Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Aisling Byrnes
25 Bedford Row
‘She is an outstanding advocate who completely masters the facts of a case and has the law at her fingertips. She is a formidable presence in court and a highly skilled cross-examiner who presents her legal submissions in a succinct and persuasive way. She is better than most silks.' 
Orla Daly
QEB Hollis Whiteman
‘Orla is an exceptional junior, right at the top of her game. She is an elegant advocate and her written work is also good.'
Julia Faure Walker
2 Hare Court
 ‘Julia is an absolutely meticulous and thorough barrister who is particularly strong at considering a case from every angle and spotting the hidden pitfalls. She is an extremely fair prosecutor who will take every point that can properly be taken. She works with unfailing courtesy and grace and is an undoubted star of the future.' 
Claire Harden-Frost
Deka Chambers
 ‘Claire has a confident and articulate manner both in and out of court which makes her a formidable lawyer. She is a highly effective cross-examiner and deals with legal submissions succinctly and persuasively. She also maintains very good working relationships with the judiciary and other members of the Bar, meaning that she inspires trust within the courtroom.’ 
Piers Marquis
Doughty Street Chambers
‘Piers is a brilliant advocate with a fearless approach. He is an out-of-the-box thinker, great with strategy and an excellent cross-examiner. He is also excellent at constructing and presenting legal arguments, both in writing and orally.' 
Michael Neofytou
25 Bedford Row
‘Michael is an exceptional advocate and a silk in the making. Juries love his calm and reassuring style and he knows all the facts of a case, down to the smallest details buried in phone data.'
Arlette Piercy
25 Bedford Row
 ‘Arlette is an excellent barrister who forms strong working relationships with lay clients. She is especially experienced and skilled dealing with gang matters and particularly cases with a musical element. She gives firm but fair advice and is formidable in court. Arlette really embraces challenging and complex cases.'
Alistair Richardson
6KBW College Hill
‘Alistair is a beautifully calm and persuasive advocate who knows his cases back to front. He demonstrates real integrity and his communication is excellent.' 
Ben Smitten
25 Bedford Row
 ‘Ben is a standout junior at the criminal Bar. His work ethic is a class apart, and his ability to digest material is second-to-none. His advocacy, both written and oral, is considered and devastating on a prosecution case or criminal investigation.’
Colin Witcher
Colin Witcher
Church Court Chambers
‘Colin is a natural advocate. His charisma and flair can make even the most unlikely and difficult defence seem plausible. His commitment and passion to his client’s cause is obvious to all. The combination of these qualities as well as a commanding grasp of the law make him a formidable opponent. You want Colin on your side.’
Elisabeth Acker
‘Elisabeth has an excellent analytical ability to understand and highlight the key issues in a case. Her empathetic and kind nature ensures that she is a perfect advocate for cases involving youths or extremely vulnerable witnesses and complainants. Her advocacy is also exceptional.' 
Graham Arnold
Farringdon Chambers
 ‘Graham's analytical skills are of a high quality. He is not shy to put forward legal arguments and his advocacy is precise and to the point. He also builds great rapport with his clients.' 
Denis Barry
6KBW College Hill
‘Denis is a brilliant jury advocate: he is highly articulate, amusing and quick on his feet. His style of advocacy calms and concentrates a jury taking them by the hand and leading them over what can be exceptionally difficult areas of law. He is one of the best juniors at the criminal Bar.’ 
Christopher Bertham
3 Temple Gardens
'Christopher is very thorough in his preparation, is eloquent and persuasive in his advocacy and is particularly good at dealing with clients. He readily sees the point of an issue and is able quickly assess its' merits and deficiencies. He has good judgement as well as the gravitas to be able to deal with serious crime.'
James Bloomer
 ‘James is thoroughly prepared and an extremely fastidious barrister. His written arguments are comprehensive and compelling even in the most complex and detailed of cases. His advocacy is clear, well planned, fastidiously researched and persuasive. James is a first choice counsel for matters of complexity and seriousness.’
Paul Evans
Red Lion Chambers
‘He is a persuasive advocate both orally and on paper with an eye to detail and the capacity to assimilate large volumes of evidence. He is very experienced in dealing with vulnerable witnesses both in and out of the courtroom. He works well with others and has a keen sense of humour, though it is never misplaced in the court room.'
Emma Fenn
Garden Court Chambers
'Emma is a strong senior junior who has a quick ability to set the tactical direction of a case. She is a persuasive and determined advocate.'
Mark Fraser
Rose Court Chambers
'Mark is a well prepared tactician in and outside of the courtroom. He has fantastic client care skills and clients really warm to his good nature quickly. He will fight to end of the world and back for his client and in search of justice in the courtroom he is a different beast.'
Leila Gaskin
Crucible Chambers
'Leila cannot be faulted as an advocate, a lawyer or a human being. She is truly a class act. She is hard-working and tenacious but utterly charming, elegant and amusing. Her advocacy is elegant and compelling in equal measure.'
Tom Godfrey
 ‘Tom is an exceptionally gifted lawyer with a very pleasing style of advocacy in cross-examination. He is a leading junior with a great reputation and skill set who is a silk in waiting.'
Carolina Guiloff
25 Bedford Row
 ‘Carolina is ferocious in court with a combative style. Her academic ability as a lawyer is also of an extremely high level. Clients absolutely love her because she advocates for them tenaciously and without fear.' 
Joanna Hardy-Susskind
Red Lion Chambers
 ‘Joanna is a force to be reckoned with. She is incredibly well prepared and grasps very complicated and detailed cases from the first conference. She is very personable and her advocacy is excellent, particularly her cross-examination, which is thorough and incredibly effective.'
Paul Jarvis
6KBW College Hill
 ‘Paul is a highly respected practitioner who thinks with pure clarity. He is a fountain of knowledge and knows the law inside out. He is a true expert in defending sexual offences and is a master of tactical decision making. He is silk quality and clients are in total awe of him.' 
Salma Lalani
'Salma is a very sound tactician and lawyer. She is very industrious and has a conspicuous ability to develop a rapport with clients. She displays a sound level of confidence and articulacy in her presentation of arguments and in questioning.'  
Ben Lloyd
6KBW College Hill
‘Ben presents evidence with skill and confidence. He is always calm, approachable, sensible and has a great sense of humour. A quality advocate.’ 
Christopher Martin
2 Bedford Row
‘Chris is an excellent advocate who delivers clear, concise and forceful arguments and submissions. He is also thoughtful, detailed and, when the situation requires, robust in cross-examination.'
Justin McClintock
15NBS Chambers
‘Justin is an exceptional barrister in all respects. He is extremely committed, hard-working and conscientious and his legal knowledge is beyond impressive. He has a calm and persuasive manner which allows him to deal with difficult clients with great ease. He is understanding, reassuring and always provides the best advice.’
Philip McGhee
QEB Hollis Whiteman
 ‘Phil is exceptionally smart, extremely well-organised, insightful and vigilant. He has a strength in court that matches his talents. He is confident without being overconfident, careful and thoughtful with his submissions, unafraid to press when needed but never on a bad point. A silk in waiting.'
Ioana Nedelcu
Farringdon Chambers
‘Ioana is an exceptionally bright junior with a good strategic mind for even the most delicate of situations. An extremely thorough barrister, she knows cases inside out. She has a stellar future ahead of her.' 
Kate O’Raghallaigh
Doughty Street Chambers
 ‘Kate has a superb legal mind - she incredibly knowledgeable and intelligent. She can turn her hand to a wide really range of cases and still bring the same tactical astuteness to bear. She fights every inch for her clients. She is fearless. She is one of the very best defence juniors around.' 
Jose Olivares-Chandler
5 St Andrews Hill
‘Jose is very charming, highly engaging and extremely knowledgeable. He is one of those rare barristers who can engage with juries in a highly personable way.'
Molly Pinkus
Farringdon Chambers
 ‘Molly is a capable advocate. She gets to the nub of all matters evidential or legal. She also has a good way with juries.' 
Matthew Radstone
25 Bedford Row
 ‘Matthew is extremely thorough, diligent, razor sharp and able to deal with the nitty gritty in all cases. He is a silk in waiting.’
Peter Ratliff
6KBW College Hill
 ‘Peter's advocacy is excellent: to the point, crystal clear, well thought out, always presented with the utmost reasonableness - and therefore very engaging and persuasive. He has great skill in addressing both juries and trial judges and defendants are justly worried at the prospect of being cross-examined by him.' 
David Rhodes
Doughty Street Chambers
 ‘David is extremely friendly and approachable. Clients really like him as he commands an air of knowledge and reassurance. He is bright, methodical and provides excellent written and oral legal arguments. He is a very persuasive advocate and jurors really like him.' 
Craig Rush
2 Bedford Row
'Craig is a silk in all but title. He has a fluid, charming and, when necessary, ferocious, advocacy style and is also a devastating cross-examiner.'
Tessa Shroff
9BR Chambers
 ‘Tessa is one of the brightest junior stars at the Bar. She is utterly dedicated, bright, tactical, pragmatic, eloquent, empathetic and a real fighter. She has an elegant command of the court when she is on her feet which really makes judges and juries sit up and listen. Tessa is highly responsive, her judgement is impeccable and lay clients love her.’ 
Susannah Stevens
QEB Hollis Whiteman
 ‘Susannah is brilliant. She's a real fighter and stands up to difficult opponents and judges. Her preparation is phenomenal, such that she is able to out-expert prosecution experts even in particularly technical areas of science. Her advocacy is measured but impactful.'
Robert Ward
15NBS Chambers
‘Robert is one of the very barristers around. His mastery and understanding of the law is a true skill which many criminal practitioners simply do not have. His written advocacy is brilliant and is matched by his authoritative skills when he is on his feet.’ 
Christian Wasunna
Garden Court Chambers
'Chris is one of those rare barristers with all the right attributes. He is smart and hard-working. His written work is always thoroughly prepared and clear. In terms of his advocacy, Chris has a compelling courtroom presence and is a very persuasive advocate.' 
Lisa Wilson
25 Bedford Row
 ‘Lisa has a charming and commanding presence in the court room. She is fearless in the representation of her lay clients and juries love her and her calm, persistent, and persuasive manner. A quite formidable advocate and a real star of the bar.’ 
David Wood
25 Bedford Row
'David is adept at navigating voluminous evidence served electronically. He has a straightforward, easy manner combined with a cutting intellect and an ability to get to the heart of the issues of the most complex of cases quickly and efficiently.'
Louise Oakley
Louise Oakley
 ‘Louise is exceptional. She is hard working, intelligent, articulate and utterly charming. She is universally respected and liked. She is destined for the very top.' 
Oliver Renton
Oliver Renton
Crucible Chambers
'Oliver is a charming and deadly jury advocate. He is prepared, polite and smooth in his approach. He knows his cases inside out, treats all court users with respect and cross-examines with style and purpose.'
Warwick Aleeson
25 Bedford Row
 ‘Warwick is a powerful advocate on his feet and equally effective in his written drafting. He is a decision-maker but has the capacity to compromise and work very efficiently with others. He has good judgment and is a sound tactician. He has no weaknesses.'
Nick Barraclough
2 Bedford Row
'Nick is exceptionally intelligent and a brilliant advocate who eloquently articulates his submissions in court and robustly defends his clients. Clients always like Nick because he he is meticulously prepared, gives clear advice, and he makes them feel at ease.' 
Harry Bentley
2 Hare Court
 ‘Harry is an extremely committed and exceptionally hard working counsel. He is an effective advocate, great in front of a jury, and a great cross-examiner. He is always quick at picking up the facts and getting straight to the heart of matters.' 
Jacob Bindman
Garden Court Chambers
 ‘Jacob is very clever, clear-minded, accessible and calm. There is a natural, under-stated and very effective quality about his advocacy and advice work.'
Corinne Bramwell
9BR Chambers
 ‘Corinne is a highly accomplished junior with a command of all areas of the case. Her cool, calm and smooth manner instils confidence and reflects her quiet mastery of cases.' 
Tom Broomfield
QEB Hollis Whiteman
 ‘Tom always demonstrates superb preparation in his cases. He always attends court with an exceptional knowledge of the case which fills anyone who instructs him with confidence. In court he is a smooth advocate, picking the right tone for each witness. When mitigating he speaks with purpose and authority.'
Joanna Buckley
Matrix Chambers
'Joanna is a terrific senior junior - she is incredibly knowledgeable, with meticulous research and drafting, measured and persuasive advocacy, and fantastic commitment to her clients.' 
Nichola Cafferkey
33 Bedford Row
 ‘Nichola is an exceptionally talented barrister who should be in silk. She has a warm and compassionate manner with defendants. She has a phenomenal eye for detail and discovers where evidence is missing or withheld with great skill. She is also a confident and highly capable advocate who argues with great persuasion.'
Jennifer Dannhauser
5 Paper Buildings
'Jennifer is very user friendly and has a diplomatic directness with clients. She is very bright, proactive in her management of cases, and her attention to detail is excellent. She is well regarded by her peers and definitely one to watch for the future.' 
Felicia Davy
Red Lion Chambers
'On her feet, Felicia is a fearless and commanding advocate. She is intense and committed and juries and clients love her. She is focussed on what needs to be done and is excellent at communicating and delegating as necessary.'
Patrick Duffy
‘Patrick is utterly charming. He is one of the most popular members of the young Bar. He is hard working, intuitive and fearless. He will leave no stone unturned in his representation and presentation. He is one to watch for sure.’
Tom Edwards
Mountford Chambers
'Tom is a very able advocate. He is perfectly capable of fighting his corner if required, however, he has the judgement to realise that this is not always the best course for his client's case. Very impressive.' 
Tim Forte
3 Temple Gardens
 ‘Tim is unyielding in the pursuit of justice, exhibiting a level of determination that is truly admirable. He is never deterred by obstacles and consistently works towards achieving the best possible outcome for clients, no matter how difficult the circumstances.'
Hugh French
Red Lion Chambers
  ‘Hugh is a robust and effective prosecutor who sets about his task with determination and confidence. His case preparation is meticulous, and he has a strong command of the law. His advocacy in court is focussed and succinct, in particular his cross-examination which can be tenacious when required.' 
Sebastian Gardiner
25 Bedford Row
‘Sebastian is an imposing figure in court. He is an assured advocate with a sound appreciation of forensic strategy and a highly effective cross-examiner, able by his skill and careful preparation to extract the right answers from recalcitrant prosecution witnesses. His legal submissions are concise, accurate and persuasive.' 
Ben Gordon
Furnival Chambers
'Ben is an absolute star. He always goes the extra mile and is wonderful to work with. He is hard-working and determined and his advocacy is intelligent and well-thought-through.' 
Rupert Hallowes
15NBS Chambers
‘Rupert is simply fantastic. He is incredibly personable and gets on well with clients. He is fiercely intelligent and leaves no stone unturned in advancing a defence. He is also first class in court; articulate and charismatic in his delivery.’ 
Sean Hammond
2 Bedford Row
 ‘Sean brings a calm professional approach to every case with an analytical mind which misses nothing and an easy manner with clients which puts them at ease. He is reliable and a joy to work with.'
Maximilian Hardy
9BR Chambers
'Max is one of the finest young barristers around and he has emerged into a powerful prime - he's a silk in all but name. He is versatile, demanding of himself, and utterly dedicated to his client's interests.'
Nerida Harford-Bell
Garden Court Chambers
‘Nerida is extremely down to earth and calm. She is very good at getting to the heart of the issue in the jury's mind and in very complex paper-heavy cases.'
Teresa Hay
5 Paper Buildings
'Teresa has an easy and natural style of advocacy that engenders trust in what she is saying. She is compassionate and empathetic whilst also being a tough cross-examiner who makes her case with skill and dexterity.'
Daniel Higgins
9BR Chambers
 ‘Daniel is empathetic with clients and robust in submissions. He is very good on the law with excellent attention to detail.'
Joe Hingston
Mountford Chambers
‘Joe is highly organised, his judgement is superb and his client care skills are sublime. Joe's advocacy is well measured and well above his level of seniority.'
Sally Hobson
The 36 Group
 ‘Sally really is silk material. Her advocacy is second to none and she bears the weight of these very serious cases exceptionally well. She is always a team player, leads from the front when expected to and works hard and productively if a led junior.'
Ashraf Khan
2 Bedford Row
 ‘Ashraf is a senior junior who in reality has a silk's practice already. He has the ability to cut through the complexity of a heavy case and focus on the real issues for the jury. He has a highly defined level of attention in complex work and always on top of his brief.' 
Adam King
QEB Hollis Whiteman
 ‘Adam is a highly proactive and creative force in any defence team he is part of. His advocacy is excellent and clients love his calmly authoritative style.'
Greg Krieger
Farringdon Chambers
 ‘Greg is extremely articulate and is a class act. He is very hard-working and very experienced. He has a deep commitment towards his clients and is highly sought-after.' 
Charles Langley
2 Bedford Row
 ‘Charlie is a vastly experienced leading junior who is a silk but in name. He possesses an extremely persuasive and effective style which juries find difficult to resist. One of the stars at the junior Bar who should progress to the front row.’
Matheos Lefteris
Rose Court Chambers
 ‘Matheos is a strikingly good courtroom operator with an unerring eye for the best points. He has an air of unflappability when on his feet which greatly encourages client confidence. He is admired by judges and opponents alike and can always be relied upon to advance his case with meticulous attention to detail and not a little charm.'
Will Martin
2 Hare Court
‘Will has a remarkable analytical mind and as an advocate he is confident, charming & persuasive. He is a stellar practitioner.’ 
Tara McCarthy
Thomas More Chambers
 ‘Tara is hardworking and advises swiftly. She is sensitive to the needs of victims and demonstrates an empathetic and genuinely caring approach. She is tenacious and does not give up, even when faced with complex issues. She has a no nonsense approach to her advocacy and presents arguments in a clear and direct way.'   
John McNamara
5 St Andrews Hill
 ‘John is particularly good on his feet. He is a confident and persuasive advocate, provides clear advice in writing and in conference and he quickly captures the confidence of the client. John has particular expertise in dealing with complex road traffic matters.'
Adam Morgan
Furnival Chambers
‘Adam is a tenacious advocate who commands the confidence of the court. His judgement is excellent and clients are confident in his capabilities. Within the realms of the court room, he is a formidable force.’
Eva Niculiu
Three Raymond Buildings
‘Eva is quite simply the perfect criminal barrister - she is phenomenally clever, and extraordinarily articulate, committed and hard-working. her advocacy is imaginative, focused, always razor-sharp and perfectly pitched.'
Will Noble
9BR Chambers
 ‘Will is one of the rare barristers who is great in court, excellent with clients and always very thorough with preparation. He is so well regarded by judges and opponents. He is top notch.'
Sheryl Nwosu
25 Bedford Row
'Sheryl is passionate and committed. She thinks hard about her cases and is shrewd enough to vary her tactics as the circumstances demand. She also has the rare ability to ensure her audience is absorbed by her advocacy.'
Catherine Oborne
Garden Court Chambers
'Catherine is one of the best junior counsels in the country. She is academically brilliant, a true lawyer who actually loves the minutiae of the law and her capacity for work is unparalleled. She does all this with an engaging charm and always with a smile.' 
Osman Osman
25 Bedford Row
‘Osman is in a class of his own. He quickly gets to grips with issues and his rapport with clients is out of this world. He prepares some very clever legal arguments and his trial advocacy is mesmerising - the jury cannot help being impressed.'
Adam Payter
6KBW College Hill
'Adam is a very bright and hard working advocate. He is extremely client friendly and can also steer witnesses and the jury through material, including technical details, in an attractive and careful way. He is a very safe pair of hands on a legal argument, with mastery of the relevant law.' 
Sarah Przybylska
2 Hare Court
'Sarah is calm and measured in her approach. She is always meticulously prepared. She is a very talented lawyer, and is able to make difficult arguments seem straightforward. She is good at handling nervous and vulnerable witnesses, and putting them at ease.' 
Simon Ray
6KBW College Hill
 ‘Simon is a first class brief, who is a silk in all but name. He picks up the details of a case quickly, and understands what matters. He fights his corner fiercely but fairly and his cross-examination is well-prepared and effective.’
Sarah Read
15NBS Chambers
‘Sarah is a natural advocate. Her calm and disarming delivery makes her a favourite with judges and juries alike. When she speaks, everyone in the court room listens.’
Genevieve Reed
Red Lion Chambers
'Geneviève is adept at dealing with troubled and difficult clients, gaining their confidence and putting them at ease. She has confidence and gravitas beyond her call and she is a commanding presence in court.' 
Jeremy Rosenberg
‘Jeremy is very good on the law, is excellent with clients and always reports back promptly.’ 
Neil Saunders
Three Raymond Buildings
‘Neil instantly brings a degree of confidence within any defence team. He is great on the detail and within a few minutes of meeting any client, instills a sense of calm and positivity. He is a brilliant advocate and very well liked by judges. His advocacy style is robust but very very persuasive.' 
Esther Schutzer-Weissmann
6KBW College Hill
‘Esther is an experienced and technically gifted barrister who is calm, collected and strategic in her approach. An exceptional lawyer who is at ease with any tribunal.' 
Michael Skelley
Red Lion Chambers
 ‘Michael is extremely intelligent and an incredibly deep-thinker. He is very client-friendly and always one or several steps ahead of the prosecution. In advocacy, he is persuasive by being quietly, sensibly, persuasive.’ 
Monica Stevenson
25 Bedford Row
 ‘Monica is an extremely assured and able barrister. Her legal submissions are authoritative and persuasive and her detailed preparation allows her to be very agile during the trial process in relation to tactical decisions.'
Sean Sullivan
9BR Chambers
‘Sean will turn his hand to any problem and find a solution. He remains a passionate advocate with a razor-sharp wit and intelligence that results in being highly persuasive in any legal setting.'
Jack Talbot
Red Lion Chambers
 ‘Jack is a conscientious prosecutor who is always on top of his brief. He is fearless but courteous, and persuasive to a jury. He always approaches prosecuting with the utmost fairness.' 
Lucy Tapper
Furnival Chambers
 ‘Lucy is a deeply committed advocate. Clients are attracted to her ability to communicate complex ideas easily and succinctly in a manner that is easily digestible. She is always fully prepared for any conference or hearing and always has a comprehensive grasp of the case. Her advocacy is fluent and accomplished.'
Dominic Thomas
25 Bedford Row
 ‘Dominic is a scintillating advocate and formidable cross-examiner with a powerful presence in court. His legal submissions and jury speeches are a model of eloquence, precision and clarity. There is no finer jury advocate at the junior Bar.’
Greg Unwin
187 Fleet Street Chambers
 ‘Greg has an encyclopedic knowledge of the law and he is absolutely on top of the facts of every case he is involved in. He is trusted and popular with clients, both professional and lay, and respected by judges and other advocates. His advocacy is very smooth and accomplished advocacy.' 
Merry van Woodenberg
2 Hare Court
‘Merry is incredibly hard working. Her analysis is always extremely meticulous and she always has a real sense of how cases will play out which makes her advice on evidence of even more assistance. She is awfully persuasive when on her feet which supplements her outstanding written work. She will rise to the top of the criminal Bar.’
Chris Whitehouse
Farringdon Chambers
‘Chris has a devastating command of the details in cases. He holds the respect of the court and is a real class act who makes powerful and persuasive closing speeches and puts client care at the forefront. He has excellent forensic skills with particular talent in cross-examining expert scientific witnesses.' 
Diana Wilson
The 36 Group
‘Diana is energetic, determined and robust in her advocacy. She remains admirably professional and courteous, even in the face of considerable provocation and pressure.'
Madeleine Wolfe
2 Hare Court
‘Madeleine is wonderful. She is an incredibly intelligent, charming and persuasive advocate. Without any doubt, Madeleine is a first class barrister and is a silk in waiting.' 
Clodaghmuire Callinan
Clodaghmuire Callinan
15NBS Chambers
‘Clodaghmuire is a silk in the making. She knows her cases inside out, her written work is excellent, and she is great with lay clients, particularly young and vulnerable clients. She is also a great tactician and a strong and persuasive advocate.’ 
Jeffrey Israel
Jeffrey Israel
 ‘Jeffrey's jury-craft is superb. He grips your attention with sabre-like cross-examination and layers questions building to the skillful demolition of witness evidence.'
Daniel Jameson
Daniel Jameson
Garden Court Chambers
 ‘Daniel is one of the hardest working senior juniors at the criminal Bar. He has a tactically astute brain and a wonderfully eloquent use of the English language. He has the very rare combination of being highly intelligent, supremely charming and a true gladiator.’ 
Yasin Patel
Yasin Patel
Church Court Chambers
'Yasin is able to grasp the most difficult, complex and challenging cases, even at very short notice. His written work is excellent and his advocacy is exceptional. He has superb people skills and no matter how grave or serious the offence, he is able to put the client at ease that they are in safe hands.'
Gerwyn Wise
Gerwyn Wise
Garden Court Chambers
 ‘Gerwyn is an outstanding barrister. He is a calm, confident advocate and his work ethic is phenomenal. He gets inside every detail of the case, and never stops reviewing, and testing, and refining his approach to the case. He is a pleasure to work with.' 
Grace Ong
Grace Ong
2 King’s Bench Walk Chambers
Alphege Bell
Mountford Chambers
'Alphege is a highly engaging and likeable advocate - it is obvious that his clients trust him and juries really warm to him.'
Ronnie Bergenthal
Farringdon Chambers
 ‘Ronnie's advocacy is precise, considered, thoughtfully planned and well executed. He reads the instructions, prepares well for conferences and hearings so is master of the facts of the brief and provides reassuring advice to lay clients.'
Minka Braun
Garden Court Chambers
 ‘Minka's knowledge of the law is both learned and instinctive. She pursues with vigour any reasonable argument which may assist her client. In her demeanour and manner she exudes authority and confidence borne of a thorough understanding of the factual and legal issues in a case.'
Kerry Broome
QEB Hollis Whiteman
'Kerry is a quick thinker with an outstanding strategic mind. She is a robust advocate who will take the points that really matter. Her dedication to clients is incomparable.'
Daniel Chadwick
2 Hare Court
 ‘Daniel is a fantastic barrister. His skill both in and out of court is almost unmatched. His attention to detail is precise, he is quick and thorough and clients and juries alike both love him. He is persuasive, meticulous and is regularly instructed on paper heavy, complex cases.'
Yogain Chandarana
Rose Court Chambers
 ‘Yogain is an exceptionally hard working and gifted advocate. His cross-examination is first class and his closing speeches are excellent. A calm, thorough and charming advocate.'
Kate Chidgey
25 Bedford Row
‘Kate is an exceptional advocate with a careful and understated manner which belies a real tenacity. She is fiercely intelligent and unafraid of raising difficult points of law. She is outstanding in her ability to cross-examine young and vulnerable witnesses and her speeches are carefully presented and delivered reasonably. She has a great future ahead of her.’
Dominic Connolly
5 St Andrews Hill
 ‘Dominic is meticulous, on the ball and even handed. He brings vast experience and judgment to the table as well as crisp advocacy.'
Beth Crocker
‘Beth is an extremely talented junior. She is a master tactician who knows her cases inside out and her written work is of the highest quality. She is also extremely persuasive in her submissions to judges and fantastic in cross-examination.’ 
David Dainty
 ‘David's ability is far more advanced than his call. His engagement with clients is always tailored towards the individuals needs and his communication skills are exemplary. His advocacy skills are also exceptional.' 
Ishan Dave
Rose Court Chambers
 ‘An up and coming young practitioner with a very good manner both in and out of court which exudes understated confidence. He is as good on paper as he is on his feet. He has good judgment and is a sound tactician too.' 
Alex Di Francesco
25 Bedford Row
 ‘Alex oozes class and confidence with the intelligence to back it up. He is a firm and persuasive advocate with an element of charm to compliment it.'
Nicholas Dunham
Foundry Chambers
'Nick is devastatingly well-prepared. His industry is unparalleled and he is also a highly creative lawyer, identifying issues that others would not even consider. His cross-examination is terrifically effective.'
William Eaglestone
'William is an intelligent and versatile advocate. He has a good sense of humour which he uses sensitively during jury trials. He is a thorough and tenacious cross-examiner and an excellent all-round criminal barrister, whether prosecuting or defending.'
Edward Franklin
2 Harcourt Buildings
 ‘Edward is an intellectual heavyweight. It is apparent from his excellent drafting that he has easy command of complex legal principles. His advocacy is measured and all the more forceful for that. He has mastered the art of emphasis by understatement, and can convey to better effect with a few short words that which many struggle to achieve when addressing courts at great length.’
Richard Furlong
Mountford Chambers
'Richard has the ability to make people want to stand up and applaud his closing speeches and wins the most difficult cases there are.'
Michael Goold
Garden Court Chambers
  'Michael is known for his tireless work ethic and commitment to his clients. He approaches each case with unwavering dedication, leaving no stone unturned in his pursuit of justice. His genuine care for the well-being of those he represents is evident in his compassionate and attentive approach to their legal matters.'
Emma Heath
'Emma is an excellent advocate for young and vulnerable defendants. She is able to gain the trust of her lay clients through her empathetic approach and exceptional communication skills. She is also a very persuasive advocate.' 
Ashley Hendron
2 Bedford Row
 ‘Ashley is methodical and extremely efficient and analytical in his approach to case preparation. He has an effective and commanding advocacy style.’
Nadeem Holland
The 36 Group
‘Nadeem's legal knowledge is second to none. His intellect is formidable and he sees things in case law that others miss. He is fabulous to work with - charming, patient, and humble. He is undoubtedly a silk in waiting.'
Rhodri James
'Rhodri is a brilliant barrister with a fantastic practice. His approach is practical, sensible and down to earth. He is a great lawyer and an outstanding advocate.'
Daniel Kersh
187 Chambers
‘Daniel is a brilliant barrister who is meticulous in his case preparation. From the moment Daniel meets clients he instantly reassures them by treating them with dignity, respect and compassion. His ability to put clients at ease is matched by his forensic and cerebral approach to advocacy.’
Paul Lazarus
25 Bedford Row
‘Paul has an incredible eye for detail and gives very good practical advice. He gets on well with all different types of clients and his written work is very well prepared and thought out.'
Peter Lownds
2 Hare Court
 ‘Peter is a very skilled and measured advocate in particular when dealing with vulnerable clients or witnesses. He is incredibly thorough in his preparatory and written work and is first choice counsel for serious and complex matters.' 
Richard Moss
4 King’s Bench Walk
'Richard is a careful and very measured advocate who is extremely persuasive. He has a commanding style that is effective in identifying the issues for the tribunal of fact or law.'
Daniel Murray
25 Bedford Row
'Daniel can assimilate lots of information very quickly. His knowledge of the law is superb and his advocacy is brilliant. He is calm and his client care skills are impressive.'
Joshua Normanton
5 Paper Buildings
 ‘Josh is the complete barrister. He has deep knowledge and understanding of the law. His written work is clear, logical and concise and in oral advocacy he has the ear of the court. He is a superb advocate and lawyer and will be a leader of the profession before long.’ 
Jennifer Oborne
Deka Chambers
 ‘She is very organised, her written work is always to a high standard, she is knowledgeable on the law and is respected by the Bar and judiciary. She is very persuasive and juries like and trust her. She is a fierce opponent. Any defendant in line to be cross-examined by her should be concerned.
Lucy Organ
6KBW College Hill
‘Lucy has excellent judgement, a great court manner, is naturally clever and scrupulously fair and committed.’
David Osborne
5 Paper Buildings
'David is a confident advocate who is not afraid of making big decisions. His past as a solicitor has taught him how to read the marketplace well and he also gets on well with his opponents.'
Claire Robinson
Crucible Chambers
‘Claire has a fabulous bedside manner with clients. She is always reassuringly calm and never gets flustered. She easily puts clients at ease, when they are typically facing serious allegations and at a time of great worry. Her written legal arguments are first-class and always very thorough. She is a cunning advocate and always delivers robust cross-examination in trials.’
Gordon Ross
3 Temple Gardens
 ‘Gordon is a fearless and tenacious advocate who has the ability to quickly recognise his most strongest arguments and points in a case. He approaches matters, no matter how difficult, in a calm and sensible manner that reassures clients and also ensures he, as instructed counsel, remains level-headed and in control.'
Charles Royle
'Charles is very personable whilst being tactically astute. He is able to charm juries and has a clear and direct style with tribunals, which cuts through peripheral issues and gets to the heart of matters.'
Jon Swain
Furnival Chambers
 ‘Jon is undoubtedly top of his class both as a courtroom advocate and a lawyer. He is exceptionally gifted in his ability to cut through the chaos and confusion often found in paper-heavy cases and explain the key issues in a simple-to-understand formula. Jon is excellent with clients and is a well liked advocate with a pleasant but robust courtroom manner.' 
Daniella Waddoup
Doughty Street Chambers
 ‘Daniella is extremely knowledgeable in the area of criminal appeals. She is able to analyse complex issues and reach clear and well informed decisions. She is a very good communicator and her written work is exceptional.' 
John Waller
‘John is a persuasive advocate with a focused, composed and measured approach. His cross-examination is very effective and his closing speeches are decisive and powerful. He is a charming and charismatic barrister who is clearly very bright.’
Nicholas Yeo
Three Raymond Buildings
‘Nicholas makes elegant submissions built upon flawless written arguments. He operates at a level above everyone else in the court. He is tenacious, a great strategist and a forceful presence in court.' 
Ruth Zentler-Munro
 ‘Ruth is an outstanding lawyer. She is a superb defence advocate and pleasure to work with.’
Soraya Bauwens
Soraya Bauwens
Furnival Chambers
 ‘Soraya is an exceptional lawyer. She is strategic, diligent and is able to highlight the technical challenges in investigations.’
Jenny Burgess
Jenny Burgess
2 Harcourt Buildings
 ‘Jenny is a class act. She is meticulously prepared and knows her cases inside out. She is a confident, engaging advocate who gets straight to the point with legal arguments. She is reasonable in the points she takes and is very persuasive. Her closing speeches are also great.’
Dominic D’Souza
Dominic D’Souza
Goldsmith Chambers
'Dominic has a sharp mind and is able to grasp the most complex issues quickly and thoroughly. He has an excellent style and builds rapport with clients. Dominic has one of the best advocacy styles in court, is excellent in cross-examination and speeches.'
Robert Dacre
Robert Dacre
Cloth Fair Chambers
  ‘Robert is polished and assured. His written and oral advocacy is top drawer and he has the capacity to cope with large quantities of case papers and drill down to what is actually relevant. He is a rising star of the criminal Bar.’ 
William Davis
William Davis
 ‘William is a star in the making. He is always calm, collected and in control and he is a first class advocate and lawyer. He is able to deal with multiple issues at once and always in a professional and courteous manner.' 
Clare Dowse
Clare Dowse
‘Clare forensically considers the evidence in a case, no matter how voluminous, and provides detailed analysis and advice. She is then able to implement this level of knowledge into her advocacy, allowing her to achieve excellent results.’ 
Rory Field
Rory Field
 ‘Rory is plainly a skilled and experienced advocate. He doesn’t miss a question in cross-examination and gives compelling closing speeches. He is a pleasure to work with and polite and friendly at all times.’
Soraya Lawrence
Soraya Lawrence
Farringdon Chambers
‘Soraya is a fearless and tenacious advocate - she never shies away from a point that she believes is worth taking. She is a great team player too.’
Jo Morris
Jo Morris
Drystone Chambers
 ‘Jo is a very capable barrister. She is very organised and highly prepared.’
Michael Polak
Michael Polak
Church Court Chambers
'Michael is an incredibly dedicated barrister. He works tirelessly to advance clients' interests both in court and other arenas, including the media, raising public pressure on authorities to overturn miscarriages of justice and reopen cases.'
Karl Volz
Karl Volz
Farringdon Chambers
 ‘Karl's cross-examination is very incisive and his closing speeches are extremely persuasive. He always remains calm under pressure even in the most stressful situations and when dealing with the most difficult clients. He is a fighter who hates losing and gains the respect of clients very quickly for this reason.' 
Irfan Arif
Irfan Arif
9 Lincolns Court
 ‘Irfan is an intelligent and capable lawyer. He is approachable and personable and conducts his advocacy clearly and cogently.'
Oliver Cook
Oliver Cook
Libertas Chambers
  ‘Oliver is a fighter and will not accept any adverse evidence without challenging it and trying to do the best for his client. He is also a natural advocate.'
Gerard Hillman
Gerard Hillman
Libertas Chambers
 ‘Gerard is intellectually strong and excellent on the facts of a case. His advocacy is second-to-none and he is a user-friendly counsel. Gerry is also a team player and a class act.’
Christina Josephides
Christina Josephides
Matthew Lawson
Matthew Lawson
Libertas Chambers
 ‘Matt is a true jury advocate - he is extremely engaging with a jury and inevitably gets them on side. He is an excellent barrister with exceptional client care and clients love to have him on their side. He is a real fighter and leaves no stone unturned.' 
Philip Misner
Philip Misner
‘Philip is a very capable, well-prepared barrister who has an easy way with judges and juries. He is very straightforward, pleasant to deal with and able to cut through a mass of detail and identify the key issues in a case.’
Abigail Penny
Abigail Penny
 ‘Abigail is a formidable practitioner. She gives her all to each of her clients and there are no efforts she will not make to get the best result for them.'
Polly Dyer
Polly Dyer
QEB Hollis Whiteman
Alexander Dos Santos
Alexander Dos Santos
Serjeants’ Inn Chambers
 ‘Alex is polite, personable and very approachable. As a barrister he is knowledgeable, well-respected by peers and senior counsel and very experienced. His advocacy is always based on thorough preparation and is persuasive and well-argued. His written advice is clear and helpful and he is excellent with professional and lay-clients.'
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Alex Du Sautoy
6KBW College Hill
‘Alex’s advocacy is second to none. He is a fearless and tenacious barrister with expertise handling the most difficult of witnesses. He is caring and listens to clients and gets a lot of respect in the courtroom.’
Hannah Edwards
25 Bedford Row
‘Hannah is unbelievably bright and committed to her cases. A junior barrister who will, for sure, go all the way.’
Rabah Kherbane
Doughty Street Chambers
 ‘Rabah is one of the best juniors around. He works incredibly hard and leaves no stone unturned. His knowledge of the law is second to none. A future star of the Bar.’ 
Tobias Smith
25 Bedford Row
‘Tobias is an excellent, highly persuasive jury advocate. He has a very confident and competent court manner that appeals to judges. He can deploy complex legal argument skillfully and efficiently. He never takes a bad point and marshals his case with great care and skill.’
Kyan Pucks
Kyan Pucks
QEB Hollis Whiteman
 ‘Kyan is extremely bright, incredibly dedicated and professional. She leaves no stone left unturned but also has the ability to see the wider picture. She is also an excellent advocate.'
Alejandra Llorente Tascon
Alejandra Llorente Tascon
‘Alejandra is an excellent advocate both orally and in writing. Her mastery of cases is apparent in her succinct and powerful submissions.’