Leading Silks
Jonathan Adkin KC
Serle Court
‘He is thorough, thoughtful, and inspires confidence in his judgement, which is excellent. His advocacy style is clear, concise and relentless - a firm favourite.’
Jonathan Crow KC
4 Stone Buildings
‘Jonathan is a star of the Bar. His reputation precedes him and he has the ear of any tribunal he appears before. His reputation is well earned, as he is a fantastic analyst, a top-notch strategist and tactician, and wonderful with clients and judges.’
Alan Gourgey KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Alan is a heavyweight, polished advocate who is at the top of his game. He has the gravitas, expertise and judgement to hold together a difficult team of lawyers from many different jurisdictions and drive through strategy, as well as to persuade the court on difficult arguments.‘
Thomas Grant KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘An exceptional barrister, who is widely regarded as the standout fraud expert of our time. His advocacy skills are remarkable, complemented by an unparalleled knowledge of the law.‘
David Head KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘A charmingly ruthless operator – he gets straight to the nub of the issue and is equally happy and impressive before judges and clients.’
Elizabeth Jones KC
Serle Court
‘Manages to direct the strategy while having total command of the detail. She is courageous, determined and formidable.’
Neil Kitchener KC
One Essex Court
‘Gets to the heart of the real issues in a case and is relentless at advancing them in a highly effective way. He is tireless, and will fight and push his client's case until the end, which solicitor and lay clients appreciate a lot.’
Richard Lissack KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Richard is a powerful and persuasive advocate. He is also a master tactician, who he has the ability to operate as a strong traditional barrister while also plugging into the commercial and client management side of the case. A rare combination.’
Paul Lowenstein KC
Twenty Essex
‘An excellent advocate and highly adept at building rapport with judges. He is one of the best barristers to instruct in fast-moving injunctive relief work for the recovery of stolen monies.'
Hugh Norbury KC
Serle Court
‘Always on a list of first choices for any fraud case. He has a depth and breadth of knowledge and experience that very few can match, and he has great instincts.'
Andrew Onslow KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Andrew is a ferocious advocate and highly effective cross-examiner. He is also an incredible court room strategist that knows how to manage long and complex trials to maximum effect.’
Anthony Peto KC
Blackstone Chambers
'One of the most instinctive civil fraud silks around. Dogged in his attitude and superb judgement, both on his feet and while providing advice.'
Laurence Rabinowitz KC
One Essex Court
‘At the top of his game and, as such, commands the respect of judges. He has a very good court manner and can be aggressive where needed, but never unnecessarily so.’
Stephen Rubin KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Stephen is simply fantastic on fraud cases. He knows the case law inside out and can come up with original angles. A great member of the team, who rolls up his sleeves and wants to win.’
John Wardell KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘John is a superb strategist who gives clear and confident advice. He is a fantastic advocate who has a magical ability to read judges, which means his advice is always spot-on.’
Aidan Casey KC
South Square
‘Excellent and persuasive written work – a gifted advocate whose clear presentation resonates with courts and tribunals.‘
Philip Edey KC
Twenty Essex
‘Philip is an excellent senior silk, who is clever, decisive and has an excellent court manner. He is also a very good team leader.’
Jonathan Fisher KC
Red Lion Chambers
‘His reputation is second to none. As he practices in a number of jurisdictions, he has an exceptional profile in massive cross-border cases. He is very bright and a super-effective counsel.’
Hodge Malek KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Extraordinarily knowledgeable and highly experienced, fine-tuned by his sitting as deputy judge. Always calm and an advocate whom the court can trust.’
Stephen Moverley Smith KC
XXIV Old Buildings
‘Stephen is exceptional - he's the go-to person for BVI disputes, being one of the first lawyers to practice in the area. He is also a very good team player and strategist, and wins a lot of support from judges for his measured and persuasive style.’
David Mumford KC
Maitland Chambers
'Has seen it all and wrote the book. He is one of the go-to barristers for complex civil fraud work, particularly with an offshore element.'
Tim Penny KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Tim is an outstanding advocate. He is particularly adept at dealing with enormous volumes of documentary material, which can be a hallmark of complex fraud trials.’
Stuart Ritchie KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Stuart is a supreme strategic thinker and his advocacy is absolutely first rate. He has a fluent eloquence and speaks in a way that judges really appreciate.’
Simon Salzedo KC
Brick Court Chambers
'Simon is excellent with clients. He gains their trust and delivers his advice with a clarity and brevity that can disarm even the most frustrated client. Simon is also an extremely talented advocate.'
Charles Samek KC
Littleton Chambers
‘Charles is an experienced fraud practitioner, who is fearless in his representation of clients. He will push the boundaries and he is a strong advocate.’
Tom Smith KC
South Square
'A formidable advocate and master strategist with a towering intellect. He is a first choice for complex fraud work; and despite his status, he rolls his sleeves up and mucks in.'
Stephen Auld KC
One Essex Court
‘Stephen has an easy and inclusive manner that is rare in top leading counsel, and it is a pleasure to plan and execute case strategy with him. He also has the goods on his feet – calm, methodical, and able to deliver the killer point.’
Andrew Ayres KC
Twenty Essex
  ‘Andrew has an excellent knowledge of the fraud toolkit, and is a great strategic thinker, always looking for alternative strategies. His advocacy is very good – he is always well-prepared, and his calmness helps to put the end-client at ease.’
Graham Brodie KC
33 Chancery Lane
‘Graham is an extremely effective advocate. His willingness to go the extra mile for those instructing him, and his ability to deliver in the courtroom, put him one step ahead of his peers.’
Graham Chapman KC
4 New Square
‘Graham is scarily bright, excellent on his feet, and commercially savvy. He is one of the true superstars of the Bar.’
Steven Gee KC
Monckton Chambers
‘Steven knows civil fraud inside out and upside down, so look no further. A true star of the Bar, Steven is a delight to work with, highly user-friendly, and with a knack for cutting straight to the chase.’
George Hayman KC
Maitland Chambers
‘Supreme advocacy matched with exemplary client-handling skills. An extremely persuasive advocate, who knows precisely what to focus on in order to achieve a result. One of the very best.’
Justin Higgo KC
Serle Court
‘Ruthless, convincing and persuasive. His advocacy is really excellent - he has an uncanny ability to predict what is needed and often what will happen.’
Daniel Jowell KC
Brick Court Chambers
'Impressive powers of analysis. Clear and cogent on his feet, and a delight to deal with as an instructing solicitor - always available. Unlike some silks, he's happy to be part of a team and get stuck in.'
Daniel Lightman KC
Serle Court
‘Daniel is a master of litigation strategy. His attention to detail and strategic nous are excellent, he is tenacious as an advocate, and judges instantly respect him for his obvious legal and analytical strength in depth.’
Clare Montgomery KC
Matrix Chambers
‘Clare is simply outstanding. Her ability as a cross-examiner is nothing short of breathtaking, and she is phenomenally hardworking and a true team-player.’
Steven Thompson KC
XXIV Old Buildings
‘Steven is an exceptional advocate who argues the most difficult cases very persuasively, pitching his submissions at exactly the right level for the judge and delivering excellent results every time. He has proved himself in highly complex cases at both first instance and appellate level.’
David Alexander KC
South Square
 ‘No-one is better prepared for any hearing or conference.  He is simply brilliant and one of the best cross-examiners clients can have.’
Michael Bools KC
Brick Court Chambers
'A cracking opponent. He squeezes every drop of juice he can out of difficult cases, and does it with charm and a smile. A great barrister and a lovely man.'
Andrew Green KC
Blackstone Chambers
‘Andrew is a brilliant advocate, who is famous for his command of the court room and ability to persuade the tribunal of the justness of his case.’
Alec Haydon KC
Brick Court Chambers
'Alec has fantastic attention to detail and is highly focused, with great skill in absorbing complex information and identifying the key issues.'
Laura John KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘A go-to barrister for fraud and related issues, particularly in the art world. She is extremely bright, personable, and a wonderful advocate - confident and compelling.'
David Lewis KC
Gatehouse Chambers
'David has a rare combination of great intellectual and legal ability, and a real willingness to work with his instructing solicitors as seamlessly as possible. Even as a senior, David is prepared to roll up his sleeves and be part of a larger team.'
Bridget Lucas KC
Fountain Court Chambers
'Incredibly easy to work with and a great team player. She is at ease as an advocate, and adopts a conversational style that judges and clients alike find helpful.'
Harry Matovu KC
Brick Court Chambers
'Powerful advocate - able to cut through bad points and keep focused on the most important issues. Very easy to work with and great with clients.'
Philip Riches KC
Twenty Essex
'Philip is very pragmatic and solution focused. He is also very clear in his advice, and understands his audience well.'
Andrew Scott KC
Blackstone Chambers
'An extremely effective advocate, with a striking and unusual style on his feet. He has great judgement of key tactical and strategic issues.'
Sharif Shivji KC
4 Stone Buildings
‘Sharif is a tremendously-strong, all-round litigator, who is a clear and strategic thinker. Confident, clear and compelling.‘
George Spalton KC
4 New Square Chambers
‘George has an incredible calmness and delivers pragmatic commercial advice, cutting through the issues and grasping the core of the case. His advocacy is incredibly smooth and reassuring, and demands the attention of the court in a unique way.‘
Rosalind Phelps KC
Rosalind Phelps KC
Fountain Court Chambers
 ‘A fantastic advocate, as proved by her elegant submissions and probing cross-examinations. She has exceptional instincts and an uncanny ability to read the court and understand which issues a judge will be most interested in, both at trial and in the proceedings generally.’
Robert-Jan Temmink KC
Robert-Jan Temmink KC
Quadrant Chambers
‘Incredible work ethic, powerful submissions and killer cross-examinations – the ultimate advocate who also provides great strategic input.‘
2022 Silks
Tim Akkouh KC
Essex Court Chambers
‘Tim is incredibly pragmatic, hardworking, and commercial in his outlook. He manages to digest a huge amount of information and distil it down to the most important points.’
Alexander Milner KC
Alexander Milner KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘One of the brightest legal minds around - very experienced and convincing.’
2023 Silks
Alexander Cook KC
4 Stone Buildings
‘He is extremely hardworking, very intelligent, and measured in all the work and advice he produces. He has an encyclopaedic knowledge of case law, and his calm manner in court comes across as mature, reliable and persuasive.’
Richard Eschwege KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Hugely intelligent, with unparalleled drafting skills; Richard is able to assimilate vast quantities of complex material and produce outstanding skeleton arguments.’
2024 Silks
Josephine Davies KC
Twenty Essex
'Josephine's intellectual prowess is truly exceptional, and her unwavering commitment to meticulous attention to detail sets her apart. In the realms of crypto fraud tracing and asset recovery, her reputation is enviable.'
David Peters KC
Essex Court Chambers
‘An exceptional barrister whose advocacy skills are truly commendable. His ability to present complex legal arguments in a clear and persuasive manner is remarkable.’
Nicholas Sloboda KC
One Essex Court
 ‘An excellent senior junior, and no doubt future commercial silk. He is extremely analytical but combines that with a real command of the bigger, wider picture.’