Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Jess Connors
39 Essex Chambers
‘Jess’s energy, grit and ability to stay the course are unrivalled. She has a laser-like attention to detail and is able to get to get under the bonnet of complex technical evidence quickly and efficiently.’
Thomas Crangle
4 Pump Court
‘Thomas provides commercial and clear advice, is excellent with clients, and meets tight deadlines without fail.’
Thomas Lazur
Keating Chambers
‘An incredibly personable, attentive, and supportive barrister. His advocacy is excellent, and he makes very difficult issues comprehensible.’
Kate Livesey
4 Pump Court
‘Kate is outstanding: exceptionally bright, immensely hardworking, and a delight to work with. A terrific barrister.'
Gaurav Sharma
Quadrant Chambers
‘Gaurav has a great ability of grasping the industry perspective while providing clear and incisive advice on how best to lead the case. A hugely impressive all-rounder.'
Paul Wee
Essex Court Chambers
‘Paul provides insightful, reliable advice and earns the trust of clients quickly. He is pragmatic, dedicated and a real team player.’
Paul Bury
Keating Chambers
‘Paul’s advocacy is clear and concise, and he is extremely skilled at rapidly understanding complex technical points.’
Monica Feria-Tinta
Twenty Essex
  ‘Monica is an outstanding junior – a hardworking and committed team member who is an absolute pleasure to work with.’
Ben Gardner
Quadrant Chambers
‘A brilliant all-rounder and one of the best juniors, he is responsive, methodical and incisive, providing clarity of thought.’
Malcolm Jarvis
Twenty Essex
‘Malcolm has a very good eye for detail and works quickly, providing definitive and clear advice. His advocacy is measured, precise and persuasive.’
Emma Jones
One Essex Court
 ‘A brilliant mind with an unmatched work ethic, Emma is also modest. Undoubtedly one of the top juniors in this area.’
Daniel Khoo
4 Pump Court
 ‘Daniel is a stellar junior who really stands out amongst his peers. He is extremely hard working and quick to pick up on the detail.’
Shourav Lahiri
Atkin Chambers
‘Shourav is meticulous and willing to go the extra mile to understand the technical issues that generally accompany construction arbitration.’
Ben Sareen
Keating Chambers
‘Ben is highly intelligent, forensically-minded, across the detail and always calm and considered.’
Andrew Stevens
4 Pump Court
‘Andrew is exceptionally bright and able to get to the nub of the issue quickly. He is a robust yet charming advocate that wins the trust of the judge with ease.’
James Thompson
Keating Chambers
‘Thorough, very bright and user friendly, James is excellent at getting into the detail and making robust arguments.’
Niranjan Venkatesan
One Essex Court
 ‘Niranjan is an extremely bright barrister who comes up with innovative solutions to legal problems, and is very hardworking and responsive.’
Lauren Adams
Atkin Chambers
 ‘Even in the company of silks Lauren will be the brightest person in the room. The speed with which she grasps the key issues of a matter is startling.’
Tariq Baloch
3 Verulam Buildings
 ‘Tariq is a thoughtful and persuasive advocate who is good at thinking outside the box and adopting an innovative approach.’
Peter Brogden
Keating Chambers
‘Peter is great with clients and talks to them in their language, but is also commercial, pragmatic and technically brilliant.’
Georges Chalfoun
3 Verulam Buildings
‘George has a terrific grasp of detail while maintaining a clear view of the overall picture. He runs cases with an authority and efficiency well beyond his year of call.’
Tom Coates
Blackstone Chambers
‘The interface between commercial practices and some areas of regulation are not well understood in the energy sector, but Tom gets it and provides well-reasoned, pragmatic advice.’
Stuart Cribb
Essex Court Chambers
‘Stuart is user-friendly, extremely responsive, and his written advocacy is clear and well thought-out. He is always on top of the facts and law.’
Andrew Feld
Twenty Essex
 ‘Absolutely excellent. A KC in the making. He is incredibly bright, on top of detail, responsive and user-friendly.’
Daniel Goodkin
4 Pump Court
 ‘Really hardworking, Daniel is a clinical and methodical cross-examiner, which can be deadly for the other side.’
Paul Henton
Quadrant Chambers
‘Paul has a brilliant brain and always cuts to the heart of the issues. He is a hugely impressive junior.’
Victoria Hutton
39 Essex Chambers
‘Victoria has a calm, measured and considered style. She is a persuasive advocate who doesn’t need to resort to grandstanding to get her point across.’
Juan Lopez
39 Essex Chambers
 ‘Juan has an unfathomable ability to rapidly understand complex issues and provide a clear way forward, and he is a pleasure to work with.’
Gemma Morgan
Quadrant Chambers
‘Gemma has great instincts as to the merits of a case and gets on top of a lot of material very quickly. She is a real fighter.’
Tom Pascoe
Brick Court Chambers
‘Tom strikes the valuable balance between being highly personable and able to give firm and robust advice. His standout quality is his impeccable attention to detail.’
Jason Robinson
7 King’s Bench Walk
‘Easy to work with and very good on paper, Jason is increasingly popular and his advocacy is very authoritative for someone of his call.’
Robert Scrivener
4 Pump Court
‘Robert’s worth ethic and attention to detail are exemplary. In cross-examination, his knowledge of the issues and evidence is a formidable challenge for any witness.’
Charlotte Thomas
Brick Court Chambers
‘Charlotte has the ability to be all over the factual details in a case at speed is very impressive, and she is willing to roll up her sleeves throughout both before and during trial.’
Alexander Uff
Quadrant Chambers
‘Alexander is a heavy hitter with a deep expertise in arbitration matters. He is a finely honed and compelling advocate, both orally and on paper.’
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Max Kasriel
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Max has a tireless work ethic, laser-like attention to detail and a command of the law befitting a silk. He rolls up sleeves and dives straight in.’