IT and telecoms (infrastructure and contracts)

Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Rory Cochrane
‘Rory is a fantastic barrister. He has excellent judgement and good creative ideas, is very on top of the detail, very smart and extremely hard-working. He has a fantastic team ethos and is a pleasure to work with.’
Thomas Ogden
4 New Square
 'Very clear thought; hard working and extremely pleasant. Tremendous barrister; good advocate and gets his point across with ease; highly recommended.'
Jaani Riordan
8 New Square
 'Very thorough and extremely thoughtful; extremely good advocacy. He goes further than the intructions and really looks even into the technical aspects of the dispute.'
Jacob Turner
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Jacob is undoubtedly one of the leading legal minds in the area of AI. His stunningly lucid advice is second-to-none, he is personable, client-focussed and obsessed with contextualising advice into business-friendly contexts. He is politically sensitive and always strikes the right tone in guiding clients through difficult issues.'
Nik Yeo
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Nik is able to get up to speed on most important aspects of a technical complex case exceptionally fast. He is super responsive and proactive, both in relation to reviewing certain procedural correspondence, reviewing and commenting on the draft submissions and expert report, as well as advising on the overall case strategy.’
Shaen Catherwood
‘Shaen is very impressive, insightful, commercial, user-friendly and creative. His advocacy skills are second-to-none and show incredible common sense. His drafting of his advice and pleadings is detailed and analytical – he clearly has a great grasp on the matter at hand.’ 
Jonathan Hill
8 New Square
‘Technically excellent, personable and gives great strategic advice: clients love him.’    
Iain Munro
4 Pump Court
'Iain is a highly analytical and intelligent junior - his grasp of detail and superhuman levels of recall is very impressive, he is an ideal junior for document-heavy cases and will leave no stone unturned. As an advocate he is measured but quietly effective.'
Gideon Shirazi
4 Pump Court
'He's really strong on technology and IT disputes. He has a very perceptive mind, and he will look at disputes from every angle, identifying innovative arguments and differing ways of solving problems.'
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Rebecca Keating 
4 Pump Court
‘Rebecca is excellent: efficient, detailed and commercial. A brainbox when it comes to any and all IT and cyber disputes – she operates beyond her years.’