International arbitration: arbitrators

Leading arbitrators
Sir Bernard Eder
Newmans Row
  ‘Clarity of legal thought and good judicial temperament. He is one of the finest legal minds out there.’
Nicholas Fletcher KC
4 New Square Chambers
'Really excellent and very experienced arbitrator. Efficient, thorough, and responsive with a comprehensive grasp of the commercial, factual and legal issues in a case. He commands the respect of the parties with his very approachable manner. A delight to work with as a co-arbitrator.'
Robert Gaitskell KC
Keating Chambers
'Robert is one of the elite construction arbitrators, and highly in demand. Vast experience and is hard working. Dual qualification as a lawyer and engineer stands him in good stead.'
Ian Glick KC
One Essex Court
'Ian combines long experience of practice at the top of the commercial bar with fierce intelligence and an ability to pare down a problem to its essentials.'
Doug Jones
Atkin Chambers
'Doug is one of the finest arbitrators practising today. He is also extremely busy and very much in demand. His capacity for hard work is absolutely phenomenal. He is one of the pre-eminent construction arbitrators practising today.'
4 Pump Court
'Christopher is one of the best arbitrators in the business. He is diligent and thorough and always knows the technical and legal details of the case inside and out. His awards are beautifully written - it is almost a tragedy that arbitral awards are confidential as his awards should be published so others can see how it is done.'
David Owen KC
Twenty Essex
‘David’s many striking qualities make him everyone’s first choice as an arbitrator or co-arbitrator. He is unfailing courteous towards the lawyers and the parties, as well as of course towards his co-arbitrators. He is extremely conscientious both in his preparation for a hearing as well as in drafting an award afterwards. It is not an exaggeration to describe him as ace in his chosen specialty.’
Sir Bernard Rix
Twenty Essex
‘Bernard is a highly experienced and skilled lawyer, judge and arbitrator. He has a penetrating intellect, while at the same time always being prepared to listen with great courtesy. He is undoubtedly a doyen among commercial arbitrators, with a world-wide practice, and as a result naturally very much in demand.’
Lord Collins
Arbitrators at 24 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
‘As an arbitrator, Lawrence is well-prepared, attentive to the matter and adept at keeping the arbitration on track, even in politically charged circumstances.’
Sir Peter Gross KC
Twenty Essex
‘Sir Peter is an extremely competent lawyer, incisive and knowledgeable. As an arbitrator, he is fair to all parties and exercises control over proceedings with quiet confidence and charm. He is decisive and quick to arrive at decisions. Sir Peter is an excellent addition to the community of arbitrators.’
J William Rowley KC
Twenty Essex
Atkin Chambers
'Sir Robert's knowledge of construction law and practice is second to none. He is very hard-working, always fully on top of the detail and fearsomely well-prepared. He has a sure touch when analysing the evidence and a wealth of experience in assessing witness and expert evidence. He is always ready with a key question or observation. Nothing passes him by.'
Clare Ambrose
Twenty Essex
‘Clare is one of the pre-eminent full-time arbitrators in the shipping and international field. She is extremely knowledgeable about procedures. She is courteous and sensible whilst maintaining a firm control on proceedings and is rightly popular with parties. She responds very promptly to all enquiries, messages and applications during the course of an arbitration.’
James Drake KC
7 King’s Bench Walk
'James is great: thorough, considered, and effective both in terms of case management and decision making. He is very experienced in sports law matters as well as in commercial cases and brings to bear a lightness of touch which inspires confidence.'
One Essex Court
'One of the most efficient and thorough arbitrators around. His vast experience in the field shows in his knowledge of the process and his ability to run a difficult and complex arbitration.'
Sarah Grimmer
Twenty Essex
‘Sarah is super smart, conscientious, considered, and hard working. She takes nothing for granted and will work tirelessly to get to the right answer. No airs or graces, a fierce intellect and highly charming. It is a powerful combination.’
Marcus Taverner KC
Keating Chambers
'Marcus is very intelligent, adaptable, cooperative, hardworking, good natured and innovative. He is a first-class person with whom to work on a tribunal.'
Hon James Allsop AC
Atkin Chambers
‘A brilliant mind and a superb administrator.’
John Bishop
Arbitration Chambers
‘Bright, very knowledgeable and hardworking with a good overall grip – first class.’
Lord Dyson
39 Essex Chambers
‘John is one of the most intelligent, dedicated, experienced and fair arbitrators in sport today.’
Frances Kirkham CBE
Atkin Chambers
‘Frances has a very good brain; her legal analysis is first-class. She is hard working and easy to work with.’
Mark Lloyd-Williams
Arbitration Chambers
‘A good lawyer with extensive experience of construction disputes. He works extremely hard and is a very good chairman of a tribunal.’
Nigel Rawding
Twenty Essex
‘Nigel is a courteous, efficient and hard-working tribunal.’
Leading counsel as arbitrators
Michael Black KC
XXIV Old Buildings
'He is a highly experienced arbitrator with good judgement and is a very effective manager of hearings. He is also quick and responsive in his contribution to awards.'
Zachary Douglas KC
3 Verulam Buildings
'He is among the topflight of international law scholars and practitioners. It is always a pleasure to work with him. He is collegiate and candid.'
Ali Malek KC
3 Verulam Buildings
'Wonderfully collegiate, stands in class on his own as a colleague who is wonderful to work with and has a brilliant mind.'
Duncan Matthews KC
Twenty Essex
‘Duncan is truly a pleasure to work with. He is incredibly bright, practical, able to quickly synthesize difficult issues and get to the point, is a skillful questioner, and very thoughtful. He is well-prepared and solution oriented.’
Toby Landau KC
Chambers of Toby Landau KC
'Toby is one of the very best arbitrators practicing today. He is diligent and thorough, brilliant yet modest, and an absolute pleasure to work with.'
Stuart Catchpole KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Stuart is an excellent chair. He is industrious and very user friendly both with his co-arbitrators and with the parties. The parties will always have a fair hearing. His contribution to the awards is always excellent. He is a very well respected and intelligent construction lawyer.’
Cyril Chern
4 New Square Chambers
‘He is a true star arbitrator in all aspects of international arbitration and this stems from his years of advocacy in arbitrations and the sheer number of major arbitrations he has been the chair of – especially very high value complicated international arbitrations with diverse parties and countries on massive cross-border matters. His ability to speak multiple languages is always as asset as well as his gravitas and reputation in this field. He knows the law, both civil and common, in this there is none better than him.’
Graham Dunning KC
Arbitrators at 24 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
'Graham is an exceptional arbitrator. He is always incredibly well-prepared and guides the proceedings with efficiency and consideration. As counsel he is extremely persuasive and possesses excellent oral advocacy skills. His advice is rock solid, and he always has his eye on the commercial interests of his client and what is and is not achievable.'
Christopher Harris KC
3 Verulam Buildings
'Christopher has emerged as one of the leading arbitration practitioners and litigators over the last 10 years or so, with a particular focus on international law.'
Sara Masters KC
Twenty Essex
‘Sara is very bright and knowledgeable. She is efficient at managing proceedings when she is chair or sole arbitrator and does so with good humour. She reacts promptly to resolve applications and produce arbitration awards.’
Jeremy Nicholson KC
4 Pump Court
‘Jeremy has a deep understanding of construction disputes and is an excellent arbitrator. He is very knowledgeable and has a thorough grasp of the technical issues. He does not hesitate to express his views but does so in a very polite and effective manner.’
Alexander Nissen KC
Keating Chambers
'Alex is a fantastic tribunal. It is patently clear that he puts in the work in advance preparing for hearings, and his interventions are razor sharp and fair-minded, whilst remaining scrupulously courteous.'
Alistair Schaff KC
7 King’s Bench Walk
‘Alistair is a safe pair of hands because whether he is appointed as an arbitrator or co-arbitrator, everyone involved can be certain that the arbitration and the award will be impeccable. His preparation for a hearing will be diligent and thorough. At the hearing the evidence and arguments will be tested, when necessary, but always with courtesy and restrained.’
Vasanti Selvaratnam
The 36 Group
‘Strong specialist knowledge of maritime law and practice. Good advocacy skills and determination. Good to work with as a co-arbitrator.’