Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Jacob Dean
‘Extremely client-friendly, fiercely intelligent and a good strategist. A truly excellent practitioner who one would trust with a variety of matters.’
David Glen
‘David has a scrupulous attention to detail and a clear and precise way of conveying very complex issues. He is deeply reliable and solicitors would be lost without him.’
Clara Hamer
‘Clara’s research and analysis, of both fact and law is very thorough. Her oral advocacy is fearless and determined. She is the best defence barrister at her level of call in this area of the law.’
Jane Phillips
‘Jane is highly intelligent and knows the law inside-out; what sets her apart, however, is her wisdom. She always has a cool head and provides thoughtful, considered advice that is highly valued by us and the client.’
Kate Wilson
‘Brilliant technically, very personable and pragmatic, considered in her advice and efficient to turn work around.’
Edward Craven
Edward Craven
Matrix Chambers
Mark Henderson
Doughty Street Chambers
 ‘Mark possesses several strengths and qualities that contribute to his effectiveness in advocacy and legal representation. His communication skills are exceptional. He is also very knowledgeable in his area of expertise, providing valuable and insightful advice to clients and attention to detail in his arguments.’
David Hirst
‘David’s advocacy is well-poised and diligent. He is a great addition to any legal team.’
Claire Overman
Doughty Street Chambers
‘Claire is simply excellent. Her written work is meticulous – crisp and cogently argued. Totally at the top of her game in terms of her intellect and skills.’
Sarah Palin
Doughty Street Chambers
‘Sarah writes and advocates compellingly. She is clear and knows which arguments to pursue. Sarah is very responsive and always happy to help and not afraid to roll her sleeves up.’
Hannah Ready
'She is very thorough and excellent on paper. She is also very user friendly and great to work with.'
Jonathan Scherbel-Ball
‘Jonathan has an excellent knowledge of all aspects of defamation, data protection and privacy law. He is exceptionally bright and is always thinking ten steps ahead.’
Timothy Atkinson
Timothy Atkinson
Hatton Chambers
‘Timothy is one of the most knowledgeable juniors at the Bar on defamation law. He is extremely thoughtful and his gentle approach with clients is extremely popular. His written work is concise and meticulous, and he is a first-rate advocate.’
Romana Canneti
4 King’s Bench Walk
  ‘Romana is hugely experienced and industry-savvy. She is able to identify the most important areas of any case with great speed and precision.’
Ben Silverstone
Matrix Chambers
'Ben is one of the best juniors I have ever worked with - super bright, user friendly and also excellent on his feet.'
Kirsten Sjøvoll
Matrix Chambers
‘Kirsten’s advice is measured, practical and realistic. She will always have the client’s interests at the forefront of her advice. Her knowledge of case law is incredible and something to be desired.’
Godwin Busuttil
‘Godwin is absolutely meticulous. He is possibly the most thorough barrister solicitors know. He is a tough, uncompromising advocate.’
Ben Gallop
'His attention to detail, legal knowledge and client management skills are impeccable.'
Ben Hamer
‘Ben is an excellent advocate, measured, and instils a great sense of confidence that he is putting the client’s best case forward in the best possible manner.’
Felicity McMahon
‘Felicity has an excellent defamation and privacy junior practice. She is hardworking and approachable.’
Jennifer Robinson
Doughty Street Chambers
‘Her advocacy is engaging, smart, and persuasive. She is able to navigate through complex legal issues and provide a clear understanding of the legal complexities involved in the case.’
John Stables
‘He’s a pretty good all-rounder, great with clients.’
Anton van Dellen
Anton van Dellen
Fraser Chambers
‘Very good on paper and orally. A fearless advocate with a good understanding of the relevant law. He develops arguments succinctly and well.’  
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Luke Browne
 ‘He appears experienced beyond his year of call. He is technically excellent and when working with him he is proactive and goes above and beyond.’
Beth Grossman
Doughty Street Chambers
'Beth is technically strong and knowledgeable, with great drafting skills. Her advocacy is robust and thorough, unfazed by the seniority of the judge or the number of barristers in opposition.'
Zoe McCallum
Matrix Chambers
 ‘Zoe has great strengths as a barrister. She works tirelessly for clients, provides compelling and detailed legal advice, is a great advocate and is able to deal with lay clients in an empathetic way.’
Clare Wisson
Clare Wisson
Doughty Street Chambers
 ‘Very user friendly, impresses clients and able to get stuck into a case. Advice is sensible and well-considered.’