Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
George McDonald
4 New Square
‘George is very knowledgeable and astute, able to give advice on even the most technical points in a clear, concise and practically useful way.'
Edward Craven
Edward Craven
Matrix Chambers
  ‘Eddie is a star at the Bar. A hugely talented lawyer with an endless capacity for hard work. He distills complex legal arguments into first class skeleton arguments and has a keen sense for strategy in complex group litigation.’
Isabel Barter
4 New Square Chambers
‘Isabel is sharp minded and tackles all work with precision. She has an impressive knowledge of the relevant case law and uses this to provide practical solutions to legal problems.’
Harry Lambert
Crown Office Chambers
‘Harry is a very intelligent and engaging barrister, able to familiarise himself with complex issues of fact and law at speed and produce a very high standard of written advocacy and pleadings. Harry also has good client care skills.’
Lucy McCormick
Henderson Chambers
'Lucy is very diligent with both a strong eye for detail and good strategic sense. She thinks outside the box, identifying potential issues well in advance.'
Ognjen Miletic
Henderson Chambers
'Highly experienced in group action procedure. His advice and guidance is well judged. His technical work on pleadings and drafting is first rate.'
Rachel Tandy
Henderson Chambers
'Rachel has developed an excellent reputation and practice in this area.  She is an excellent and persausive advocate, who wins over judges.  She is also very bright and good at working in a team.'
Niamh Cleary
Fountain Court Chambers
'Niamh is an outstanding litigation junior - she works hard, wastes no time in getting to the crux of the issues, and is always a great pleasure to work with.'
Anna Hughes
2 Temple Gardens
: 'Brilliant. One of the best barristers out there for complex medical devices and pharmaceutical group claim. A great advocate.'
Adam Korn
‘A highly experienced senior junior who understands the particular demands of group litigation.’
James MacDonald
‘Very personable, sympathetic and knowledgeable. Always willing to help, reliable with a fantastic client rapport.’
Meghann McTague
2 Temple Gardens
'She is a phenomenal communicator with the ability to condense large quantities of complex material into a clear, digestible and persuasive narrative. I can't recommend her highly enough.'
Rupert Paines
 ‘Exceptional legal knowledge and insight that translates into first rate strategic advice. Highly personal and measured with real enthusiasm for his work and his areas of expertise.’
Gayatri Sarathy
Blackstone Chambers
‘Gayatri is extremely clever, hard working and a pleasure to work with. She gets to grips with vast amounts of evidence very quickly and her input is always creative, knowledgeable and well thought out.’
Ben Silverstone
Matrix Chambers
‘He has a very strong attention to detail. You can be sure that he will have considered a problem from every possible angle and come to a very carefully thought out solution.'
Kate Boakes
Kate Boakes
Matrix Chambers
 'A very responsive junior, with tactical instincts and inputs way beyond her years of call. A future star.'
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.