IT and telecoms (infrastructure and contracts)

Leading Silks
Alex Charlton KC
4 Pump Court
‘Alex is a very confident and highly effective advocate with excellent cross-examination skills. His written work is equally impressive. He is personable and easy to work with, and also very good with clients.’ 
Philip Roberts KC
One Essex Court
‘Phil is an outstanding advocate. Excellent with clients and superb in court. He has an amazing brain and is a top choice for complex disputes.’ 
Michael Douglas KC
4 Pump Court
‘Michael has an excellent brain and from the detail can articulate clear and convincing arguments not just in paperwork and in conference but thinking on his feet in court. He is an excellent advocate.
James Howells KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Very bright, strategically astute and provides clear advice. A brilliant tech sector barrister who is user-friendly and top of his game.’ 
Graham Read KC
‘Graham is a go-to counsel for all things telecoms. He is very approachable, engaging, will work with the client, incisive and excellent in analysing the arguments.’
Nigel Tozzi KC
4 Pump Court
‘He manages to combine huge strategic nous with an incredible eye for detail. He effortlessly commands the respect of the court or arbitral tribunal, and is a highly effective cross-examiner.’ 
Thomas Hinchliffe KC
Three New Square
 'Tom is excellent to work with, very much a team player and someone who is keen to understand the details, to ensure they present the best case possible.'
Mark Chacksfield KC
8 New Square
 'Mark's advocacy is very polished and he is stepping up from the junior silk into a more senior role nicely. He has a very calm yet powerful style of advocacy and reads the bench well.'
Lynne McCafferty KC
4 Pump Court
‘Effective on her feet in a very measured and understated way – a nice change of pace from a lot of other senior counsel. Clear in her advice.’
Robert O’Donoghue KC
Brick Court Chambers
 ‘Excellent all round – sharp intellect, incredibly responsive and always superbly prepared. A very persuasive advocate who is able to think clearly and quickly on his feet. His ability to explain what can be very complex concepts and arguments in a clear, digestible and affable manner is something often appreciated by clients and judges alike, and invariably works to his clients’ advantage.’
Jonathan Seitler KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Jonathan is a brilliant advocate with a real creative flair. He finds a way out of even the trickiest of corners and frequently breaks new ground with his arguments. He does it all with his own unique brand of humour which puts clients and judges at ease. He is a joy to work with.’ 
Peter Susman KC
Henderson Chambers
‘Peter must be one of the most experienced IT silks in England, his expertise in drafting, advocacy and advising clients in conference is second-to-none. When assessing a case, he is able to get to the heart of a matter quickly and is able to put clients at their ease, and is always supportive.’
2023 Silks
Matthew Lavy KC
4 Pump Court
'Matthew is an extremely talented barrister, with a superb legal mind and an exceptional knowledge of all things technology related. He takes a commercially sharp approach to matters and is proving to be a formidable advocate on his feet.'
Matthew Lavy KC
4 Pump Court
‘Matthew is an extremely talented barrister, with a superb legal mind and an exceptional knowledge of all things technology related. He takes a commercially sharp approach to matters and is proving to be a formidable advocate on his feet, he is an absolute joy to work with.’