Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Richard Castle
1 King’s Bench Walk
‘Richard has a superb knowledge of the law. He has a strong instinct in relation to the merits of a case and is very accessible, and great bedside manner. His advocacy is extremely polished and persuasive. He is never flustered and his case law recall is sublime.’
Penelope Clapham
1GC | Family Law
‘Penelope is a first-class barrister. Her preparation is meticulous, and she knows the case inside and out. She is extremely assertive and robust as an advocate but is very personable, and clients warm quickly towards her.’
Henry Clayton
‘Henry is the most detailed, intelligent and forensic mind. He is exceptionally hard-working and utterly commercial in his outlook. There is no case too complex for him, and he is a match for any Silk in terms of his preparation, understanding and advocacy.’
Katherine Kelsey
1 King’s Bench Walk
‘Katherine is an incredibly safe pair of hands. She delivers realistic, focused and pertinent advice and exudes confidence putting the most anxious client at ease.’
Sally Max
29 Bedford Row Chambers
‘Sally is clear, strategic and realistic. She will settle the cases that can settle and stand up for the client where required. She gives clients the confidence to do so by the clarity of her analysis and assessment of the case.’
Philip Perrins
1GC | Family Law
‘Philip is always thoroughly prepared. He can be forthright when required. He is particularly good with technical points of law.’
Samantha Woodham
‘Samantha is an intelligent and persuasive advocate. She is deeply committed to her clients and always well-prepared. She remains calm under pressure and builds rapport with her clients. She is fantastic to work with and extremely supportive of her instructing solicitors.’
David Burles
1GC | Family Law
‘David has a unique style of advocacy. He draws the courtroom with him rather than presenting, which is very effective. He is good with vulnerable clients, working with them rather than presenting the correct approach.’
Claire Heppenstall
1GC | Family Law
‘Claire’s advocacy is robust. Her cross-examination of the witness is exceptional. Her authoritative presence in court is respected by both the judges and opponents.’
Niki Langridge
The 36 Group
‘Niki is a go-to barrister. She is so knowledgeable and can deliver advice to clients in a straightforward and considerate way. Her manner with clients is first-class. She changes her approach depending on the client’s needs. Her advice is always spot on, and she gives pragmatic and realistic advice.’
Gillon Cameron
‘Gillon is a brilliant barrister. He is intelligent, has great client care skills and is a talented advocate. Judges hang on to his every word because he is persuasive and firm without being aggressive.’
Christopher Carr
The 36 Group
‘Chris prepares thoroughly and picks up on detail. He is knowledgeable, sensible and pragmatic in his approach and will be robust where needed. He is a strong advocate, is tactical, and superb in cross-examination and summing up, leading the judge through the evidence and his client’s case. He is good with clients, approachable, down to earth, sensitive and gives clear advice. He is always helpful with his instructing solicitor and goes above and beyond to assist.’
Francesca Dowse
‘Francesca is a powerhouse when it comes to financial work. She gets to the heart of the case immediately and knows where to take the case.’
Gwynfor Evans
The 36 Group
 ‘Gwyn is an absolute star. He is calm and pragmatic, with an excellent bedside manner. He is very persuasive when on his feet and commands the judge’s undivided attention. He is concise without compromising on quality.’
Nicholas Fairbank
‘Nicholas is one of those rare lawyers at the Bar, constantly evolving. He is very bright, more tactical and has a phenomenal memory. He is a go-to for financial claims.’
Matthew Firth
Queen Elizabeth Building (QEB)
‘Matthew is a tenacious and incisive advocate with an intense attention to detail. He is a genuine team player and readily available at all important stages of the case. He develops a strategy at the outset and supports tactics throughout.’
Harry Gates
‘Harry has a calm manner and gives clear and sensible advice. He is good with difficult clients and able to get them to focus on the real issues.’
Charlotte Hartley
1 King’s Bench Walk
‘Charlotte is an absolute superstar. She is clever, astute, over detail and good with clients. She is highly respected by opponents and judges alike and is a standout.’
Helen Jefferson
1GC | Family Law
‘Helen is excellent with clients. She is a very strong advocate who is decisive and clear with a strategy for the case. She puts clients at ease and is always well-prepared.’
Eleri Jones
1GC | Family Law
‘Eleri has an incredible brain. She is the go-to for complex international work. Her preparation is meticulous – no stone is left unturned. Her research, knowledge and persuasive advocacy are exemplary in the case.’
Max Lewis
29 Bedford Row Chambers
‘Max has superb judgement and does not hesitate to give sensible, pragmatic advice. He is kind to clients and not afraid to assert arguments articulately and clearly.’
Caroline Lister
1 King’s Bench Walk
‘Caroline is extremely intelligent and diligent, at the same time as being very approachable. She has a strong advocacy style and is particularly persuasive.’
Rhiannon Lloyd
‘Rhiannon possesses a high level of skill and attention to detail that is second to none. She has assisted me with complex cases, demonstrating her sharp analytical mind in complex financial remedy cases.’
Ewan Murray
‘Ewan is a great communicator, approachable and extremely good with clients, putting them at ease from the outset, explaining everything and being empathetic at a difficult time. He is well-organised and very supportive, always responding promptly and efficiently to questions.’
Emma Sumner
1 Hare Court
 'Emma is bright, articulate and has a wonderful bedside manner. Her case preparation is meticulous, and she has excellent judgement. Her service delivery is first rate.'
Petra Teacher
29 Bedford Row Chambers
‘Petra is supremely capable. Her judgement is always excellent. Her presentation at court is intelligent, perceptive, immaculate and elegant. She always has the ear of the court. She has fantastic client care skills. She works constructively with her instructing solicitors and is supportive and helpful.’
Nicholas Wilkinson
1 Hare Court
 'Nicholas is fantastic, a great advocate and a wise advisor. He is polished yet pragmatic, tenacious but also empathetic. He is a first class lawyer.'
Rhys Taylor
Rhys Taylor
The 36 Group
‘Rhys is a walking encyclopaedia of all things pension. He is a persuasive written and oral advocate.’
Jude Allen
1 Hare Court
 ‘Jude is a fantastic advocate. She gets to the crux of the issues in a case and communicates those to the tribunal effectively with skill and intellect. She is excellent in cross-examination.’
Nicholas Anderson
1 King's Bench Walk
'Nicholas is all-around great to work with. He is always well prepared, and his preparation for court and advocacy is always polished and perfect. He responds well on his feet. Clients love his straight talking and clarity. '
Adrian Barnett-Thoung-Holland
Coram Chambers
  'He is very articulate, straightforward, pragmatic and clear with clients. He is very efficient and reliable which puts instructing solicitors and the clients at ease during stressful court proceedings.'
Rosemary Budden
Queen Elizabeth Building (QEB)
‘Rosemary is always extremely well-prepared. When she meets the client for the first time, she is fully on top of the case. Her written documents for court are of the highest quality, and her advocacy is calm, controlled and highly effective.’
Jane Campbell
Harcourt Chambers
'Jane has exceptional legal knowledge. She is highly professional and calm and has a rational approach, in particular in detailing cases between highly conflicted parties.'
Juliet Chapman
1 King’s Bench Walk
‘Juliet is an extremely diligent and hard-working advocate. Her written work is of the highest quality, and her judgement is extremely good.’
Sophie Connors
‘Sophie is at the top of her game and the best of her generation. She is incredibly bright and has a unique combination of exceptional client manners and impressive, tenacious advocacy. She is a strong opponent and fights when a case needs a fight but knows when to advise on settlement and pragmatism. She is a star in both money and children's work.’
Katherine Cook
1 Hare Court
 'Katherine's preparation is vey impressive. She is always more than fully up to speed and plans proper reading and preparation time ahead of a conference or a hearing. Her client care skills are top-notch.'
Sarah Lucy Cooper
Thomas More Chambers
 'Sarah is fearless both in court and outside. She provides clear advice to clients and can explain very complex legal issues in a simple and digestible manner. Her advocacy and negotiation skills are stellar, and she can adapt her style to the varying approaches of opponents and tribunals. Her cross-examination is much like an iron fist in a velvet glove. '
Lucia Crimp
1 King’s Bench Walk
‘Lucia has an extremely constructive approach to her advocacy. She cuts straight to the point and ensures court time is used efficiently and to her client’s advantage. Her written advocacy is clear and precise, and her proportionate view of cases leads to effective resolution.’
Elizabeth Darlington
1GC | Family Law
 'Elizabeth has an excellent client manner making them feel reassured and supported. She has an in-depth knowledge of the law concerning cohabitation disputes and is fearless in her advocacy. She is pragmatic and commercial but is prepared to roll her sleeves up and argue the points that merit it. '
Hamish Dunlop
‘Hamish is a strong advocate who is entirely comfortable in front of any judge at any level. He is persuasive and authoritative, and his gravitas earns him the respect of the bench and opponents alike.’
Katherine Dunseath
1GC | Family Law
'Katherine is extremely robust, a fearless advocate and quick on her feet. She never fails to make an impact, and her cross-examination is exceptional.'
Ben Fearnley
29 Bedford Row Chambers
‘Ben is a hugely supportive barrister to work with. He understands the family dynamic and supports clients (and solicitors) to achieve the best outcomes. His judgement is excellent, and he's a hugely persuasive advocate.’
Conor Fee
29 Bedford Row Chambers
‘Conor has attention to detail, and his advocacy is calm and purposeful, backed up with a full grasp of the issues and evidence, which cuts through arguments no matter how fiercely fought. He is always approachable, calm, and collected.’
Miriam Foster
29 Bedford Row Chambers
‘Miriam relishes a collegiate approach to her cases. She is contactable and accessible, and her client manner is excellent, and she does not shy away from providing tough advice. She is an excellent advocate, able to delve into the detail and present her arguments robustly if required. ‘
Nicola Fox
1 King’s Bench Walk
 ‘Nicola is an absolute powerhouse and genuinely flawless. Her paperwork is always excellent and prepared. She has a masterful and commanding court presence, impressive client and solicitor handling skills, and deep knowledge of the law. ‘
Victoria Francis
29 Bedford Row Chambers
‘Victoria is brilliantly prepared and gets clients onside very quickly. She explains very tricky concepts to clients beautifully. She is great at giving tricky advice. She is a great strategist and is excellent in court.’  
Fiona Hay
Harcourt Chambers
‘Fiona has a stellar brain, and her attention to detail and grasp of the technical issues, particularly regarding pensions. She is also very calm while being empathetic and strong in her advocacy when needed.’
Sally Jackson
New Court Chambers
‘Sally is an excellent and persuasive advocate combined with excellent judgement about what is achievable, how to present the case and likely outcomes. She is always well-prepared and accessible for discussions, and her paperwork is well-drafted and concise.'
Stephen Jarmain
1 King’s Bench Walk
‘Stephen has considerable experience in complex divorce financial cases, bringing his expertise and knowledge to the client. He handles cases professionally, particularly when dealing with highly conflicted parties. He is strong in attention to detail and always approachable and personable.'
Imogen Lloyd-Thomas
1 King’s Bench Walk
'Imogen has an excellent client manner and is well-liked by clients. She is efficient and pragmatic. She is constantly looking for a way forward and helps move matters along. Her written work is exceptional.'
Stephen Lyon
‘Stephen is thorough, articulate, and excellent in preparation and presentation.’
Paul Mertens
Pump Court Chambers
 'Paul is a very clear advocate and an able communicator. He has a very can-do attitude, is helpful and excellent at working collaboratively or in a team.'
Joseph Moore
1GC | Family Law
‘Joseph is an exceptionally thorough advocate. His legal knowledge is second to none, and he is always available to work with solicitors as a team to get the best outcome for clients. He is a skilled negotiator whilst being a persuasive advocate on his feet. He has a natural ability to get to grips with finances quickly and has excellent instincts and pitching the right offers.’
Lily Mottahedan
1 Hare Court
'Lily is a skilled advocate. She is eloquent, articulate, forceful, robust and pragmatic. She is a go-to junior on all matrimonial finance disputes.'
Laura Moys
1 King’s Bench Walk
'Laura is an excellent advocate. She is always thoroughly prepared and can cope with even the most challenging of opposition.'
Harry Nosworthy
‘Harry has a calm manner. He is self-assured and has gravitas above his level of call. He is extremely well-prepared, strong and confident in his advocacy.’
Lucy Owens
29 Bedford Row Chambers
‘Lucy's attention to detail is superb. Her written work is well crafted, and her advocacy is persuasive and tenacious at the same time. She is popular with clients who know she will fight their corner but also adopt a pragmatic and commercial approach from the outset.’
Jennifer Palmer
1 King’s Bench Walk
'Jennifer is all over the detail, highly numerate, measured, a consummate professional, and fabulous. She is super hard-working, has a phenomenal work ethic and is unflappable under pressure.'
Jennifer Perrins
1 King’s Bench Walk
‘Jennifer is pragmatic and quick on her feet. She can grasp complex issues and finds practical and sensible solutions which are in the client’s best interests. She is a formidable advocate with a subtle and effective style.’
James Pullen
29 Bedford Row Chambers
'James is an intelligent advocate who quickly gets to the root of a case. He is quick on his feet, highly persuasive, and a complete delight to work with.'
Joe Rainer
Queen Elizabeth Building (QEB)
‘Joe is very clever and highly astute. He is skilled in analysing complex documentation about businesses and trusts. He is incredibly hard-working and a true rising star.’
Jack Rundall
1GC | Family Law
'Jack is a thoughtful, well-prepared and persuasive advocate. He is very good at technical argument and gets the best results for his clients. '
Marc Samuels
The 36 Group
'Marc is extremely thorough in his preparation for conferences and hearings. His written work is comprehensive, and he makes difficult points simple. He is very responsive and enjoys being part of the team. He excels at advocacy – punchy, persuasive and eloquent.'
Maria Scotland
5 St Andrews Hill
‘Maria has a personable, approvable and considerate approach. She is always at hand and has a fantastic way of explaining complex matters to clients.’
Amber Sheridan
29 Bedford Row Chambers
'Amber is a brilliant barrister. She can explain and discuss the family law concepts which arose in the trial. Her assistance in the trial, particularly in preparing for cross-examination is invaluable.'
Christopher Stirling
Field Court Chambers
‘Christopher is always available to discuss cases with instructing solicitors at any stage. He is incredibly knowledgeable and technically excellent and a strong advocate.’
Simon Sugar
1GC | Family Law
‘Simon has a great bedside manner putting clients at ease. He provides straightforward, practical advice. He is very approachable to his instructing solicitor.’
Anna Sutcliffe
1 King’s Bench Walk
'Anna is very pragmatic, and clients really like her down-to-earth approach. She is very good at thinking outside the box to find creative and commercial solutions.'
Joseph Switalski
29 Bedford Row Chambers
'Joseph is a very able family law barrister. He is thorough and has experience beyond his years. His advice is on the button, and his preparation is very good.'
Suzanne Syme
Harcourt Chambers
‘Suzanne is a very grounded and sensible barrister. She prepares her cases thoroughly and carefully and pursues the correct issues entirely and proportionately. Her advocacy is strong, and she is an excellent opponent.’
Perican Tahir
1 King’s Bench Walk
‘Perican is brilliant. She possesses an unwavering commitment to all her clients, providing excellent client care, always empathetic and reassuring, but not afraid to provide realistic advice. She is an exceptional advocate, tenacious and never gives up.’
Mandy Tanner
1 King’s Bench Walk
 ‘Mandy has excellent client care and interacts with instructing solicitors brilliantly. Her written and oral submissions are fantastic -her advocacy is calm, collected and has great attention to detail.’
Julia Townend
‘Julia is a superb advocate with a great eye for detail, meticulous in her preparation and quick on her feet. She is calm, reassuring and pragmatic with clients.’
Charlotte Trace
29 Bedford Row Chambers
‘Charlotte is bright, hard-working and with tremendous attention to detail. She has fantastic client care skills and always ensures that the client's concerns are front and centre of her advice.’
Max Turnell
1 King’s Bench Walk
‘Max is incredibly pragmatic and thoughtful. He is very good at seeing cases from several different angles and coming to a considered and proportionate solution. His knowledge of the legal precedents is brilliant, especially for someone of his call.’
Sarah Tyler
Coram Chambers
'Sarah is incredibly clever and incredibly dedicated. She works magic both in and out of the court room with her calm and measured approach.'
Kate Van Rol
'Kate is the consummate performer with an eye for detail. She is able to distil complex legal concepts into succinct and powerful advocacy. She is pragmatic and reasonable, always fearless in her advocacy if the case requires it.'
Duncan Watson
1GC | Family Law
‘Duncan has a sharp attention to detail, can think outside the box, particularly when dealing with complex financial matters, has excellent client relationships and is approachable.’
Gerald Wilson
The 36 Group
 ‘Gerald has a wealth of legal knowledge and experience, which he brings to bear in giving particular gravitas to his advocacy. He is a fine lawyer who presents his client's case with real charm.’
Katie Wood
‘Katie is cool, calm and collected and can put the client immediately at ease. She is well prepared and brings that coolness to her advocacy where nothing phases her. She can present and argue the case with ease.’
Ben Wooldridge
1 Hare Court
 ‘Ben is an extraordinary junior and undoubtedly a star in the making. He combines clear and robust advice with his first rate client skills and razor-sharp advocacy.’
Oliver Woolley
1GC | Family Law
‘Oliver is a go-to person for financial remedy cases. He is an absolute master of his craft. His advice is robust, strategic and effective. His preparation is always meticulous. He is an accomplished and assured advocate.’
Sabuhi Chaudhry
Sabuhi Chaudhry
The 36 Group
‘Sabuhi has a very empathetic manner yet has authority in court. She is very conscientious and thorough in her preparation and is capable of grasping a complex brief very quickly.’
Victoria Wilson
Victoria Wilson
Goldsmith Chambers
  'She reads her cases very well and leaves no stone unturned. In court, she is confident and judges can see how much work she has put in.'
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Annabel Barrons
1GC | Family Law
‘Annabel is a conscientious barrister who strives to provide the best possible advice to clients and her instructing solicitors. She is thorough and has an eye for detail in all that she does. Her advocacy, similar to her written work, is considered and confident.’
Harry Campbell
29 Bedford Row Chambers
‘Harry is always very prepared and is all over the detail of a case. He has strong advocacy skills and can distil complex legal matters into simple terms for clients. His ability to present is clear and engaging. His legal knowledge is very impressive for someone of his call.’
Emma Wilson
1 King’s Bench Walk
'Emma is a fantastic and hard-working barrister. She is always thoroughly prepared and consistently gets straight to the issues in the matter regardless of any complexities. Her written work and advocacy are of an extremely high quality. She is always technically strong but also runs her cases creatively and personably.'