Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Michael Hicks
Hogarth Chambers
 ‘Michael is a great team player and it is always a pleasure to work with him. His advice and drafting are extremely clear.’
Daniel Burgess
Blackstone Chambers
 ‘Daniel works with great speed and under pressure to produce first-class skeleton arguments. He is an exceptional team player, engaging with a large team in a highly cooperative manner.’
Jonathan Moss
Hogarth Chambers
 ‘Jonny quickly gets to the nub of the issues, providing excellent strategic and commercial advice. Jonny’s pleadings are first rate.’
Tom Alkin
11 South Square
 ‘A pleasure work with and a great team player. Consummate advocate. Clear, calm, incisive, and immensely persuasive.’
Jessie Bowhill
8 New Square
 'Jessie is an exceedingly bright, detail-focused barrister. Her particular strength lies in her knowledge of musical theory which positions her perfectly to engage with expert musicological evidence and apply it to the law.'
Jamie Muir Wood
Hogarth Chambers
 ‘Good on the detail, very personable and hard working. Jamie delivers arguments in a persuasive manner and always provides common sense advice on matters.’
Jason Pobjoy
Blackstone Chambers
 ‘Rare combination of being very responsive and user friendly whilst totally authoritative in the area. He is trusted by the top Leading Counsel, solicitors and clients.’
Guy Tritton
Hogarth Chambers
‘Guy is extremely thorough and pays great attention to detail whilst recognising the bigger commercial picture and understanding the client’s objectives.’