Leading Silks
Narita Bahra KC
33 Chancery Lane
'Narita is a fearless advocate with real court presence. When she is on her feet she commands attention and respect and in conference she instils confidence in her clients.' 
Cameron Brown KC
Red Lion Chambers
‘Cameron is highly intelligent and masters the details of every case he is instructed in. His cross-examination is nothing short of excellent.' 
Michael Goodwin KC
Red Lion Chambers
‘Michael is a first-class practitioner. He has a tremendous ability to foster good relations with judges, juries, and other members of the Bar. He is extremely likeable, hardworking, courteous and honest. He has a phenomenal intellect and great powers of cross-examination.’ 
Nicola Howard KC
25 Bedford Row
 ‘Nicola is a first-rate silk. She is exceptionally bright and has an astonishing attention to detail. She is a superb jury advocate, great with lay clients, and her written work is excellent.’
John Kelsey-Fry KC
Cloth Fair Chambers
 ‘John is all-round first-rate. He is a fantastic advocate – compelling, cogent and loved by juries. He is incredibly clever, but also practical and user-friendly. Additionally, he is first-rate on advisory work.’ 
Jonathan Laidlaw KC
2 Hare Court
‘Jonny is a go-to KC and the fact he is not only brilliant but easy to work with makes him excellent for a range of clients. He is simply one of the greatest advocates around. There is a reason he is consistently involved in the biggest cases.' 
Sean Larkin KC
QEB Hollis Whiteman
‘Sean is a fantastic advocate with charisma, confidence and eloquence in equal measure. He works very hard behind the scenes to ensure that he is always completely in control of events in court, and in doing so inspires complete confidence in the team he leads and his client. No matter how difficult the case or the issue he rises to it.' 
Cairns Nelson KC
‘Cairns is an exceptional jury advocate, whose ability to cross-examine on complex financial issues is second-to-none. He applies a wealth of experience to engage the jury and his straightforward, stylish approach means that he is a compelling and impressive advocate.’
Simon Pentol KC
25 Bedford Row
 ‘Simon possesses exceptional judgement. His understanding of not only the case itself, but the environment and arena in which he operates in, is second to none.' 
David Whittaker KC
2 Hare Court
 ‘David is a superb jury advocate who is highly respected by his opponents. He is charming and persuasive in court and has a caring and compassionate manner with clients.' 
Ian Winter KC
Cloth Fair Chambers
‘Ian is, quite rightly, regarded as the best white-collar crime KC out there. He is a fearless, compelling and persuasive advocate as well as a great strategist.’ 
Richard Wormald KC
Three Raymond Buildings
 ‘Richard’s advocacy is his greatest strength. He is brilliant and juries love him, as do clients. He simply commands confidence and is incredibly persuasive.’ 
Jane Bewsey KC
Red Lion Chambers
‘She is brilliant in simplifying the most complex of fraud cases for juries and her cross-examination skills are second-to-none in this area.’ 
Neil Hawes KC
Crucible Chambers
'Neil is an absolute powerhouse in the financial crime world. He is exceptionally hard working, and knows his cases inside and out. Juries like him as much as his clients do.'
Gillian Jones KC
Red Lion Chambers
‘Gillian is a powerhouse when it comes to strategy and a flawless advocate. She provides an invaluable and clear headed insight into how the SFO might put together a case. One of the very ablest silks in this field.' 
Brian O’Neill KC
2 Hare Court
‘Brian is a true heavyweight. He is a clear, strategic thinker, which is essential in large-scale fraud cases, as well as a robust and persuasive advocate.' 
Tim Owen KC
Matrix Chambers
‘Tim is an excellent barrister. He is strategic, knowledgeable and a team player. He has a great legal mind and is a fearless advocate.' 
Pavlos Panayi KC
 ‘Pavlos is an excellent jury advocate. He is down-to-earth and juries and clients find it easy to warm to him. Pavlos is particularly good with tactical decisions and in sticky situations.’ 
Alison Pople KC
Cloth Fair Chambers
‘Alison is phenomenally bright and able to absorb huge quantities of complex financial information and translate it in a way which is easily understandable. She has a reassuring manner with clients and her judgment and tactics are impressive.’ 
Clare Sibson KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Clare is an absolute standout advocate in the world of white-collar crime. She is technically brilliant and is able to provide technically difficult advice extremely quickly. She provides great depth of knowledge and expertise.’ 
Collingwood Thompson KC
'Collingwood is very personable and has the ability to make demanding clients feel seen and heard.  They know they are in the safe hands of an esteemed lawyer with impeccable legal expertise. He is able to unravel the most complex evidence and provide advice that is highly detailed, easy to understand and to the point.' 
David Walbank KC
Red Lion Chambers
‘David is fearless and dedicated. He is a very bold advocate with huge determination to succeed at whatever cost. His written submissions are very comprehensive.’ 
Edmund Burge KC
Edmund Burge KC
5 St Andrews Hill
 ‘Edmund is a phenomenal advocate – he’s eloquent, has a great deal of gravity in court, is very intelligent, utterly charming and juries love him. In addition to being suave, sophisticated and charming, he has an enviable work ethic and knows every corner of his case.' 
Julian Christopher KC
Julian Christopher KC
5 Paper Buildings
'Julian is an elegant and charming advocate. He is incredibly bright and his advocacy is clear and compelling.' 
David Durose KC
David Durose KC
5 Paper Buildings
‘David is the consummate fraud prosecutor. He is prepared, diligent, bright and entertaining – he brings difficult cases to life ensuring that juries understand and believe him.’     
Mark Heywood KC
Mark Heywood KC
 ‘Mark is undeniably one of the top advocates at the criminal Bar for fraud. His knowledge and experience is unparalleled and juries love his easy and charming delivery. He has an encyclopedic knowledge of statute and practice which he deploys with great care and tactical awareness.’ 
Natasha Wong KC
Natasha Wong KC
 ‘Natasha is an exceptional leader in the most complex cases. She makes clients trust her and feel totally at ease. Her closing speeches are meticulous and from the heart and tactically Natasha is extremely astute. She can spot the pitfalls of a case a mile off and will make certain her client is equipped to deal with them.'
Colin Aylott KC
Mountford Chambers
‘Colin is a pragmatic and impressive barrister. He is a great advocate with excellent drafting skills who charms juries. He is exceptionally clever, incredibly hardworking, and is a delight with clients.'
Graham Brodie KC
33 Chancery Lane
‘Graham has an incredible legal and strategic intellect. He is also commercial and team-oriented. In short, he is superb.’ 
Richard Christie KC
187 Chambers
'Richard brings a wealth of experience to his cases. He gets to grips quickly with the issues in a case – however complex and serious. His attention to detail, diligent preparation and incisive cross-examination are his core strengths.'
Sarah Clarke KC
Serjeants’ Inn Chambers
 ‘Sarah is a first-class intellect with tireless attention to detail. She is a compelling, persuasive advocate with great charisma and is able to explain complex matters in easily understandable language.’ 
Giles Cockings KC
Furnival Chambers
‘Giles is an exceptional silk. He is an outstanding and charismatic advocate who is polished, sophisticated and charming. He is very skilled, highly intelligent, extremely articulate and is one of the best speech makers in the business. He is a master tactician with a finely tuned strategic brain and has a great insight as to how juries respond and they love him for it.' 
Mark Cotter KC
5 St Andrews Hill
 ‘Mark is an excellent tactician. He commands complete confidence from the get-go with a clear strategy and is an utterly compelling and fearless advocate. An absolute powerhouse in court.’
Adam Davis KC
‘Adam is extremely able, diligent, hardworking and is very personable with clients.' 
Jonathan Fisher KC
Red Lion Chambers
 ‘Jonathan is very astute, quickly understands the important issues and is able to very easily pinpoint the relevant law and explain it in a simple way. He always finds a solution. Aside from his fantastic knowledge of the law and his skill in applying that knowledge, he always makes himself available and his turnaround of work is exceptional.' 
Leon Kazakos KC
2 Hare Court
‘Leon is the advocate's advocate. He is compelling, lucid and erudite. Not a word is wasted in his written submissions or skeleton arguments and no bad point is ever taken.'
Abbas Lakha KC
9BR Chambers
‘Abbas is one of the best advocates at the Bar - his ability to make cogent representations, pinpointing the issues at hand distinguishes him from his peers.’ 
Stan Reiz KC
2 Bedford Row
'Stan is one of the best junior silks around. His strategic thinking is second to very few, and he continuously gets amazing results. He is a calm, methodical advocate, and every word lands with a punch.' 
Nathaniel Rudolf KC
25 Bedford Row
‘Nathaniel is one of the brightest silks practising in criminal fraud. He takes a very analytical approach to evidence, has sound judgement in court, and his advocacy is fluent, careful and persuasive. He has an attractive manner in dealing with witnesses, stands up to judges when he needs to and has good rapport with co-defending and prosecution counsel.’
James Waddington KC
Foundry Chambers
‘James is a wonderful advocate who presents his arguments attractively and can advance complicated matters in an understandable form. He has a first-rate feel for the mood of the court.’ 
Adrian Waterman KC
Matrix Chambers
‘Adrian has an exceptionally engaging style of advocacy – calm and measured – so that the audience is carried along on his argument. He is incredibly diligent.'
Alistair Webster KC
33 Chancery Lane
‘Alistair picks things up exceptionally quickly, both mentally and in terms of response times. He is a fantastic advocate on his feet, well-prepared, eloquent and has a lovely manner with both clients and judges.’ 
Andrew Wheeler KC
‘Andrew has a very understated style which earns him the respect and the ear of opponents, juries and judges. They trust what he says. He is calm under pressure and tends to spot crises or issues approaching long before they become a problem.’
Simon Baker KC
Simon Baker KC
2 Bedford Row
‘Simon is a brilliant lawyer who produces incredibly high-quality and practical advice at phenomenal speed. His written and oral advocacy is excellent – always clear, concise and effective.  He is a superstar and a real team player.’ 
Charles Bott KC
Charles Bott KC
Mountford Chambers
‘Charles is a magnificent barrister with the highest intellect imaginable. He is a kind and compassionate individual who is loved by his clients. His advocacy is remarkable and he is instructed nationally and internationally. There is no one better than Charles.’ 
Miranda Moore KC
Miranda Moore KC
5 Paper Buildings
'Miranda's ability to manage and present huge amounts of complex information is formidable, and her grasp of the minutiae, and ability to deploy it, is impressive. She is also very good at leading a team: she sets objectives, gives clear instructions, and offers support and guidance where needed.'
Adam Kane KC
Adam Kane KC
Libertas Chambers
 ‘Adam is a powerful and persuasive advocate. He has an intimidating court presence and is a ruthless cross-examiner. His manner with juries is different. He has a charming and attractive style which makes him an effective jury advocate.
Tom Price KC
Tom Price KC
Millennium Chambers
Tom Forster KC
Red Lion Chambers
'Tom is an advocate of exceptional skill. He is able to cut through very complex and messy areas of dispute to strategically focus the court on key points. His client care skills are also exceptional.'
Alexandra Healy KC
Foundry Chambers
‘Alexandra has immense authority in court with the judge, combined with an easy charming manner which juries like. She is a first-class advocate with an amazing recall for detail.’ 
Brendan Kelly KC
2 Hare Court
  'Brendan is a charming, urbane and likeable advocate. He is able to combine efficacy with a degree of harmony in a way many others cannot. Judges and juries like him as a result and opponents are respectful and amenable to his charms.'
Tom Little KC
Deka Chambers
'Robust, clever and considered, Tom is one of the outstanding barristers of his generation - the real cream of the crop. He is both a force of nature, and thoroughly approachable. Fair but firm, he has it all. He is excellent.'
Jane Osborne KC
2 Harcourt Buildings
 ‘Jane assimilates case papers rapidly and has a clear grasp of the details. She gives important strategic advice from the outset of her instructions and is very pragmatic and forthright with clients when necessary.’
Andrew Radcliffe KC
2 Hare Court
'Andrew's attention to detail is particularly important in fraud cases, where he thoroughly masters all the evidence, cross-referencing vast quantities of material. He is a strong advocate, who commands attention and remains calm and assured in his tone to the jury.' 
Paul Raudnitz KC
QEB Hollis Whiteman
'Paul has a good insight into the prosecutor's mind which he deploys effectively when defending. He has a good command of his cases and a lovely manner with clients.' 
Nigel Sangster KC
25 Bedford Row
 ‘Nigel is an excellent lawyer who works superbly with professional and lay clients alike, and is well respected by opponents and other court users. He is meticulously prepared, thorough, and is outstanding in his client care. He is a top-class advocate and a go-to defence silk.'
Charles Sherrard KC
Furnival Chambers
 ‘Charlie is a sought-after advocate who has a jury-friendly manner. He is able to bring to life the sometimes drier aspects of a fraud trial.’ 
Allison Clare KC
Allison Clare KC
Red Lion Chambers
‘Allison is reliable, well-organised and always on top of the detail of a case. She has well-developed client handling skills and an easy manner with her team. She is a true expert in financial crime cases, understated and effective.’
2022 Silks
Rachel Barnes KC
Three Raymond Buildings
 ‘Rachel is fiercely intelligent and has a forensic eye for detail. Her advocacy is always impressive and she inspires confidence in clients and solicitors alike.’
Claire Davies KC
Claire Davies KC
Farringdon Chambers
'Claire is a focused and determined advocate who is perfect for cases of complexity and detail.'
2023 Silks
Benjamin Newton KC
Doughty Street Chambers
‘Benjamin is great with clients and a pleasure to work with. He is very calm and reassuring. He gives clear, accessible and smart advice. He is one of the best new silks around.’ 
2024 Silks
Dermot Keating KC
25 Bedford Row
'Dermot is a great tactician and has a very nice manner with witnesses who he charms into agreeing with his points. His clients clearly trust his judgement.' 
Tom Payne KC
Red Lion Chambers
‘Tom is a hard working, fair and effective prosecutor. He fights his corner well. He is smart, thorough and realistic. He is a decent, humane person to work with too.’ 
James Thacker KC
Deka Chambers
‘James is a fearless advocate with a detailed knowledge of the law, which he deploys to maximum effect. He reduces with ease complex technical details to jury friendly language.'
Jonathan Polnay KC
Jonathan Polnay KC