row
 ‘David’s advice is very clear and easy to understand for those instructing and clients. He can distil several complex problems into straightforward answers.’
Michael Curtis KC
Crown Office Chambers
 ‘Michael provides clear, concise advice and can cut through complex issues so that they are easy to understand. His work ethic is unparalleled and he has an impressive attention to detail.'
Sarah Hannaford KC
Keating Chambers
‘Sarah is a superb advocate and a great adviser. She is authoritative, very clear with solicitors and clients, and rightly has a great reputation as one of the best in the public procurement world. Her preparation for advocacy is absolutely meticulous, delving right into the detail, and coming up with additional points to support her advocacy. Her cross-examination skills are first-class. She is also very responsive, working extremely hard to get everything done to the best of her ability.’
Neil Hext KC
4 New Square
‘Neil is absolutely first-rate – very well-prepared, bright, hard-working and an extremely good advocate and cross-examiner.’
James Howells KC
Atkin Chambers
‘James is a highly intelligent and hard-working KC who is always a pleasure to deal with. His legal and strategic analysis is excellent, and his advocacy is considered and persuasive.'
Nigel Jones KC
Gatehouse Chambers
‘Nigel is the most user-friendly senior member of the Bar imaginable. He is charming to his clients, shares credit with his team, thinks and expresses himself in the clearest way to clients, opponents and the court alike, and he deservedly is seen as being the leading barrister in his field.’
Krista Lee KC
Keating Chambers
‘Very sharp-minded and always calm in high-pressure situations. Incisive and direct in advocacy and great at reading people and assessing the best approach. A go-to for construction.’
Lynne McCafferty KC
4 Pump Court
‘Lynne is an excellent barrister, dives straight into the detail and provides consistently high-quality strategic advice. She is a determined and robust advocate, combining the skill of putting clients at ease and being a fierce cross-examiner of witnesses and experts in the box. Her cross-examination skills are second to none. She is especially gifted at very complex and detailed cases with an ability to quickly absorb a lot of detail and hone in on the critical issues.'
Justin Mort KC
Keating Chambers
‘Justin as an absolute warrior on his feet. Attention to detail. Always available and goes the extra mile for his clients.'
Ben Patten KC
4 New Square
‘Exceptionally bright, commercial, good with clients, a real team player, very hard working. Goes the extra mile to deliver.'
Marc Rowlands KC
Keating Chambers
‘Marc is clever, astute and understands the client and business implications of what he is advising on. Advice is clear and to the point, getting to the heart of the questions posed. He is client-friendly and quickly gains confidence from clients, and he is an in-demand rail counsel.’
Michael Ashcroft KC
Twenty Essex
‘Michael remains as grounded and user-friendly now as he was when he was a junior, which is a great attribute when combined with his considerable intellectual power. He gets to the crux of a problem very quickly and offers sound, practical and very well-considered advice.'
Mark Chennells KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Mark is super bright and has an uncanny ability to make something which seemed hideously complex, straightforward and compelling. His drafting and clarity of thought are refreshingly clear. He is always on top of the detail, which clients appreciate and does it all while retaining his sense of humour and purpose.'
Isabel Hitching KC
Crown Office Chambers
 'Isabel is a highly capable advocate who is able to cut through the issues and give sensible and commercial advice. Calm and composed on her feet and more than a safe pair of hands.'
James Leabeater KC
4 Pump Court
‘James is very thorough. He provides sensible and coherent advice that is applicable to the commercial realities of the matter.'
Christopher Lewis KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Exceptionally clever and brilliant legal analysis skills. He is a lovely man to work with and is very good at handling clients and explaining the issues to them.'
Richard Liddell KC
4 New Square
‘Rick is exceptionally hard-working and client-focused. His advice is clear, concise and commercial. He is easy to work with and clients love his approach.’
Siân Mirchandani KC
4 New Square
‘Sian is extremely thorough and likes to get into the detail of her cases. She is an integral part of the defence team and is excellent to work with.'
Claire Packman KC
4 Pump Court
‘Claire is a naturally gifted and formidable advocate and an extremely able and effective cross-examiner. She has a razor-sharp intellect but combines this with a disarming and highly personable manner. She is brilliant to work with and very down to earth.’
2022 Silks
Rupert Choat KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Rupert is superb. Extremely intelligent and knowledgeable but also excellent at communicating with clients. He's very strategic and responsive to the need to be commercial in approach.'
Calum Lamont KC
Keating Chambers
‘Calum is a phenomenal cross-examiner, a master of technical detail. The best for expert witness details, a master of delay and damages.'
2023 Silks
Jonathan Lewis KC
4 Pump Court
‘Jonathan is extremely adaptable and has an excellent approach when it comes to dealing with arbitral tribunals with whom he seems to build rapport with ease. His advocacy is rapier-like and he is a great team player who isn’t afraid to roll up his sleeves and get into the detail.’
William Webb KC
Keating Chambers
‘Will is an extremely confident barrister who has great communication skills with both instructing solicitors and clients alike. Will’s advocacy shines through in cross-examinations. His preparation is meticulous and this shines through when he is on his feet.’
2024 Silks
Jennifer Jones KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Jennifer is a superb construction barrister. She is a true leader in her field. Her advocacy stills are among the very best and she is able to manage very large cases with ease.’
Anna Laney KC
Crown Office Chambers
‘Anna is extremely talented. She is the most inclusive and team-focused barrister: her manner with everyone ranging from the client to the most junior member of the team is excellent. Her legal ability is second to none. Her advocacy is complex in its approach, but succinct and to the point. Anna is certainly the advocate you want on your legal team.’
Sanjay Patel KC
4 Pump Court
‘Sanjay is an incredibly bright senior junior barrister and is surely a step away from KC. He integrates himself into a team and is excellent with solicitors, clients, witnesses and experts alike. His drafting is absolutely first-class and his advocacy is incisive and intelligent.’
Camille Slow KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Camille is outstanding. Her advice is commercial and sensible. Her advocacy is razor-sharp and nuanced. She is adept at dealing with clients as well as judges.'