Leading Silks
Alexander Antelme KC
Crown Office Chambers
‘He is incisive, a font of wisdom and a great strategist. He is absolutely the counsel you want on any case, the tougher the case - the greater the need for his involvement.'
Oliver Campbell KC
Henderson Chambers
‘Oliver is an unflappable advocate who is extremely astute. He provides pragmatic advice and is adept at advising on complex group litigation matters. He is incredibly approachable and very easy to work with.'
Charles Gibson KC
Henderson Chambers
'Charles is undoubtedly the leading silk in these areas. He has total command of the law and is tactically very savvy. The fact that he has been in the trenches so often inspires huge trust and confidence with clients, who hang on his every word.'
Leigh-Ann Mulcahy KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Leigh-Ann is outstanding across the board. She works phenomenally hard in all her cases and always has a mastery of the detail without losing perspective on the bigger picture.'
Peter De Verneuil Smith KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘One of the top gurus in the area, with a real understanding of how claimant institutional investors think - and how defendants think. Suave, cool, calm and collected in court.
Charles Dougherty KC
2 Temple Gardens
‘Charles is a tenacious advocate with an unparalleled grasp of the law. His ability to cut through the issues and focus on the key points commends him to judges and clients alike.'
Shaheed Fatima KC
Blackstone Chambers
‘Shaheed is exceptional. She is a thorough and technical lawyer who has a laser-like focus on the points. Whilst she is willing to get into the weeds, she is also a great strategist and leads the team with skill and determination.’
Marcus Pilgerstorfer KC
‘Extremely bright; not forceful but when he speaks you must listen and follow his advice. A smooth advocate who makes it look easy.’
Brian Kennelly KC
Brian Kennelly KC
Blackstone Chambers
‘Brian is an incredibly calm and clear advocate. He takes the tribunal or court with him effortlessly and is always well prepared.’
Daniel Beard KC
Monckton Chambers
‘Daniel is an incredible brain and the best strategist we work with.  He sees angles and arguments that others don’t, and uses them to frame the case to his clients’ advantage.’
Adam Heppinstall KC
Henderson Chambers
‘Adam is a skilled leader with extensive court experience in group litigation. He is a clear communicator, lovely to work with, and a reassuring presence when strategic difficulties arise.’ 
Adam Kramer KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Highly intelligent and grasps complex financial arrangements very quickly. Very good at distilling and articulating complex information in a way a lay person would understand.’
Andrew Onslow KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Andrew is the consummate silk – exceptionally bright, sharp-witted, at once simultaneously across the detail and big picture strategy, and a delight to work with.’   
Anya Proops KC
‘A phenomenal advocate and a brilliant legal brain. She is devastating in cross-examination and very persuasive on legal points. She is also a first rate team leader who thinks ahead and guides a case through all obstacles. A real star.'
2022 Silks
2023 Silks
2024 Silks