Leading Silks
Sean Brannigan KC
4 Pump Court
 ‘Undoubtedly the standout advocate of his generation, Sean combines exceptional intelligence and commercial nous with an unrivalled work ethic.’
Helen Davies KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘A consummate advocate, Helen is at the top of the game. She is a very clear thinker and uses simple persuasive language in her advocacy.’
Stephen Dennison KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Stephen is far the most effective and useful KC in the offshore construction and energy sector. He works relentlessly hard and efficiently, and is always on top of his brief.’
John McCaughran KC
One Essex Court
‘One of the biggest hitters for big-ticket energy litigation, his name has often been on the biggest energy cases over the last decade.’
Laurence Rabinowitz KC
One Essex Court
‘A heavyweight commercial silk for big-ticket energy litigation, Laurence is clear in his advice and has an extremely strong following among clients.’
Simon Rainey KC
Quadrant Chambers
‘Simon is an extremely effective advocate who sees straight to the heart of the issue. His presentation is a model of clarity and he is a joy to listen to, quickly winning the confidence of judges and tribunals.’
Andrew White KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Andrew has no weakness. He is a strong advocate and for a person of his seniority he makes an impressive effort to get into the detail.’
David Allen KC
7 King’s Bench Walk
‘David is a brilliant advocate who knows how to focus on the important issues, works very hard and presents them in an effective and simple way.’
Veronique Buehrlen KC
Keating Chambers
‘Veronique is surpassed by no one on the construction side, you can never pull the wool over her eyes and her ability to untangle convoluted technical issues is genuinely impressive.’
Stuart Catchpole KC
Atkin Chambers
 ‘Stuart is a devastating cross-examiner. He is incredibly well prepared and has an extremely impressive and persuasive advocacy style.’
Alain Choo Choy KC
One Essex Court
‘Alain is a superb advocate, both on his feet and on paper. He is articulate and highly intelligent but very accessible, and judges find him compelling and persuasive.’
Vernon Flynn KC
Brick Court Chambers
 ‘Vernon is an excellent advocate and knows his audience extremely well. He is able to convey complex legal arguments in a clear and concise manner.’
James Howells KC
Atkin Chambers
‘James is very thorough and methodical on large technical disputes, and he explores the evidence in depth before cross-examining witnesses.’
David Lewis KC
Twenty Essex
‘David has an outstanding intellect and is always available, courteous and excellent with clients.’
Sean O’Sullivan KC
4 Pump Court
‘Sean is a great silk to work with - he is excellent on his feet, rigorous in his trial preparation and a top team member for shipping and energy work.’
Jeffery Onions KC
One Essex Court
‘Jeffrey has the ability to command and process enormous an amount of factual information and distil from that clear and focused advice.’
Luke Parsons KC
Quadrant Chambers
‘Luke combines second-to-none knowledge of international trade and energy issues with excellent commercial judgement and a super-responsive attitude.’
Sean Wilken KC
Keating Chambers
‘Sean is very clever and gets to grips with key issues at a speed that is difficult to equal and impossible to surpass.’
Simon Croall KC
Simon Croall KC
Quadrant Chambers
‘Undoubtedly one of the top silks for energy disputes, Simon is a force of nature in the courtroom, and he is equally good on strategy and technical detail.’
Rachel Ansell KC
4 Pump Court
‘Rachel remains one of the hardest working, sharpest minds at the Bar who is absolutely at the top of her game. Her work ethic knows no bounds.’
Simon Birt KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Simon is super-quick, super-responsive and a superb strategist, which makes him the ideal counsel for complex international litigation.’
Nigel Cooper KC
Quadrant Chambers
‘Nigel really understands the subject matter and is able to digest information quickly and get to the key issues. He is an excellent communicator with a relaxed and effective style.’
Lucy Garrett KC
Keating Chambers
‘Lucy is an out-and-out star, a gifted legal mind and persuasive advocate who can cut through endless legal and technical complexities to get to what really matters.’
Karim Ghaly KC
39 Essex Chambers
‘Karim is extremely smart and gets right to the point. It is simply beautiful to watch him in action at cross-examination.’
Alexander Hickey KC
4 Pump Court
‘Alex is very user-friendly, creative and quick on his feet, and he combines incisive advocacy with an unrivalled ability to grasp the bigger picture.’
Sa’ad Hossain KC
One Essex Court
‘Sa’ad is an assured advocate, as calm as cat on his feet, and able to present technical points with a lot of lucidity and authority.’
Daniel Jowell KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Highly responsive, excellent with clients and a pleasure to work with, Daniel combines an effortlessly charming manner with a strong strategic sense.’
Charles Kimmins KC
Twenty Essex
‘Charles is extremely user friendly, adaptable and hardworking. His advice and paperwork are of the highest standard and his oral advocacy is superb.’
Gwion Lewis KC
Landmark Chambers
 ‘Gwion is very knowledgeable and can command meetings with clients and experts, and he can analyse complex situations and articulate his thoughts on these into clear and concise advice.’
Simon Lofthouse KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Simon is absolutely world-class in hearings, and his cross-examination, which is the result of very hard work, is really effective.’
Tim Lord KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘The best of his generation, he is sensibly aggressive, and deeply forensic. His rich experience gives him the ability to cut through the undergrowth to expose the killer points.’
Harry Matovu KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Harry is one of the foremost of his profession, and probably one of the most outstanding barristers of all time. His advocacy is only matched by his analytical mind and his great personality.’
Manus McMullan KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Manus is a fierce cross-examiner and a highly articulate advocate who is very good at reading a tribunal and addressing its concerns.’
Wendy Miles KC
Twenty Essex
  ‘Wendy is extremely intelligent, combining a deep understanding of both the law and the most complex factual matrices. She is a systemic thinker and excellent advocate.’
Vincent Moran KC
Keating Chambers
 ‘Extremely meticulous but not pedantic, Vince is one of the most senior silks at the Bar and an outstanding advocate who is very easy to work with.’
Thomas Sharpe KC
One Essex Court
‘A towering intellect with fabulous client-handling skills, he is a calm and determined advocate with the ability to connect to a judge and not be diverted from the argument.’
Nigel Tozzi KC
4 Pump Court
‘Nigel is an outstanding lawyer and a team player who is really down to earth and brisk, with a no-nonsense and effective style.’
Steven Walker KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Stephen is a persuasive, determined and tenacious advocate with the cross-examination techniques of a skilled surgeon.’
Crispin Winser KC
Crown Office Chambers
 ‘Crispin can dissect complex legal issues and identify key arguments and strategies, and his extensive knowledge and meticulous ensure he can build a strong case.’
Nicholas Dennys KC
Nicholas Dennys KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Nick has always had an enviable reputation for his skill as a lawyer, and he demonstrates a great ability to master the most complex matters.’
Charles Banner KC
Keating Chambers
‘Charles has a very quick mind, both in relation to legal analysis and commercial outcomes, and is exceptionally good with clients.’
Kieron Beal KC
Blackstone Chambers
 ‘Kieron is across the detail, but never loses sight of big picture, and that is reflected in his advocacy. Unfazed and adaptable, he has the respect of the senior judges.’
Michael Bools KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘A clever and hugely likeable barrister who operates in line with the best traditions of the Bar, Michael is  collegiate and sensible, even with opponents.’
Mark Chennells KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Mark has a very good sense of strategy and an excellent grasp of the detail, making him deadly in cross-examination.’
Andrew Fulton KC
Twenty Essex
‘Andrew is a clear and incisive thinker who always cuts to the heart of the legal and factual issues in any dispute. He is also a tenacious advocate.’
Alec Haydon KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Alec is exceptionally practical and easy to work with. His instincts are right but he also delves into the detail and provides a perfectly crafted succinct response.’
Siobán Healy KC
7 King’s Bench Walk
‘Offers superb legal analysis and is very fair. Tribunal members have confidence in her judgment. Excellent understanding of strategy and commercial priorities. User-friendly and very easy to work with while top league.’
Timothy Hill KC
Twenty Essex
‘Extremely user-friendly and honest about the merits of the case, Timothy fights tooth and nail for a good result and utterly fantastic on his feet.’
Yash Kulkarni KC
Quadrant Chambers
 ‘Yash is very quick on the uptake and able to grasp technical issues quickly, and his ability to identify and focus on the important points is second to none.’ 
James Leabeater KC
4 Pump Court
‘James is very thorough and provides sensible and coherent advice that is applicable to the commercial realities of the matter.’
Lynne McCafferty KC
4 Pump Court
‘Lynne is calm, personable, easy to work with and committed to the client’s cause. Her advocacy can be serene and measured or punchy and stern as required.’
Jern-Fei Ng KC
 ‘Jern-Fei is extremely responsive, intelligent, and hardworking, and his legal knowledge is second to none. He is also a great strategist and leader.’
Claire Packman KC
4 Pump Court
 ‘Claire is commercially astute and technically brilliant, and she quickly cuts to the key issues in complicated legal matters.’
Fiona Parkin KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Fiona's skill in communicating complex legal concepts is truly impressive. She has the ability to dive deeply into the details of a case.'
Fionn Pilbrow KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Fionn is a fantastic advocate, extremely sharp and highly persuasive, who has the skill of breaking down complex issues and arguments and presenting them clearly.’
Iain Quirk KC
Essex Court Chambers
‘Ian demonstrates great preparation and attention to detail, and delivers powerful and persuasive submissions. Great with witnesses, he is a top-class team player.’
James Strachan KC
39 Essex Chambers
‘James is the full package as a barrister: brilliant on the law, vigorous on the details, clear on paper and awe-inspiring in court.’
Samuel Townend KC
Keating Chambers
‘Samuel is very intelligent, extremely commercially focussed, great with clients and a go-to counsel for high-value energy disputes.’
Nick Vineall KC
4 Pump Court
 ‘Nick is a superb advocate and a brilliant intellect, who wears his brilliance very lightly and is extremely charming.’
Chris Smith KC
Chris Smith KC
Quadrant Chambers
‘Chris is commercially minded in his approach, making him an excellent choice in dealing with lay clients, and he is technically brilliant.’
James Brocklebank KC
James Brocklebank KC
7 King’s Bench Walk
‘James is able to grasp complex technical and engineering matters quickly and then explain them in a clear and succinct manner which makes his advocacy style very persuasive.’
2022 Silks
Rupert Choat KC
Atkin Chambers
‘He is helpful and patient, accommodating urgent requests for help, and he is quick to explain aspects of complex supporting evidence.’
Rupert Choat KC
Atkin Chambers
 ‘Very commercial and client-focused, Rupert grasps the client’s strategic objectives and finds a way through even the most complicated cases.’
Calum Lamont KC
Keating Chambers
‘He has stepped into the KC role seamlessly and his great strengths are his willingness to get into the detail and the ability to grapple with the most complex problems and drive a case forward.’
Hanif Mussa KC
Blackstone Chambers
 ‘Hanif is very good at separating out and focusing on the best points in his case. His written work is immaculate and in oral submissions, he makes his points strongly and effectively.’
Hanif Mussa KC
Blackstone Chambers
‘He stands out as an excellent barrister because he communicates his advice well, is reliable and manages to provide prompt advice at short notice.’
Alexander Wright KC
4 Pump Court
‘Self-confident and robust, he is very effective in arbitration and has no problem advancing a weaker case, putting it with force and vigour.’
2023 Silks
Paul Buckingham KC
Keating Chambers
‘Paul’s promotion to silk was richly deserved. Very modest and quiet, with superb knowledge, his breadth of knowledge on technical engineering is hard to beat.’
Luke Pearce KC
Twenty Essex
 ‘Really smart, agile, conscientious, and unflappable under pressure, Luke is impressive on his feet.’
2024 Silks
Sanjay Patel KC
4 Pump Court
‘Sanjay is fantastically energetic, showing great attention to detail. He is very commercial and good on his feet.’