Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Duncan Jones
25 Bedford Row
 ‘Duncan has a truly exceptional intellect which he combines with tactical pragmatism. His written work is impeccable and he is very calm and measured as an advocate. He is a silk in the making.' 
Rhys Meggy
Cloth Fair Chambers
 ‘Rhys has everything that you need from a fraud barrister. He is immensely intelligent. He is confident, having successfully defended highly complex matters. He is extremely supportive of his lay and professional clients and is also robust, clear and considered in court.’ 
Graham Arnold
Farringdon Chambers
'He is the consummate jury advocate. He is able to engage with the jury in a way which enhances his client's case and makes the whole package seem more attractive in court.'
Faras Baloch
Red Lion Chambers
‘Faras is very hardworking, very knowledgeable and very astute both tactically and strategically. As an advocate, he combines a courteous attractive manner with well-focused tenacity.' 
Peter Caldwell
Doughty Street Chambers
‘Peter is an exceptionally hardworking barrister and a splendid advocate. He is easy to work with, his written work is first-class, as is his advocacy. He is a dedicated, reliable, and imaginative counsel.’
Felicia Davy
Red Lion Chambers
‘Felicia can master voluminous cases and can identify the important issues with ease. She has a pleasant rapport with clients. Her advocacy is persuasive and demonstrates her competence with her legal knowledge and through understanding of her cases. ‘
Roderick James
Crucible Chambers
'Roddy is highly user friendly - both from the point of view of instructing solicitors and also for lay clients. He has the ability to fillet substantial amounts of evidence down to the essential components that will become the issues in the case and his advocacy style is measured, tactical, always respectful but suitably combative when needed.'
Samantha Riggs
25 Bedford Row
 ‘Samantha is great at finding an angle and is very good with clients. She is tenacious and has a cool, calm demeanour when on her feet.’ 
Neil Saunders
Three Raymond Buildings
 ‘Neil is a highly approachable, user-friendly counsel whose advocacy could charm the birds off the trees. He has the knack of winning the unwinnable.’ 
Alexandra Scott
Mountford Chambers
  ‘Alexandra is a very thoughtful, clear and concise advocate who is able to grasp complex material and provide excellent advice. On her feet she is persuasive and logical. She is personable and this comes across in her advocacy - she is clearly liked by juries.’ 
Vivienne Tanchel
2 Hare Court
‘Viv is brilliant with her lay clients; she is very down to earth, warm, re-assuring and she breaks down complicated legal issues in a clear and digestible manner. She presents legal arguments attractively and forcefully and is very adept at case strategy and finding ways round legal issues.' 
Angus Bunyan
2 Hare Court
‘Angus is an articulate and brilliant advocate who is as happy in the weeds of the facts as he is in making legal argument.’
Christopher Convey
33 Chancery Lane
‘Christopher is responsive, knowledgeable and intelligent. He is particularly good with clients and collaborating in a team. He is also a persuasive and charming advocate.’ 
Thomas Daniel
2 Bedford Row
‘Tom is an extremely attentive barrister both in court and out. His eye for detail is second-to-none and his ability to grasp the facts and evidence of each matter is unparalleled. Tom is an outstanding advocate and his ability to think on his feet sets him apart. He is able to convey points in a clear and concise manner without losing the core point of the submission.’
Sonal Dashani
25 Bedford Row
‘Sonal's dedication, preparation and attention to detail set her apart from many of her peers. She is very easy to work with and likes to be involved in cases from the outset to ensure that she is fully appraised of all the issues. Her advocacy is exemplary and she manages to achieve results where you would not expect them - she is extremely brave, articulate and tenacious in her advocacy.' 
Philippa Eastwood
Doughty Street Chambers
‘Phillipa is a very talented barrister who is exceptionally thorough in her case preparation. She is excellent with clients, tactically very astute, and is able to grasp the issues in a case very quickly. Her written work is also excellent. A first-rate advocate and a future silk.’
Jenny Goldring
5 Paper Buildings
'Jenny has a rare talent and is able to hold the engagement of her audience through clear, persuasive and passionate advocacy. As this talent is coupled with her mastery of her brief and attention to details she is a heavyweight and formidable barrister.'
Sean Hammond
2 Bedford Row
‘Sean’s attention to detail and ability to play the long game are impressive. His charming and relaxed manner belies a razor-sharp mind. He has very sound judgement, shrewd tactical sense, relates very well with clients, and is a confident and persuasive advocate.
Dominic Hockley
2 Harcourt Buildings
‘Dominic is bright, diligent, knowledgeable and has very good judgement. He has excellent interpersonal skills which allows him to gain the trust of instructing solicitors, clients, opponents and judges alike. He has extensive experience in dealing with heavy fraud cases and is able to deal with factually complex matters with ease.’ 
Stephen Hopper
5 Paper Buildings
‘Stephen is one of the most able at the Bar when it comes to difficult and highly technical expert evidence. He has a highly impressive ability to focus on and simplify complex scientific analysis and concepts, and can make the seemingly incomprehensible both intelligible and digestible. He comes across as so reasonable in his advocacy that it can be very difficult to disagree with him.’
Henry Hughes
187 Chambers
 ‘Henry has a sharp eye for detail, is strategic in his approach to cases and provides refreshing analysis. He is able to deal with complex, fact-heavy financial cases and provide clear advice.' 
Alex Jamieson
25 Bedford Row
‘Alex is extremely personable and down to earth and provides honest and practical advice. He cares deeply about his clients and in court he is eloquent and persuasive.' 
Paul Jarvis
6KBW College Hill
 ‘Paul is an exceptional lawyer with an outstanding command of the law. He possesses the remarkable ability to simplify complex legal concepts for his clients and he maintains a composed and unruffled demeanour within the courtroom, displaying a remarkable level of professionalism which resonates exceptionally well with judges and juries alike.’ 
Ashraf Khan
2 Bedford Row
'Ashraf has a great eye for detail as well as a tireless work ethic, a combination which makes him ideal for serious fraud work. He has excellent judgement and takes good points with ease whilst setting aside weak points that dilute the presentation of a defence case.' 
Eleanor Mawrey
Deka Chambers
‘Eleanor is a very impressive barrister. She is a polished advocate and is a calm and assured cross-examiner. She is particularly adept at dealing with complex fraud allegations.'
Gareth Munday
Deka Chambers
‘Gareth is highly accomplished at prosecuting the most complex and high-volume cases. He demonstrates a thorough understanding of the interplay between different defence cases and is a powerful cross-examiner.’
Vedrana Pehar
Matrix Chambers
‘Vedrana is a highly competent lawyer with a flair for dealing with difficult clients. She remains composed under pressure, has excellent judgement when assessing the merits of complex legal arguments, and has an ability to deal with very heavy workloads under serious time constraints. She is also very user-friendly for her instructing solicitors.’ 
Kevin Toomey
2 Bedford Row
'Kevin has exceptional technical experience and knowledge of the workings of the financial markets. He has a very good manner with clients and is able to distil key issues in complex matters so as to focus clients' attentions upon the salient points in a case. His insight and clarity is highly useful.' 
Ini Udom
5 St Andrews Hill
‘Ini is an excellent lawyer. She is meticulous in her preparation and is able to assimilate complex facts and detail with apparent ease. She also has a rare ability to get on with everyone, be it in court, or working within a team. She commands loyalty and respect, and gives the same in equal measure.' 
Benjamin Waidhofer
Foundry Chambers
‘Ben combines boundless energy, enthusiasm and commitment with a fierce intellect, considerable legal capabilities, good humour and fearless dogged determination to prevail.' 
Tom Wainwright
Garden Court Chambers
 ‘Tom is an intelligent and sharp barrister able to analyse a case and identify the issues to challenge tactically. He is very astute and comprehensive in his work.' 
Dominic D’Souza
Dominic D’Souza
Goldsmith Chambers
 ‘Dominic is a legend in legal circles with his forensic mind and quick wit. He is excellent with clients and can think on his feet in the most difficult and complex of cases.’
Frederick Hookway
Frederick Hookway
‘Freddie is an excellent advocate. His style is measured and illustrates his clear grasp of every detail of a case.'
Ben Summers
Ben Summers
Three Raymond Buildings
'Ben is a master tactician and a class act in complex cases. His attention to detail is impeccable, his written submissions are outstanding and he has a commanding presence before any tribunal.' 
Gerard Hillman
Gerard Hillman
Libertas Chambers
'Gerard is a brilliant and persuasive advocate. He makes professional and lay clients feel at ease immediately. He is a great team player who leads the defence team with style.'
Keith Mitchell
Keith Mitchell
Libertas Chambers
 ‘Keith is a very persuasive jury advocate and and has excellent pastoral skills with lay clients putting them at ease in the most stressful of cases.' 
Danielle Barden
5 St Andrews Hill
‘Danielle is extremely hard working, very clever and has great attention to detail in all aspects of her work. She has the ability to absorb vast quantities of evidence and to understand it and to explain it to lay clients in a way that makes it simple and makes sense.’
Giles Bedloe
Deka Chambers
‘Giles is friendly and approachable to solicitors and clients alike. This style carries across into his advocacy, which is sure and assertive yet jury-friendly and cogent. He masters voluminous amounts of papers with ease and forensic knowledge of the case as a whole. His grip of the law is also second-to-none.’
Richard Bentwood
‘Richard is astute, a real details brief, with very fine judgement. He is a trial strategist, and plans meticulously.’
Daniel Chadwick
2 Hare Court
 ‘Daniel is the complete package. He is charming with juries, very user-friendly and has a total command of every detail of a case. In particular, Daniel is able to articulate complex topics to juries in a simple yet highly engaging manner.’ 
Tom Godfrey
'Tom is an excellent barrister. He is hard-working, his judgement is excellent and his advocacy is pitched perfectly to persuade the audience that he has. He is confident, friendly and reassuring and inspires confidence with judges, juries, opponents, solicitors and lay clients.' 
Michael Gomulka
25 Bedford Row
  ‘Michael is a sound lawyer and an exceptional advocate when it comes to closing submissions. He thinks very carefully about how to navigate his way to his closing speech and then invariably produces something to which the jury pay detailed attention.’
Michael Hick
5 Paper Buildings
‘Michael is a very experienced leading junior who has excellent judgement. He is able to process and efficiently lead the prosecution in cases with a high volume of digital material. He deals with disclosure efficiently. He is a very effective advocate who knows how to keep complex cases simple.’
Nick James
33 Chancery Lane
 ‘Nick is an engaging advocate who retains a personal and affable manner even when forcefully making points to a judge or jury. He has a wonderfully light touch. He is thorough and hardworking and will not miss points, but makes sure that he is always focused on the ultimate issues.’ 
Senghin Kong
QEB Hollis Whiteman
 ‘Senghin has a brilliant mind and is able to digest large amounts of material, which he distils to its core and presents attractively.’
Lewis MacDonald
2 Hare Court
‘Lewis is excellent at considering the details of a voluminous case and being able to spot a complex legal argument which many others may not have seen. His preparation and understanding of a case is outstanding and he is a very intellectual barrister. This is coupled with good court presence and ability to communicate well with lay clients.' 
Osman Osman
25 Bedford Row
‘Osman is thorough in his preparation and persuasive in his oral submissions. He never gives up and generally achieves his objectives due to his persuasive qualities.'
Adam Payter
6KBW College Hill
‘Adam is an exceptionally astute fraud lawyer, displaying great confidence in the courtroom. Moreover, he exhibits outstanding interpersonal skills when dealing with clients. His profound understanding of the criminal procedure rules allows him to navigate them effortlessly.' 
Peter Ratliff
6KBW College Hill
‘Peter is a star prosecutor who is without doubt a silk in waiting. He is thorough yet charming in the process and his style of advocacy is precise, yet eloquent.' 
Ben Smitten
25 Bedford Row
‘Ben is a prodigious worker with a huge appetite for perfection and an equal eye for detail. He is technically excellent, methodical, organised and tactically astute. He has all the qualities of a top barrister. His advocacy is direct and persuasive. He possesses endless charm, wit and good humour. He is a genuine star in this field.’
Jack Talbot
Red Lion Chambers
 ‘Jack has a fluid, relaxed and open manner of delivery which judges trust and juries like. With specific respect to fraud, his knowledge of the law, practice and current procedure is unparalleled. He is dedicated to the facts of his clients’ cases and how any weaknesses in the opposing case can be exploited.’
Greg Unwin
187 Fleet Street Chambers
'Greg has a meticulous and tactical approach to every case. His eye for detail means he often picks up issues in evidence others miss. He also has a calm and professional approach to every case.' 
Colin Wells
25 Bedford Row
‘Colin is a superb fraud lawyer. He one of the best there is when dealing with clients. He is hardworking, thorough in his preparation and can convey complex issues to clients in a way that is easily understood.'  
Kathryn Arnot Drummond
Kathryn Arnot Drummond
‘Kathryn is an incredibly strong barrister, with excellent client management skills as well as attention to detail.’
Ben Holt
Ben Holt
 ‘Ben is an excellent advocate and all round lawyer. His preparation shines through in his advocacy. He is admired by many and will go far.’
James Martin
James Martin
‘James is a calm and careful counsel who works incredibly hard. He has a natural and affable style of advocacy which gets juries onside. He gains the confidence of judges through his sensible approach. He doesnt take a bad point and is extremely tactically aware. He is thorough in his analysis and detailed in his approach – able to deal with the most complex fraud matters and most challenging of clients.’
John Ojakovoh
John Ojakovoh
2 Harcourt Buildings
‘John is highly intelligent, has a good eye for detail and is very thoroughly prepared. He is liked by judges and extremely effective in cross-examination.’
Ben Isaacs
Ben Isaacs
'Ben has an excellent knowledge of the law regarding fraud and, having acted for both corporates and the Serious Fraud Office, he has a useful insight into strategic decisions. He also has an approachable manner for clients.' 
Polly Dyer
Polly Dyer
QEB Hollis Whiteman
 ‘Polly is a powerhouse in fraud matters with a great capacity to absorb complex evidence which she then presents in a relatable way to jurors.' 
Jessica Tate
Jessica Tate
Foundry Chambers
‘Jessica is highly competent and able. She lights up the court room and is very engaging; judges are mesmerised by her presence and energy. Clients are so invigorated by her style and kindness. She is highly professional and has the capacity to approach a case in a very analytical and meticulous fashion.
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Grace Forbes
2 Hare Court
‘Grace is the most talented and committed young junior around. She is unquestionably a rising star. She has acute tactical judgement and an intensive, forensic focus. Grace’s total mastery of voluminous and complex papers is amazing.’